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August 18th, 2021


Leah Kinyon paces back in forth like a communist party boss ranting her CNN, MSNBC covid19 psyop fear terror screed. No wonder our children can't read or do simple math, they're not being taught. Whatever the globalist media lie of the day is, that is the lie of the lberal. Endless covid19 variant fear speak and demonizing of the unvacinated. Blame and righteous intolerance toward all those who think they are free. Covid shaming hatred for Trump, hatred for the unvaccinated, hatred for the parents of the unvaccinated. Schools have become indoctrination centers. The parents are in the way of the globalist communist takeover and depopulation agenda. Ignore your parents says the communist teacher, listen to CNN and listen to the thieves and liars who rigged the election and stole your country. The communist college professors and teachers will divide families divide the country and help the globalists destroy America unless we the people get off our knees and fight.

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