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Dr. Zarr: America Needs Extended Medicare for All!

January 21st, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Wed., Jan. 20, 2010, a press conference/demonstration was held in front of the White House. Its purpose was to assess the “one year presidency of Barack Obama.” One of the speakers was Dr. Robert Zarr of Physicians for National Health Program. Medea Benjamin of Code Pink served as the M.C. of the event, which was sponsored by seven organizations.

Cavanagh Raps Obama for His Casino-like Wall Street Policies

January 21st, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Wed., Jan. 20, 2010, a press conference/demonstration was held in front of the White House. Its purpose was to assess the “one year presidency of Barack Obama.” One of the speakers was John Cavanagh, Director of the Institute for Policies Studies. Medea Benjamin of Code Pink served as the M.C. of the event, which was sponsored by seven organizations.

Greenpeace Exec Rips Obama for Caving into Corporate Interests

January 21st, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Wed., Jan. 20, 2010, a press conference/demonstration was held in front of the White House. Its purpose was to assess the “one year presidency of Barack Obama.” One of the speakers was Phil Radford, Executive Director of Greenpeace. Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, served as the M.C. of the event, which was sponsored by seven organizations.

Medea Benjamin: Obama Needs to Re-Energize the Base!

January 21st, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Wed., Jan. 20, 2010, a press conference/demonstration was held in front of the White House. Its purpose was to assess the “one year presidency of Barack Obama.” One of the speakers was Medea Benjamin, cofounder of Code Pink, Women for Peace. She also served as the M.C. of the event, which was sponsored by seven organizations.

Failed President

January 19th, 2010

From Dennis Morrisseau

MLK and Obama....... Perspective "The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." : Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

Baltimore’s MLK Jr. Parade and a 30-Second Police Chase

January 18th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Jan. 18, 2010, Baltimore City celebrated the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday with its annual parade. Under sunny skies, Maryland’s Governor, Martin O’Malley, aka Marty O’Gov, made an appearance; as did the current Mayor, Sheila Dixon. The President of the City Council, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, was also there. She will succeed Dixon in the office of Mayor, on Feb. 4, 2010. Suddenly, the festivities were interrupted by a 30-Second police chase. Oh well, Hon, it’s Baltimore City! Why the bad guys were being chased and whether they were caught or not wasn’t known at press time.

Ms. Pardiss Kebriaie on the Status of the Prisoners at Gitmo

January 13th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Monday, Jan. 11, 2010, a demonstration, “Witness Against Torture; Rally for Justice,” was held in front of the White House. Its purpose was to demand that President Barack Obama keep his campaign promises to close Guantanamo prison and to end torture. One of the speakers at the event was Ms. Pardiss Kebriaie. She is Staff Attorney with Guantanamo Global Justice Initiative at the Center for Constitutional Rights. Ms. Frida Berrigan served as the MC for the protest action. For background, check out:

Jeremy Varon: Hey Obama, Close the Offshore Gulag!

January 12th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Monday, Jan. 11, 2010, a demonstration, “Witness Against Torture; Rally for Justice,” was held in front of the White House. Its purpose was to demand that President Barack Obama keep his campaign promises to close Guantanamo prison and to end torture. One of the speakers at the event was Jeremy Varon. He is a Professor of History at The New School U. and a organizer with “Witness Against Torture.” Ms. Frida Berrigan served as the MC for the protest action. For background, check out:

Rally at White House: “Witness Against Torture”

January 11th, 2010

from: William Hughes

On Monday, Jan. 11, 2010, a demonstration, “Witness Against Torture; Rally for Justice,” was held in front of the White House. Its purpose was to demand that President Barack Obama keep his campaign promises to close Guantanamo prison and to end torture. The Human Rights activists also oppose “any plans for holding prisoners without charge or trial in the U.S: and denounce the White House’s expansion of [Bush-Cheney Gang]-style detention in Afghanistan,” according to their press release for the event. For background, check out:


January 7th, 2010

from Eileen Fleming

AND VANUNU POSTED HIS STATEMENT ON YOU TUBE TODAY: "THE END OF ISRAEL BULLSHIT SHOW" - Vanunu I shouldn't be, but i am bewildered at how the US Media continues to ignore Vanunu. It is up to US, so FYI, i have done an update in text here: January 1, 2010: Message to Israeli SECURITY regarding Mordechai Vanunu from American Citizen Journalist and Back to 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008! Read more

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