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Zionism, Ruin of the Soul

August 15th, 2009

by Sameh Brill

The puppet American government is helping Israel to mass murder the Palestinian people, stealing their land and homes. Israel is doing the same thing to the Palestinians that America did to the Indians. America called it manifest destiny, another word for genocide.

A Photo Essay on Activism (Slideshow)

August 15th, 2009

from: William Hughes

The photos in this video cover a wide range of political activism. They run the gamut from antiwar; to stopping torture; to fighting against utility rate hikes; to the struggle for a “Free Palestine;” to exposing the scheme to privatize Iraq’s oil, to championing a Single Payer Healthcare system. Also included are pictures which represent the cause of justice for the “Cuban Five” and for a “Free Burma;” abolishing the Death Penalty; ending “The Fed,;” showing solidarity with the then-striking Writers Guild of America; advocating for Immigration Reform; and, finally, bringing George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to the Bar of Justice.

Dennis Kucinich Who are these people?

August 13th, 2009

Yes, who are these bankers, these military industrialists and corrupt politicians that are now carving up America and selling it off as if it was theirs to sell? And by what right do they sell the American people themselves into debt slavery for the rest of their lives?

Population Reduction 2012

August 12th, 2009

Web Bot 1-5

Hopi Prophecy 2012

"I am White Feather, a Hopi of the ancient Bear Clan. In my long life I have traveled through this land, seeking out my brothers, and learning from them many things full of wisdom. I have followed the sacred paths of my people, who inhabit the forests and many lakes in the east, the land of ice and long nights in the north, and the places of holy altars of stone built many years ago by my brothers' fathers in the south. From all these I have heard the stories of the past, and the prophecies of the future. Today, many of the prophecies have turned to stories, and few are left -- the past grows longer, and the future grows shorter.

Full story »

Truth Rising - Peter Schiff Moneybomb - August 7th, 2009

August 6th, 2009

In this video we see the politicians lying and the talking heads laughing. I wonder if they’re laughing now…


August 5th, 2009

From Chris

Hi, here's a montage I created online at

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