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Book Talk with Kari Lydersen: “Revolt on Goose Island”

April 11th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Friday evening, April 9, 2010, author/journalist Kari Lydersen discussed her latest book, “Revolt on Goose Island: The Chicago Factory Takeover, and What It Says about the Economic Crisis.” The event was sponsored by and held at Red Emma’s Bookstore and Coffeehouse, in Baltimore, MD. Check out: Ms. Lydersen is an award-winning staff reporter for the Washington Post; and a co-author, with Wafaa Bilal, of “Shoot an Iraqi,” which Booklist labeled the “Best book of 2008.”

Antigua, Guatemala: Easter (Father Stanley Rother, RIP)

April 9th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010, the Iglesia de Hermano Pedro staged its annual Easter Procession, in Antigua, Guatemala. Antigua is an ancient town, once the capital of the country during the heyday of Spanish colonial rule in Central America.
This video is dedicated to the memory of Father Stanley Rother. He was killed on July 28, 1981, at age 46, by the “Death Squads,” in the rectory of the St. James the Apostle Church, Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala. Father Rother, “a champion of the poor,” was a native of Okarche, Oklahoma. See: and and

Unplug the Signal: The Truth Will not be Televised

April 9th, 2010

from Nathan Janes

An audio version of the article "Unplug the Signal: The Truth Will not be Televised" has been released by activist artist Nathan Janes. The article is part of a campaign to address the use of television as a weapon of mass deception for the last half a century. Janes hopes that the audio version of his article will allow the growing number of those hard of reading to be exposed to the pressing message. Janes has declared Unplugging the Signal to be of urgent concern for the television remains our greatest threat to individual sovereignty and the largest obstacle to becoming a truly informed individual.

Creative Movement for Change in Palestine

April 2nd, 2010

From Remi Kanazi

Remi Kanazi appeared yesterday on GRITtv with Laura Flanders. He was on the show to discuss Palestine and movements for change with Phyllis Bennis. There was a significant focus on the growing BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement.

Remi Kanazi is the the editor of Poets For Palestine and the author of forthcoming collection of poetry Poetic Injustice: Writings on Resistance and Politics. He is also a recurring writer in residence for the Palestine Writing Workshop as well as an advisory board member.

When will America Collapse???

April 2nd, 2010

Every day as America sinks deeper into debt, as thousands of businesses close and millions of Americans continue to lose their jobs and homes the corporate media keeps pounding the American people with Orwellian news about the fantastic economic recovery that America is experiencing.

9/11 Truth vs Mainstream Media - Twenty Minutes With The President - Round 1 of 3

March 27th, 2010

2 of 3 | 3 of 3 The destruction of the World Trade Center was a mass murder that was committed by the United States puppet government against the American people. This monstrous act gave the perpetrators the excuse they needed to attack the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan while simultaneously stripping the American people of their constitutional rights. Millions of innocents have died in two wars of theft and profit, which serve only the international bankers and military industrialists who together enslave the unsuspecting American people. Obama serves the same masters and their agenda of war, profit, world domination, and death continues. As long as the American people remain beaten ignorant slaves the truth concerning the real perpetrators of 9-11, and the death of John F. Kennedy will always remain hidden.

Save Renee’s House: Stop the Bank of America Foreclosure!

March 25th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On March 24, 2010, social justice activists from the “Network to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions,” held a press conference in Towson, MD. They are trying to stop the Bank of America (BOA) from foreclosing on the home of Renee DeFreitas. According to their press release, Ms. DeFreitas is 51-years old, with five children. She works for the state of Maryland and lives in Baltimore City. Ms. DeFreitas, as a “result of the economic crisis,” was forced to apply to the BOA for a “home modification on her loan.” Unfortunately, the BOA has ignored that important process and turned the matter over to a local law firm for foreclosure action. Check out for background on the growing foreclosure crisis, and and

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Urged Against Israel!

March 24th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Monday, March 22, 2010, activists from Code Pink, a peace and justice group, staged a demonstration in front of the Washington, D.C. Convention Center. Their purpose: Protesting AIPAC!
One of the speakers at the event was Mai Abdul-Rahman. She is with the Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace (WIAMEP). She urged a “boycott, divestment and sanctions” against Israel. Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin served as the moderator for the rally. To view the latest on Gaza, go to: For an analysis on the enormous power of the Israel Lobby, see: To check out the “global actions” which are being undertaken to end the Israeli occupation, go to:

They’re Back! AIPAC Confab Returns to D.C.

March 23rd, 2010

from: William Hughes

Like a bad penny, on March 22, 2010, the AIPAC annual confab has returned to the Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Not everyone was happy to see them. On this video, four Human Rights’ activists at a press conference called by Code Pink, a peace and justice group, share their views of AIPAC and the deepening humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Medea Benjamin, co founder of Code Pink served as the moderator for the demonstration.
For the latest on Gaza, go to: For an insightful analysis on the enormous and growing power of the Israel Lobby, check out:

Rabbi Weiss Slams AIPAC!

March 23rd, 2010

from: William Hughes

On March 22, 2010, a protest demonstration against AIPAC was held outside the Convention Center, where it was meeting in Washington, D.C. The mega-Israel Lobby convenes annually in this city. One of those speaking out at the anti-AIPAC rally was Orthodox Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss. He is associated with "Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism,” and he is a member of "Neturei Karta International." See: Rabbi Weiss was sharply critical in his remarks of AIPAC, Zionist Israel and the ideology of Zionism.

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