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Noam Chomsky On Corporate Propaganda

November 15th, 2009

Chomsky says that the corporations have been using the media and education to control the public mind, to shape how we think and what we think. Having bread a rase of sheep what will our masters do with us now?

Unemployment rate is about 20%

November 15th, 2009

America is falling, but not just falling, America is being driven down, scuttled. The enslaved people will be enlisted to help their new masters- a small group of international bankers, force the rest of the world into total slavery.

9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage

November 15th, 2009

Video link From Bob Rose

This is a very rare news footage that proves flight 93 which supposedly crashed near Pittsburgh was actually a cruise missile and not a large airplane. There was virtually no wreckage. Remember the Lockerby plain crash where there were truckloads of debris? So what happened to the real flight 93 and all the passengers? Knowing the depth of the evil that has ceazed America, anything imaginable could have happened to them. For all we know they were killed and their organs were harvested, and the plain that was flight 93 is still flying people around today. So keep deluding yourselves Americans, or realize that you are slaves ruled by a gang of traitorous puppets who serve only their international banking masters, the corporate military industrial complex, and other corporate entities. These same people who engineered 9-11 are looting the United States into financial collapse. America will be left an impoverished broken nation. The sheepish American people will be stripped of their Bill of Rights and Constitution and their country will be merged with Mexico and Canada and finally into a new world government. And what will be the future for all of humanity? Try to imagine a boot grinding into a human face forever.

The US is being looted

November 14th, 2009

Gerald Celente on King World News | Parts 1 thru 4

“Too big to fail” banks are anathema to real capitalism. US economy is like a ruthless mafia ripping-off the American public. The US is being looted. US economy is no longer capitalism, it’s oligarchies and fascism. We are witnessing the greatest heist in American history, and the banks are doing it. “I don’t like getting raped. I don’t like my money going to Goldman Sachs.” “Do you have eyes to see and a mind to understand? These crimes are an affront to my intelligence.” Bankers are money junkies lying to get their money fix. We have a criminal gang of money junkies dealing scams to get money from us. They never have enough. And for what? For gambling. This is no different from the French Revolution. The money junkies are in for a shock. The second American Revolution has begun. They are not my political leaders; they are political hacks. We are going back to royalty and serfs. This country doesn’t have a clue what’s going on, their minds have been deadened looking at presidential reality shows and bowing to political demagogues. What people have to do more than ever is think for themselves. Gerald Celente on king World News 14 Aug 2009. for more Gerald Celente's Videos articles news:

Justice Denied Video: Voices from Guantánamo

November 13th, 2009

The men in this video were held at Guantanamo for years without charge and denied any meaningful opportunity to challenge the legality of their detention. But now they are finally free. This is their story.

Mohammed Omer on Israel’s Separation Wall and Death

November 12th, 2009

from: William Hughes

On Nov. 5, 2009, at the Palestine Center in Washington, D.C., an award-winning journalist, Mohammed Omer, presented a video that he had taken in January, 2005, at Rafah, Gaza Strip, near the Egyptian border. Mr. Omer, now 25 years of age, was born and raised in the Rafah refugee camp. See: His video dealt with some Palestian children attempting to post Palestinian flags on a huge Separation Wall, controlled by a security tower, operated by Israeli soldiers. A number of the children were killed by Israeli gunfire coming from the tower. During a Q&A session, Mr. Omer described what happened to the victims as a “war crime.” He also commented on, topics like: press freedom, self-censorship and an unpleasant experience that he had with CNN.
For more about the Palestine Center, go to “The Jerusalem Fund,” at: Mr. Omer is a correspondent for the “Washington Report on the Middle East Affairs” magazine. Check out: For the latest on the Human Rights crisis in Gaza, see the UN Report of Judge Richard Goldstone, at: and and and

'These People Just Want To Be Left Alone'

November 10th, 2009

In Afghaninstan the US soldiers are losing heart for a fight they feel their presence is only prolonging. Sean Smith spent a month embedded with the US Army's 501st Parachute Regiment in June this year. With inadequate vehicles, relations with Afghan security forces at a standstill and the constant threat of IEDs.

Mohammed Omer on the Hell that is Gaza

November 6th, 2009

from: William Hughes

On Nov. 5, 2009, at the Palestine Center, in Washington, D.C., an award-winning journalist, Mohammed Omer, discussed the desperate human rights situation in Gaza--the result of Israel’s recent siege and military offensive. His presentation included his personal observations, interviews with the people of Gaza, his photographs and a video. Mr. Omer, now 25 years of age, was born and raised in the Rafah refugee camp. He spoke for over an hour, including the Q&A session. For more about the Palestine Center, go to “The Jerusalem Fund,” at: Mr. Omer is a correspondent for the “Washington Report on the Middle East Affairs” magazine. Check out: For the latest on the Human Rights crisis in Gaza, see the UN Report of Judge Richard Goldstone, at: and and

Rep. Howard Berman Confronted over Goldstone Report

November 4th, 2009

from: William Hughes

On Nov. 3, 2009, on Capitol Hill, activists from the “Coalition for Free Gaza March,” personally confronted Rep. Howard Berman (D-CA,) just outside his office over the Goldstone Report. The Congressman then quickly rushed towards his private elevator. Afterwards, six activists strolled into Room 2221, Rep. Berman’s office, in the Rayburn Building, around 10 AM. There, they began reading the 575-paged UN Report of Judge Richard Goldstone. The Goldstone-authored document is highly critical of Israel’s recent military conduct in Gaza, labeling some of its action as “War Crimes.” Rep. Berman, who is Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, has introduced HR 867 in the House. Its purpose is to reject the report of the distinguished jurist, without giving Judge Goldstone a chance to personally testify before the Congress on his findings. HR 867 is due for a vote in the House later today. See, and and and and;sid=2009/10/29/111643/30 and

Book Talk with Richard Becker

November 1st, 2009

from: William Hughes

On the evening of October 29, 2009, in Baltimore, MD, Richard Becker, an author, political commentator and activist, discussed his new book, “Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire.” He is on a national speaking tour. See for background:

Mr. Becker is also the Western Regional Coordinator for the ANSWER Coalition. Check out:
The venue for the book talk was at “Sweet Tooth Dessert Shop,” located near the historic Hollins Street Market. Ms. Ashley Sauers served as the moderator for the event. Mr. Becker spoke for about one hour and a half, followed by a lively Q&A session, which lasted another 30 minutes.

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