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Biden-Harris regime updates Bush-era DOD directive allowing government to ASSASSINATE American citizens

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://x.com/amuse/status/1842701416701255745

ASSASSIN@TION: With just months left in office the Biden-Harris regime decided to update the 17 year old Bush-era directive against assassin@tion of Americans. Why would the regime feel the need to legalize killing Americans who threaten the foundations of our democracy? In a chilling and unambiguous act, the Biden-Harris regime has recently updated the 2007 DoD Directive 5240.01, stripping away crucial protections that safeguarded American citizens from government-sanctioned assassin@tions. The original directive contained an explicit prohibition, stating, "Under no circumstances shall any DoD Component or DoD employee engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassin@tion." This unequivocal language has been removed, paving the way for a dangerous new precedent that authorizes the targeting of both American citizens and foreign nationals—both on domestic soil and abroad—under vague and ominous "special circumstances."

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