« Dr. Margaret Flowers at Capitol Hill Rally for Single Payer Healthcare | Dr. Carol A. Paris: “Single Payer...is Medicare Expanded!” » |
from: William Hughes
On Wednesday, May 13, 2009, a rally was held on Capitol Hill advocating for a Single Payer Healthcare System. I talked with activists Dr. Carol E. Ritter, Adrienne Breidenstine, James Crawford, Adam Schneider and Medea Benjamin about the issue. The spirited event was organized by the California Nurses Assoc/NNOC. The healthcare activists are supporting HR 676 and S 703, now pending before the U.S. Congress. For background and any updates, see: http://www.healthcare-now.org and
http://singlepayeraction.org and http://md.pnhp.org and
http://www.prosperityagenda.us/ and http://freshaircleanpolitics.net and http://www.calnurses.org/ and