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Rahm Emanuel the next president of the United States?

November 5th, 2008

D. H. Williams

Who is Rahm Emanuel? As many Americans celebrate the historic victory of Barack Obama this evening most will be completely unaware of the central figures in his administration who will direct and implement major policies and legislation changing the lives of every citizen. While the average voter may not give a moments thought to who the members of an Obama administration will be the Obama team has already selected candidates to fill those positions. According to a well placed Democratic aid Barack Obama personally selected Rahm Emanuel to be his Chief of Staff. A key figure from Obama’s hometown of Chicago will be Congressman Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) fourth ranking Democrat in the House. Rahm Emanuel joined the Clinton’s in 1991 directing the campaign’s finances. Following the campaign Rahm became a senior adviser to Bill Clinton and severed in the Clinton administration holding various titles. Rahm was one of the original architects of NAFTA and aggressive anti- gun laws passed by the Clinton administration.

Mr. Emanuel began his career with the consumer rights organization Illinois Public Action. In 1989 he served as a senior adviser and chief fundraiser for Richard M. Daley.

Rahm and Barack have a deep history together is Chicago politics. Emanuel has been instrumental is the rise of Barack Obama from neophyte Senator to the next president of the United States. Getting virtually no media attention Rahm Emanual has been by Obama side during most of the last two years on the campaign trail.

Emanuel belongs to an orthodox Jewish congregation in Chicago and worked as a volunteer in Israel during the first Gulf War. His father Jerusalem born Benjamin M. Emanuel was a member of the Irgun, a Zionist Militant organization in the 1940s. The Irgun bombed the King David Hotel occupied by the British and housing the British authorities of Palestine on July 22, 1946. The group planted a bomb in the basement of the hotel. The ensuing bomb blast killed 91 and injured another 46.

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Source: http://www.dailynewscaster.com/2008/11/04/rahm-emanuel-the-next-president-of-the-united-states/

More on this here:

A Look at Rahm Emanuel - Obama's Chief of Staff?


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