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Trump Promises 'Stronger Than Ever' US-Israel Relationship If He Wins Election

October 8th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://sputnikglobe.com/20241008/trump-promises-stronger-than-ever-us-israel-relationship-if-he-wins-election-1120467046.html

Former US President Donald Trump said that if he became the president again, the relationship between Israel and the United States would be even stronger than ever before.

💬 "If and when I'm President of the United States, it will, once again, be stronger and closer than it ever was before," Trump said on Monday evening during an event in Florida.

Trump added that he was committed to protecting the Jewish state and American Jewish communities, pledging to prevent threats against Israel and support its fight against terrorism. During the Presidential debate between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, both candidates attempted to position themselves as the more pro-Israel candidate.

Harris Defends Providing Military Aid to Israel Amid Major Escalations (Antiwar.com)
Support for Israel Has Cost US Taxpayers At Least $22.76 Billion in One Year (Antiwar.com)

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