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Feeling the Hate In Jerusalem on Eve of Obama's Cairo Address

June 4th, 2009

See Max Blumenthal's shocking footage of the reaction by some Israelis and American Jews in Jerusalem to Obama's speech to the Muslim world. Co-produced by Joseph Dana, aka Ibn Ezra: and Mondoweiss, a blog that covers the Israel-Palestine conflict and the Middle East from a progressive Jewish perspective.

DeMoro-There’s a Conspiracy of Silence Against Single Payer!

June 4th, 2009

from: William Hughes

Rose Ann DeMoro is the executive director of the California Nurses Association and a National V.P. of the AFL-CIO. On June 3, 2009, she spoke at a Capitol Hill press conference called by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), on the issue of a Single Payer Healthcare System. Ms. DeMoro said: “There is a conspiracy of silence” against Single Payer in the Congress. “We’re going to have to turn up the heat” if we want to get anything done. She added that Single Payer “has been kept off the agenda” and that there was a lack of “political will” in the Congress about doing the right thing with respect to the current crisis in health care. The press conference took place in the Dirksen Senate Office Building. The healthcare activists are supporting HR 676 and S 703, now pending before the Congress. For background and any updates on the cause of Single Payer, see: and and and and and and

Road To Ruin: Online Lenders Fight Regulation

June 3rd, 2009

Payday loan offices have been sprouting up in strip malls and on street corners across America for years before Wall Street collapsed. In these hard times, more people than ever are using payday loans to keep bill collectors at bay. Quick money (at interest rates of around 500% or more) for people with bad credit has been praised by some as a lifeline for the poor and condemned by others as a money trap exploiting families in crisis. Several states have passed laws limiting interest rates, but there is one marketplace that seems to recognize no borders -- the Internet. ANP videographer Lagan Sebert has been tracing the many ways Americans have been ringing up record debt. For this story, Sebert first staked out a conference on Capitol Hill where online payday lenders and lobbyists honed their arguments to Congress against reform; then he traveled to a small town near the Virginia-North Carolina border to learn about the experiences of a man who one day googled "bad credit loans" and soon found himself in more trouble than he bargained for.

NY officer acquitted for body slam that broke woman's jaw

June 2nd, 2009

As long as the criminal American injustice system consistantly finds the police innocent of brutality like this, the brutalizing of the people will continue at the behest of the so-called government. Pictured: the victim, 44-year-old home health worker Irma Marquez, and the unrepentant Yonkers cop Wayne Simoes.

A Tribute to a Patriot: Adam Kokesh (Slideshow)

May 30th, 2009

from: William Hughes

Adam Kokesh is a former member of the U.S. Marines Corps (USMC) and a veteran of the Iraq War. He’s been one of the leaders in the “Iraq Veterans Against the War” organization. Check out Adam Kokesh has shown himself to be a warrior for Peace, a Patriot, a champion of the U.S. Constitution and a fierce opponent of the Federal Reserve System, ak/a “The Fed.” For more background on activist Kokesh, go to: and and and and and

Sense from Deniers on CO2? Don't hold your breath....

May 28th, 2009

Communicated by
Andrew Glikson

Does breathing really make global warming worse? Don't let Climate Deniers hand you this load of compostable organic matter. Do conservatives really think CO2 is safe because it doesn't cause cancer? All this and more in this weeks Climate Denial Crock of the Week.

America's Recovery

May 27th, 2009

The so-called recovery seen in the United States over the past two months may be nothing more than a blip on the economic radar. Stock markets plummeted more than fifty percent during the first year of the downturn. It was only after President Obama took office and began escalating the amount of government funding going into stocks that the sector started to turn around.

Kevin Zeese: Health Insurance Industry Rips Off a “Trillion a Year” in Profits

May 25th, 2009

from: William Hughes

On Wednesday, May 13, 2009, a rally was held on Capitol Hill advocating for a Single Payer Healthcare System. I talked with activist Kevin Zeese of ProsperityAgenda.US about the issue. Mr. Zeese is an attorney and author. He said that the health insurance industry is ripping off over a “trillion dollars a year” in profits. The spirited event was organized by the California Nurses Assoc/NNOC. The healthcare activists are supporting HR 676 and S 703, now pending before the U.S. Congress. For background and any updates, see: and and and and and and

Mimi Kennedy and Tim Carpenter Urge a Single Payer Healthcare System

May 25th, 2009

from: William Hughes

On Wednesday, May 13, 2009, a rally was held on Capitol Hill advocating for a Single Payer Healthcare System. I talked with activists Mimi Kennedy and Tim Carpenter about the issue. Ms. Kennedy is an actress, author and a long time champion of progressive causes and also the Chair of the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA); and a proud member of the the Screen Actors Guild (SAG). Mr. Carpenter is the National Director of the Progressive Democrats of America. The spirited event was organized by the California Nurses Assoc/NNOC. The healthcare activists are supporting HR 676 and S 703, now pending before the U.S. Congress. For background and any updates, see: and and and and and and

Dr. Margaret Flowers at Capitol Hill Rally for Single Payer Healthcare

May 25th, 2009

from: William Hughes

One of the speakers at a Capitol Hill rally, on Wednesday, May 13, 2009, advocating for a Single Payer Healthcare System was Dr. Margaret Flowers of Baltimore. She was recently arrested, on May 5th, at the Dirksen Office Building, for speaking out at a Senate Finance Committee. Its chairman, Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), had arbitrarily barred single payer champions from a hearing on the healthcare debate. See:
The event, on May 13th, was organized by the California Nurses Assoc/NNOC. The healthcare activists are supporting HR 676 and S 703, now pending before the U.S. Congress. For background and any updates, see: and and and and and

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