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NEW STUDY - Women vaccinated against COVID-19 during pregnancy had higher rates of miscarriage, abnormal placentas, decreased amniotic fluid, and abnormal birth weights

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://twitter.com/McCulloughFund/status/1843658223225577971

This study reveals that the CDC's continued COVID-19 injection push for pregnant women is deeply concerning and should be halted immediately. This cross-sectional study included 438 women who gave birth or were pregnant. Most participants were aged 25 - 35 years old (58.8%), and 61.3% were university graduates. The Pfizer vaccine was the most used, followed by AstraZeneca and Moderna. Pregnant women who did not receive any doses during pregnancy showed higher frequencies of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 compared to pregnant women not vaccinated during pregnancy.

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