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Courage in Cinema: Unfiltered Jon Voight Stands Tall

September 28th, 2024

Link: https://youtu.be/pB_hvV2Ke3s?si=00xa0bM3pRYvh4zR

Every American should see this seemingly harmless video by the soft-spoken Ben Carson to understand what is happening to their country. We are living in the last days of the American republic founded by our forefathers. Soon, within the next forty days it will all be decided. We will remain a free republic, or we will be a totalitarian communist state run by a handful of corrupt communist monsters who will rule with an iron fist of police state repression.

If they are successful in rigging the election and seizing control, it will be the end for the American people. There will be no going back. America will become the most brutal communist state that has ever existed, and like all other communist states it will be ruled by a handful of power mad psychopaths who will turn the country into a killing field rivaling the likes of Poll Pot.

Total economic collapse will soon follow with starvation, death, and inescapable police state repression. The American people will never know freedom again. America will become a land of total enslavement and exploitation worse than North Korea. The American people who are already being killed off by the vaccine death shots will be completely exterminated and replaced by the new immigrant slave class brought in by the democrat traitors.

The Constitution and bill of rights will be erased from existence forever. If and when the Marxist Communist democrats and their global elite masters gain control of America, flee this place Americans or die here by unnatural causes.

Don't try to stay and fight, They will use the military, UN soldiers, and an army of illegal immigrants to overwhelm and eliminate you. The communists have been worked toward this goal of stealing America for over fifty years. Once the country is in their murderous hands nothing will stop them. In forty days it will all be decided. If the democrat Marxist communist traitors and their rhino lackies get control, flee for your lives while you can.

Know your communist Marxist enemy:
Why Does Kamala Harris Keep Repeating This Quote? - Eric Weinstein

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