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Volunteer surgeons in Gaza describe ‘horrifying violence deliberately directed at civilians,’ children

September 29th, 2024

Link: https://twitter.com/JosBtrigga/status/1838710366877942198

The following Special Appeal to the United Nations is being issued by two American doctors, Dr. Mark Perlmutter and Dr. Feroze Sidhwa. Dr. Perlmutter is the president of the World Surgical Foundation, and a past president of the United States section of the International College of Surgeons. Dr. Sidhwa is a trauma surgeon from California who has worked in Ukraine, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Zimbabwe. They recently returned to the United States from a medical mission they each undertook to Gaza in late March/early April of this year.

Of that mission, Dr. Perlmutter said, “ I was at Ground Zero on 9/11. I was at the earthquake the day that it hit in Haiti and went back four more times. I was at Katrina the day that the hurricane “hit dirt,” and I’ve done 40 surgical missions in austere environments on four continents. When you combine all of that experience, none of it touches what I saw in Gaza, in my first of almost three weeks there.” Dr. Sidhwa said, “Nothing that I have ever seen really approached what I saw in the Gaza Strip…We are coming here today to tell you some things that we hope will lead you to act.” The two doctors worked together in Gaza from March 25 to April 8. The content of the doctors’ statements has been apparently viewed by some to be so controversial, that efforts by activists, late last week, to inform UN delegates of this appeal were prevented by some UN security officials on undisclosed grounds.

Volunteer surgeons in Gaza describe ‘horrifying violence deliberately directed at civilians,’ children

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