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Don’t Forget About How NATO’s Northeastern Flank Can Stir Up A Lot Of Trouble For Russia

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/2024/10/08/don-t-forget-about-how#more31518

Estonia wouldn’t talk about blockading the Gulf of Finland without prior encouragement from the US. Most of the discourse surrounding the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine naturally focuses on events inside that country. This nowadays includes the improvised “war of attrition” that’s being waged by both sides within it, false flag attack scenarios against its nuclear power plants, and what would have to happen for Russia or Belarus to use nukes in this conflict. What most commentators have forgotten about though is how NATO’s northeastern flank can stir up a lot of trouble for Russia if the order is given.

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