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Study of 1.7 Million Children: Heart Damage Only Found in Covid-Vaxxed Kids

October 8th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://slaynews.com/news/study-million-children-heart-damage-found-covid-vaxxed-kids/

A major study involving 1.7 million children has found that heart damage only appeared in children who had received Covid mRNA vaccines. Not a single unvaccinated child in the group suffered from heart-related problems. In addition, the researchers note zero children from the entire group, vaccinated or unvaccinated, died from COVID-19. Furthermore, the study found that Covid shots offered the children very little protection from the virus, with many becoming infected after just 14 to 15 weeks of receiving an injection. The 1.7 million children observed in the study were between the ages of 5 to 15 and were registered with the UK’s National Healthcare System (NHS).

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