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Baltimore's Mayor Sheila Dixon Guilty of Theft

December 2nd, 2009

from: William Hughes

Baltimore’s Mayor Sheila Dixon was convicted on Dec. 1, 2009, by a jury of her peers, of stealing gift cards, worth about $525, intended for the “poor and needy.” As a result, she will forfeit her office, lose her $83,000 a year pension, and could go to jail. Her crime paled in significance to the massive wrongdoings of the Wall Street Mob, but, the State Prosecutor underscored to the jury: The Mayor was stealing “from the children of Baltimore!”

Custer Died For Your Sins - Thank you for the world so sweet

November 30th, 2009


Thought you might like this. Feel free to post the link. I love this song--I still remember it from a concert about 20 years ago where I went to hear Floyd Westerman sing. Incredible song. I added the Thank You Song at the end to honor my mom. We still sing the same song today at lunch...the song she started over 40 years ago. We love you and miss you Ma. Please share the link...

For the lies that were spoken
for the blood that we have spilled
for the treaties that were broken
for our leaders you have stilled

Custer died for your sins
Custer died for your sins
Now a new day must begin
Custer died for your sins

Full story »

Khalid Amayreh: Demographics demands a dignified peace settlement now

November 27th, 2009

From Morris

“Within 5 years there will be as many Palestinians as Jews in Mandatory Palestine. In 20 years there will be 600 million Muslims around Israel”

“Demographics are working against Israel, therefore it is in Israel’s interest to make a dignified solution with the palestinians now.”

The Hidden Cost of War

November 26th, 2009

By GOODMagazine, from Jeff Gates

In 2003 Donald Rumsfeld estimated a war with Iraq would cost $60 billion. Five years later, the cost of Iraq war operations is over 10 times that figure. So what's behind the ballooning dollar signs? Joseph E. Stiglitz and Linda J. Bilme's exhaustedly researched book, "The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict," breaks down the price tag, from current debts to the unseen costs we'll pay for years to come.

"Finance made simple... Why we're broke... 3 trillion dollars down the drain. For a country that's so focused on business, we're not very good at basic arithmetic. The US crowed about bankrupting the Soviet Union by engaging them in an arms race the USSR couldn't afford. Just twenty years later, we're bankrupting ourselves in a bogus "War on Terrorism.". And the band plays on. Three trillion is real money." -- Jeff Gates

Campaign for a Poverty Free Ontario

November 26th, 2009

from: Left Streamed

This video shows us that the concerns of the Canadian people are quite similar to that of Americans. But in Canada, People seem to be able to gather and march in protest, a constitutional right that was taken away from the American sheeple under Bush. Americans now gather and protest in “free speech zones"- cages, located far from the rich and powerful masters eyes, usually located under overpasses and in distant parking lots.>

Joseph Moshe whistle-blower on Baxter releasing outbreak (mutated H1N1 flu?) in Ukraine!

November 21st, 2009

from Dan

Microbiologist nabbed by FBI after warning us that vaccine is a bioweapon deployment.

Watch the actual videos as he is surrounded, gassed, and tasered. Joseph Moshe is a microbiologist who had called a radio station, and stated that the H1NI vaccine is actually a bio-weapon, and is the DEPLOYMENT OF A PLAGUE. The official propaganda line is that he had threatened the President, although there is no evidence that this is true.

At first we were told that he had been deported to Israel, but he never arrived in Israel. Then we were told that he had been locked up at the Patton state mental hospital in San Bernadino, CA. A call to that facility (909) 425-7543 will obtain a claim that they do not have him. We called the Twin Towers Correctional Facialty in Los Angeles at 213 473-6080, and reached an employee who admitted that Joseph Moshe has been held there since 8-13-2009. He is charged with "violating a court order". He has a Court Date on 01/25/2010 at Los Angeles Municipal Court (DIV 141) located at 11701 S. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA We might ask for an accounting of all drugs, or vaccines, that he has been forced to take. All of Moshe's documents have been confiscated. Where are they now? Read more: http://targetfreedom

Plague or Plan? Ukraine's mystery disease 'burns out lungs'

November 21st, 2009

British scientists suspect that swine flu virus has mutated in Ukraine. Some doctors say that flu in the country has shown unprecedented symptoms, creating the effect of burnt lungs, the Daily Mail reports.

VEGAN. For the People. For the Planet. For the Animals

November 18th, 2009

From: JC Corcoran PlantPeaceDaily.Org

People everywhere are making choices more connected with their values. We are simplifying our lives, buying less and living more because we know that the Earth provides enough to satisfy everyone’s need, but not everyone’s greed. But there is one connected choice that sometimes gets overlooked. It’s one of the most far-reaching personal, practical and ethical choices you can make. With this choice we can help...

  • Feed ourselves and every hungry person on the planet.
  • End deforestation – replenish the deep woods of the North and save our disappearing rainforests.
  • Revitalize our rural landscapes and save family farms.
  • Stop the number one polluter of water and the number one waster of water.
  • Return our oceans to thriving underwater worlds teeming with life and wonder.
  • Make cancer and heart disease a rarity instead of a common occurrence.
  • Stop the unnecessary suffering of billions and billions of animals.
  • And return wild lands to their rightful owners.
  • This powerful choice can be done by everyone every day… by you… right now. Vegan. Every day you are invited to make choices. Live your values. Change the world. It’s that simple. | Also see Gary Yourofsky:

    Gilad Atzmon: A new harsh media portrayal of the Israeli (and Jews)

    November 16th, 2009

    From Morris

    Gilad argues (with harsh video examples) that it is the artists that are ahead of the politicos in reflecting and leading the public perception. See Gilad's web site at:

    Israeli Confessions

    November 15th, 2009

    Never Before Campaign

    For those who are still not sure why and how this conflict started more than 60 years ago, confessions of Israeli leaders make it very clear. For those who already know, this video is a good tool to educate others.

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