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Russian victory will liberate Europe – top French historian

October 9th, 2024
Categories: News

Link: https://www.rt.com/news/605486-russian-victory-free-europe-historian/

European “submission” to the US will be be prolonged for a century if Moscow loses in Ukraine, according to Emmanuel Todd. A Ukrainian defeat would represent a victory for all of Europe, French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd has claimed, in an interview with the Italian news outlet Corriere di Bologna published on Tuesday. According to Todd, who has stressed that he is not an explicit supporter of Moscow, if Russia were to lose in the Ukraine conflict, this would allow “European submission to the Americans to be prolonged for a century.” The leading intellectual has argued that Europe has effectively delegated the representation of the West to the US and has been paying the consequences ever since. He claims in the interview that nothing can be done to change this fact at the moment due to the ongoing Ukraine conflict, but suggests that its outcome will “decide the fate of Europe.”

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