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Code Pink Rips AIPAC!

March 23rd, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Monday, March 22, 2010, activists from Code Pink, a peace and justice group, staged a demonstration in front of the Washington, D.C. Convention Center. Their purpose: Protesting AIPAC! Sharing their views on AIPAC and the desperate Human Rights’ situation in Gaza on this video are: Gael Murphy, Medea Benjamin, Ann Wright and Athena Viscusi.
To view the latest on Gaza, go to: For an insightful analysis on the enormous and growing power of the Israel Lobby, check out:

Israeli Apartheid and The Nakba

March 21st, 2010

from Gilad Atzmon

A new brilliant work by Anthony Lawson

Extract: There can be absolutely no doubt that Israel has created an inhuman, illegal and utterly disgraceful Apartheid state, and the international community will never be able to excuse itself if it takes no action against this blatant, ongoing and in-plain-sight crime against humanity.

Please join the millions of decent people around the world who are crying out against Israel's ongoing persecution of the Palestinians. Send the link to this video to your elected representative and make sure he or she does something about it. You have to ask yourself: If I keep quiet, will it ever end?

Is Verizon Redlining Baltimore City, re: Next-Generation FIOS?

March 18th, 2010

from: William Hughes

A rally was held, on Tuesday, March 16, 2010, at noon, outside the headquarters of Verizon, in downtown Baltimore, MD. Activists, representing a coalition of concerned citizens, demanded to know why Verizon doesn’t have any plan to “deploy its next-generation fiber-optic data communication technology” in Baltimore City? They underscored how the company does provide that service to other jurisdictions in Maryland, and also in the District of Columbia. The coalition, according to its press release, is launching a “bus billboard campaign” to get its message out. Matthew Weinstein, Baltimore Region Director of Progressive Maryland, moderated the event. For background, go to:

Message to President Obama RE: Hillary and the Settlements

March 18th, 2010

Eileen Fleming

Only in Solidarity do "we have it in our power to begin the world again."-Tom Paine
Eileen Fleming,
Founder of
A Feature Correspondent for
Author of "Keep Hope Alive" and "Memoirs of a Nice Irish American 'Girl's' Life in Occupied Territory"
Producer "30 Minutes with Vanunu" and "13 Minutes with Vanunu"

Labor Rally/Lobby Day in Annapolis, MD

March 16th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Monday evening, March 15, 2010, Maryland’s AFL-CIO staged a “Labor Rally/Lobby Day,” in Annapolis, in front of the State House. Among the speakers were: Ms. Donna Edwards, Secretary-Treasurer of MD State & DC AFL-CIO; Patrick Moran, Maryland Director of AFSCME; and Rod Easter, President of Baltimore Building & Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO. For background, see: Ernie Grecco, President of the Baltimore Council AFL-CIO, served as the moderator for the spirited rally. [Note: This videographer is a member of AFTRA, SAG and AFSCME Retirees, Chapter 1 (AFL-CIO).]

Message to President Obama RE: Biden in Tel Aviv, March 11, 2010

March 14th, 2010

By eileen fleming

Message to President Obama regarding Biden in Tel Aviv. Inspired by an email conversation of concerned global citizens and tax paying American's, this Message to President Obama RE: Biden in Tel Aviv, March 11, 2010. This was created and has been sent to President Obama via his You Tube Channel: Thanks to all who also do something, in pursuit of justice for Palestine Gaza: Ending the Israeli Occupation and Equal Human Rights for All.

Billonaires For Wealthcare, Plus!

March 10th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On March 9, 2010, a rally was held in Washington, D.C. championing Healthcare Reform. The spirted demonstration began at Dupont Circle, at 10: 30 AM, and then moved south, about 10 blocks to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Fat Cats from the Healthcare Insurance Industry were holding a conference at that site. The protest action was organized by Health Care for America Now (HCAN), along with more than 50 major Labor, grassroots and religious leaders. For background go to: Featured in this video are: Billionaires for Wealthcare; David Patterson, the youngest delegate to the DNC; and the Rhythm Workers Union. The latter group has been at just about every rally/protest action worthy of the name in the Washington, D.C. area going back at least to October, 2002. Check out:

Civil Disobedience at Health Insurance Fat Cats’ Confab

March 10th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On March 9, 2010, around noon, about 14 pro-Healthcare Reform activists were arrested at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in down town Washington, D.C. They attempted to cross a police line set up at an entrance to the hotel, where the Fat Cats of the Healthcare Insurance Industry were holding a conference. Earlier, the protesters had convened at Dupont Circle for a rally. Then, they paraded down to the hotel, about ten blocks away. The crowd was estimated at about 5,500. The event was staged by Health Care for America Now (HCAN), along with more than 50 major Labor, grassroots and religious leaders. For background go here: The D.C. police decided, for their own reasons, not to place criminal charge against the parties that were detained at the hotel. Four of the 14 reportedly arrested were: an official from the SEIU union; Jonathan Tasini, Democratic candidate for U. S. Senate in NY; Jeff Blum of US Action; and Sean Dobson of Progressive Maryland. The crowd shouted chants, like: “Healthcare, now!” and “Arrest the real criminals!”

Scenes from Rally for Healthcare Reform in D.C.

March 10th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On March 9, 2010, a rally was held in Washington, D.C. championing Healthcare Reform. The demonstration began at Dupont Circle, at 10: 30 AM, and then moved south, about 10 blocks to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Fat Cats from the Healthcare Insurance Industry were holding a conference at that site. The event was organized by Health Care for America Now (HCAN), along with more than 50 major Labor, grassroots and religious leaders. For background go to: Featured in this video, are, inter alia, U.S. Democratic Senate candidate in New York, State Jonathan Tasini; Ex-Governor Howard Dean (D-VT); and Matthew Weinstein, Maryland Coordinator, Health Care for America Now.

Protesting Youth Chant: “Arrest [Governor Martin] O’Malley!”

March 8th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Thursday morning, March 4, 2010, a spirited protest action was held in front of the “Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center,” on north Gay Street, not far from the City Hall, in Baltimore. The demonstrators demanded “$100 million [in Maryland’s state budget] be converted from youth jails to youth jobs and education,” according to their press release. Students, teachers and community activists joined in the social justice action. About 13 of the activists made their way into the lobby of the building, where they engaged in a civil disobedience-like protest. As I left the event to cover another assignment, the students in front of the building were continuing to chant: “Arrest O’Malley!” They even printed out a flyer, with O’Malley’s mug on it, which stated: “Wanted for Incarcerating Youth!” It appeared the police were prepared to simply “wait out” the protesters inside the building. For any updates, go to this web site:

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