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Arnold Weiner: “Mayor Dixon Got a Fair Deal!”

February 5th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010, Mayor Sheila Dixon’s controversial plea deal, in the two criminal cases pending against her with the State Prosecutor’s Office, was accepted by the Trial Judge. As a result, she is no longer the Mayor of Baltimore City. At a curbside press conference, outside of the Court House East, Dixon’s attorney, Arnold Weiner, spoke to the media. He insisted: “Mayor Dixon got a fair deal under all the circumstances.” Mr. Weiner is one of Baltimore City’s top criminal defense lawyers. For details on the plea deal and the Mayor’s “probation before judgment” sentence, go to:,0,3904936.story For my slant on the case, see: and

Rep. Ron Paul on the CIA’s Assassination Policy

January 31st, 2010

from: William Hughes

On the evening of Jan. 27, 2010, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) spoke, in Baltimore City, before a capacity audience at Loyola University Maryland. He addressed a wide range of issues, including civil liberties, civil disobedience, the CIA’s assassination policy, torture, rendition, secret prisons, enemy combatants, the ancient Writ of Habeas Corpus, Barack Obama’s White House and the 2nd and 10th Amendments. Rep. Paul also expressed his growing fears, post-9/11, for our fast-fading Republic itself. He added that the current situation in the country is compounded by the shaky economic and monetary systems, which have been ineptly crafted and dominated by the Wall Street Banksters and “The Fed.” With respect to Rep. Paul’s comments on the CIA’s assassination policy, see: “CIA is Said to Weigh Targeting Americans for Death,” Jan. 31, 2010, by Greg Miller, Tribune Newspapers. Check out related videos, at: and

Rep. Ron Paul Demands: “Audit The Fed!”

January 29th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On the evening of Jan. 27, 2010, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) spoke before a capacity audience at Loyola College in Baltimore, MD. He urged the U.S. Congress to pass a law authorizing the auditing of “The Fed.” Rep. Paul was also sharply critical of the bailout of the Wall Street Banksters and how their policies, and the policies of “The Fed,” have contributed to the recession. See related views on the shenanigans of the Wall Street insiders by Richard T. Trumka, currently head of the AFL-CIO. Mr. Trumka made his comments prior to the October, 2008 Financial Meltdown, at: For more background, go to:

Kathy Kelly: “Obama is the Arms-Exporter-In-Chief!”

January 27th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Tuesday morning, Jan. 26, 2010, a “die-in” protest was staged in front of the White House. The antiwar, anti-occupation event was primarily organized by the Minnesota Contingent of the Peaceable Assembly Campaign. Thirteen protesters were arrested for refusing to obey a police order to get off the sidewalk. During the demonstration, I talked with Peace and Justice activist, Kathy Kelly. See related video at:

“Die-In” at White House: 13 Antiwar Protesters Arrested

January 27th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Tuesday morning, Jan. 26, 2010, a “die-in” protest was staged in front of the White House. The antiwar, anti-occupation event was primarily organized by the Minnesota Contingent of the Peaceable Assembly Campaign. At least thirteen protesters were arrested for refusing to obey a police order to get off the sidewalk. For more information about the demonstration, and for the very latest details on the arrested activists, go to: Also, see: Peace and justice activist Coleen Rowley was interviewed on camera.

Arrests at U.S. Capitol (A Slideshow)

January 23rd, 2010

from: William Hughes

Sights and scenes, 25 photos, from the protest action, re: Closing Gitmo/Torture, at the U.S. Capitol, east side, on Jan. 21, 2010. To find out more about this demonstration, and the group, which organized the event, go to this web site:

Arrests at U. S. Capitol, re: Closing Gitmo/Torture

January 21st, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Jan. 21, 2010, just after noon, about 30 protesters were arrested on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, east side, for failure to obey a police order to disburse. The protesters are part of the “Witness Against Torture” group, which demonstrated earlier today in front of both the White House and U.S. Supreme Court. To find out all about the moral and legal issues that they are raising; exactly how many anti-torture activists were arrested; and the exact charges placed against each, please go to this web site:

Are the War-Loving Obama and the Dems Neglecting the Poor?

January 21st, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Wed., Jan. 20, 2010, a press conference/demonstration was held in front of the White House. Its purpose was to assess the “one year presidency of Barack Obama.” One of the speakers was Linda Leaks of Empower D.C. Medea Benjamin served as the M.C. of the event, which was sponsored by seven organizations

Emira Woods: Obama Needs To Do the “Right Thing!”

January 21st, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Wed., Jan. 20, 2010, a press conference/demonstration was held in front of the White House. Its purpose was to assess the “one year presidency of Barack Obama.” One of the speakers was Emira Woods. She is co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies. Medea Benjamin served as the M.C. of the event, which was sponsored by seven organizations.

Daloisio Assails Obama on his Failure to Act, re: Gitmo/Torture

January 21st, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Wed., Jan. 20, 2010, a press conference/demonstration was held in front of the White House. Its purpose was to assess the “one year presidency of Barack Obama.” One of the speakers was Matt Daloisio of Witness Against Torture. Medea Benjamin served as the M.C. of the event, which was sponsored by seven organizations.

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