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BusinessWeek: "The Health Insurers Have Already Won"

August 28th, 2009

In a cover story for BusinessWeek earlier this month, reporters Chad Terhune and Keith Epstein argue UnitedHealth and other insurers maneuvered to shape healthcare reform for their own benefit. The story is titled The Health Insurers Have Already Won, and the authors argue that the insurers have succeeded in redefining the terms of the reform debate to such a degree that no matter what specifics emerge in the voluminous bill Congress may send to President Obama this fall, the insurance industry will emerge more profitable. We speak with Chad Terhune, senior writer at BusinessWeek, where hes covered healthcare for several years.

Fight back against health insurance lies

August 23rd, 2009

Join the fight: What does UnitedHealthcare CEO Stephen Hemsley have to lose if Congress passes real healthcare reform this year? Well, for starters, his nearly three quarters of a billion dollars in unexercised stock options might lose a few pennies on the dollar.

What does Isabella, a four year-old girl in Winsconsin who is physically incapable of eating and has had to be tube fed her entire life, have to gain from healthcare reform? The treatment she needs to live a normal life.

Brave New Films is launching a major new campaign to reveal the truth about the health insurance industry, and we need your help to do it. Contribute $25 today so we can create more campaigns exposing the obscene wealth of the CEOs of Aetna, CIGNA, Humana and WellPoint and the policyholders theyve abandoned for profit.

Gazan Women victims of Israeli torture speak out Part 1

August 22nd, 2009

When this video link was first submitted to, the videos were not translated. Now they are translated enough for us to understand some of the cruel tortures that innocent Palestinian women were subjected to by sadistic Israelis. America has been blindly supporting this genocidal racism with hundreds of billions of dollars in cash gifts to Israel for fifty years and yet America itself claims to not be a racist state.

  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3
  • Part 4
  • Muslim Demographics

    August 16th, 2009

    And this is the culture and the people that America has chosen to hate and make war with? Therefore America will eventually be at war with most of the world. All Americans will be required to fight in the insane war effort to kill all Muslims and rule the world. It’s time for military industrial banking complex America to stop living for war and power, stop fighting the peoples of the earth and join the human race.

    Hardball: O'Donnell Wants An Answer From Rep. Culberson

    August 16th, 2009

    More Americans see members of the Republican party as looters and thieves who don’t give a damn about the American people except as corporate slaves. It’s true that the Republican party wants to remove not only Social Security and Medicare, but also public education, which they have been somewhat successful at doing with the ‘no child left behind’ and voucher program. I remember when Republican Bob Dole ran for president and promised in a campaign speech that if elected he would eliminate Social Security. That was before Dibold and Ivotronic, the election rigging technology of today. Had Dole won the election America would not have a Social Security system today and would be like any third world country wherein 90% of the people work until death and die in poverty.

    Is David Price a liar? Watch & Decide for yourself.

    August 16th, 2009

    Video by Edgar Jacobs

    Representative David Price gave a Town Hall Meeting at the Cary Town Hall on Tuesday, February 17, 2009. I was able to ask him a question about the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Walter Burien has dedicated his life to exposing this slight of hand cash exchange. Please visit his website and do some research on your own local, state and federal CAFRs. (Confidential Annual Financial Report)

    Hundreds of Trillions of dollars are held in US investments and are reported but then vanish. Read about it, see the video and share it with as many as possible.

    My question to Rep. Price -

    Full story »

    Dennis Kucinich Sets Dr. David Gratzer Straight

    August 15th, 2009

    What rock did the corporate health care industry find this snotty little smart mouth under? Kucinich easily exposed him as a liar.

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