« NEW: Recently discovered video from Jan 6 shows an individual believed to be police carrying a bag toward the location where "pipe bomb" was found at DNC.CNN SHREDS Kamala Harris’ communist price control plan: "We've seen this kind of thing tried in lots of other countries before, Venezuela, Argentina, the Soviet Union.” »

Breaking: The NYT Is Reporting That Biden Signed A Secret Order In March To Command US Forces To Prepare For Simultaneous Nuclear War With China, Russia and North Korea

August 20th, 2024

Link: https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=66c52215ad6f1a80f6c505a7

The White House never announced that Mr. Biden had approved the revised strategy, called the “Nuclear Employment Guidance,” which also newly seeks to prepare the United States for possible coordinated nuclear challenges from China, Russia and North Korea. The document, updated every four years or so, is so highly classified that there are no electronic copies, only a small number of hard copies distributed to a few national security officials and Pentagon commanders.

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