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CIA officer jailed for sexually abusing dozens of women

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.rt.com/news/604323-cia-agent-sentenced-rape/

Brian Jeffrey Raymond photographed his victims and kept detailed notes on the abuse he committed, a Washington DC court heard. A former CIA officer has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for drugging and sexually assaulting more than two dozen women while working for the agency in South America. Law enforcement found hundreds of images of the disgraced spy groping and abusing his unconscious victims on his computer. Brian Jeffrey Raymond was handed his sentence by a Washington DC court on Wednesday, nearly a year after he pleaded guilty to one count each of sexual abuse, abusive sexual contact, coercion and enticement, and transportation of obscene material. As part of a plea deal with federal prosecutors, Raymond admitted to raping an additional four women, sexually abusing six, and taking obscene photographs of 28 female victims.

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