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British Intel’s Censorship War Goes Global

October 8th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.kitklarenberg.com/p/british-intels-counter-disinfo-war

Kit Klarenberg | Psychological warfare, stalking, and harassment are all part of the CDU’s clandestine toolkit. The newly-released file reveals that British intelligence is exporting this sinister “counter-disinformation” credo to every corner of the globe. | On September 13th, an extraordinary document was released via litigation against the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is an August 2021 slide deck presentation by Britain’s shadowy, spook-infested Counter Disinformation Unit to the White House National Security Council’s Interagency Policy Committee, which regularly gathers Washington’s spying services together to coordinate on national security matters. The contents amply expose how London’s long-running use and abuse of security and intelligence agencies to warp online perceptions is, by design, spreading the world over. The presentation, which has never hitherto been publicly revealed, was delivered by CDU operatives on Aug. 10th, 2021.

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