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Perverted Leftists want to “pre-bunk” children from “conspiracy theories” while they brainwash them into gender-bender surgery and cancer-inducing hormone drugs

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-10-08-leftists-want-pre-bunk-children-conspiracy-theories.html

There is nothing more insidious than adults who prey on children and try to influence them to think and act in perverted ways that often lead to sexual abuse, torture and death. There are many hidden agendas that are integral to the whole “misinformation” and “disinformation” campaigns the U.S. government, Big Tech and Big Pharma are running in full force now, but the brainwashing, perverting and trafficking of children and teens is at the top of the Communist-Democrat-Liberal heap, and it’s getting worse by the day. The cover story, of course, is that Conservatives are spreading “conspiracy theories” about everything, from white supremacy to corrupt medicine, and from war mongering to open borders. Now, you can’t even ask questions about Leftist ideologies or you are considered to be spreading misinformation and disinformation. There’s no questioning the gender-bender movement, deadly mRNA vaccines or the money laundering communists in Washington DC or you’re considered a “domestic terrorist” and a “threat to democracy.” This requires careful consideration.

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