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We Are Change Chicago - Arrested for asking Dr. Oz about vaccines

December 31st, 2010



On November 6th, Dr. Oz hosted a health expo in Chicago's Millennium Park. We Are Change Chicago (WACC) members attended hoping to ask Dr. Oz some questions about the dangers of vaccines. The poisonous additives causing adverse reactions for some people are never discussed in the mainstream media.

The WACC member asked Dr. Oz some questions and he responded very politely. As the WACC member was asking his final question, a man walking with Dr. Oz said, "get this guy out of here". This man and a second man in the group then grabbed and shoved the WACC member. The WACC member repeatedly asked the second man to stop assaulting him or he would call the police. The second man claimed to be a policeman and told the WACC member to go ahead and call the police. About a half hour later, the police finally arrived and went directly to the second man/perpetrator The responding officers were talking to the perpetrator when the WACC member told them that he was the one who had called 911. While motioning to the perpetrator, the responding officer very rudely replied "no he called" As the WACC member was explaining what happened to the responding officer, they interjected with veiled threats. After some time, and without questioning witnesses, the responding officers asked the WACC member to walk over to the squad car for what he thought was a formal statement. When they got to the car, the police immediately started to frisk him. When he asked what was going on, they informed him that he was being arrested for assault. He was not read his rights and the police wouldn't tell him who he was being accused of assaulting. He spent over ten hours in police custody. Their final act of intimidation was to prolong his processing. The WACC member found out later that he was arrested for assaulting the perpetrator, who had attacked him. This incident is another example of how law enforcement betrays the public trust and how we are already living in a POLICE STATE!

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