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'If He Loses I'm F**ked': Musk And Tucker Carlson Sit Down For Must-Watch Interview

October 7th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/if-he-loses-im-fked-musk-and-tucker-carlson-sit-down-must-watch-interview

Tucker Carlson sat down with Elon Musk for an extensive interview this week, where they covered a broad spectrum of topics that ranged from political endorsements and disaster relief efforts to social issues and technological advancements. Musk offered his perspective on current events - including his enthusiastic support for Donald Trump, his concerns about democracy, and his criticisms of government decisions affecting his businesses like Starlink. Musk also shared his views on broader societal trends, such as the declining birthrate in Europe and the influence of religion in modern society. Musk also shared his thoughts on the impact of technology in everyday life, including artificial intelligence and the intersection of big tech and global politics.

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