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Diddy affair exposes America’s need for ‘real journalism’ – Zakharova to RT

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.rt.com/news/605440-pdiddy-scandal-zakharova-journalism/

The US should fix its domestic mess instead of blaming everything on Russia, the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman believes. The “enormous scandal” around US rapper Sean Combs, also known as P Diddy, has exposed America’s need for “real journalism” and for efforts to fix its domestic affairs rather than global ones, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has told RT in an exclusive interview. Combs, the 54-year-old three-time Grammy award winner and prominent hip-hop producer behind the landmark label Bad Boy Records, has been charged with racketeering and sex trafficking, and is facing over 100 additional sexual misconduct allegations, including against minors, dating back to the early 1990s. “We’re not just talking about indecent behavior or minor infractions like illegal weapons possession or drug use. We’re not even talking about hypocrisy – like generally being an affront to the ideals they pretended to promote. No, they’re implicated in a system that has been built over decades, coercing people into illegal activities through violence,” Zakharova said.

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