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Egyptian Police Brutality with Gaza Freedom Marchers 1

January 5th, 2010


So yesterday in Tahrir Square in Cairo there was a massive demonstration as Gaza Freedom Marchers tried to March to Gaza from Cairo, more in a symbolic fashion than anything, to show that the March would still try and carry on as much as possible.

People were quickly corralled in though by the police and when people started to sit down as a response to the aggression people were kicked, shoved, and punched.


Gaza Freedom March Wrap Up

I'm sure its going to take me some time to process everything that has happened in Cairo with the Gaza Freedom March over the past week or so but here are some of my initial thoughts and feelings. Bear in mind, these are my own opinions and reflections and they surely are not the same as the 1300 other people who were in Cairo. So for what its worth - here it goes:

Protest at Egyptian Embassy, in D.C., re: Gaza Freedom March

January 3rd, 2010

from: William Hughes

A demonstration, in sub-freezing weather, was held in front of the Egyptian Embassy, in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 2, 2010. The protest action was directed at the “sabotaging of the Gaza Freedom March” by elements of the Egyptian regime, according to a press release. Meanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama and the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, have done little or nothing to alleviate the controversy. Egypt gets about $2 billion a year in foreign aid from the American taxpayers and Israel around $3.5 billion a year. See: For the latest on the Gaza Freedom March, check out: and and

Baltimore Vigil in Solidarity with Gaza

January 2nd, 2010

from: William Hughes

On New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, 2010, a vigil was held at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, MD. It was sponsored by the “Women in Black.” According to a press release from Peace and Justice Activist Max Obuszewski, today’s vigil was “in support of the [Gaza] Freedom Marchers and the Palestinian people.” Keep in mind the words of wisdom of Mohandas Gandhi, Spiritual Warrior. He said: “What is true of the individual will be tomorrow true of the whole nation if individuals will but refuse to lose heart and hope.”

What Are We Doing To Our Own?

December 31st, 2009

from Bud Deraps

Bud Deraps, an 82 year old WWII Navy veteran, speaks out against Depleted Uranium

A Day in the Life of a Palestinian Child in Gaza

December 25th, 2009

By jihano92

Thanks to youtube user jihano92 for this short video about the apartheid state, Israel.

Imagine never knowing one day of peace in your life, nor ever having hope..or dreams for your future. Imagine being in a constant state of terror and hunger. Welcome to the Gaza of the 21st century!

Most of us just want a dry roof over our heads, food in our stomachs and health and safety for our loved ones. The Muslims and Christians in Israel are denied these simple human desires. Witness the day to day suffering, terror and murder innocent Palestinian women and children face!

Full story »

MUST Watch commentary from Keith Olbermann: Brilliant, powerful, irrefutable commentary condemning the mandate provision (as well as Lieberman, the GOP, Grassley, Baucus, Nelson, etc)

December 19th, 2009

from Gary Kohls

Here is a very powerful and very informative clip from Keith Olbermann, who doesn't pull any punches, as usual. This commentary beautifully articulates what most observors of the issue have intuited about (what is left of) the so-called Senate Health Care Reform bill, which he and Dr. Howard Dean now oppose and say cannot be supported.

Harry Reid is quoted here as saying that the bill constitutes neither health, care or reform.

Dean calls the bill a "bail-out for the insurance industry".

Olbermann accuses the America Insurance industry and BigPharma as being cartels.

He says that the proposed coercive mandate would cost the average middle class family earning around $50,000/year a premium charge of $9.000 (or they would be breaking the law and be subject to fines and punishments) just for insurance company costs that will also require hefty deductibles and co-pays on top of that.

Olbermann calls the plan "Medical mobster protection money" and "immoral and a betrayal of the public trust".

He proposes this logical solution: "Let Lieberman and the GOP commit political suicide" for their roles in emasculating the bill. Let them take the blame for killing true reform and let them incur the wrath of the citizenry for denying the possibility of real reform of the health care system.

"Let Lieberman stagger off the political stage and go work for the insurance industry - which he is probably already doing)."

Olbermann pledges that he will refuse to purchase any mandated insurance even if fined or jailed!

Study the Olbermann commentary above and pass it on to others and then watch the scarey video of the religious right-wing/theocratic anti-health reform group at a GOP prayer meeting in DC. This clip below is from the Rachel Maddow show. Gary.

Ex-Rep. McKinney: “President Obama, Stop Bankrupting our Nation!”

December 18th, 2009

from: William Hughes

On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, ex-Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) was one of the speakers at the emergency “End-the-U.S.-Wars” rally. See for background: The event was held in Lafayette Park, directly opposite the White House. Rep. McKinney ran for President of the United States in the 2008 election on the Green Party ticket. She is also a champion of Human Rights and has consistently, and courageously, stood up for the beleaguered peoples of Occupied Palestine.

Christmas in the Holy Land - 2009

December 17th, 2009

From Ayman T. Quader

When celebrating Christmas, it would be a good idea to think about the birthplace of Jesus. What is like in the Holy Land under occupation, injustice and racism? How does Christmas feel when the Holy Land is under siege?

Dump AARP Now!

December 15th, 2009

Gathering of Eagles: NY

Word on the street is that AARP will be selling its senior citizen members down the river tomorrow by endorsing the Healthcare Plan before Congress.

Don’t let the AARP aid and abet the destruction of American Healthcare just so it can profiteer from selling additional Medigap Insurance policies after your Medicare Advantage policies are taken away by government fiat.

There are at least three alternatives to AARP, dump the socialist enablers and get a responsible advocate!

  • 60 Plus Association
  • American Seniors Association (ASA)
  • Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC)
  • And call AARP to tell them to expect your torn up membership card in the mail!

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