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Hussein Assi
It's the same Israeli "malice" that expresses itself, once again, in its worst forms…
It's the same Israeli "spite" that has proved itself since the "creation" of the so-called Zionist entity that reveals itself once again…
It's true that the world is already used to the Israeli degradation for Arabs and Muslims… But who said that other religions are not dealt with in the same way by the Zionists and Israelis??
Christianity, for instance, seems to have reached the same destiny with an administration that undermines all values and beliefs, humiliates all religions and convictions…
Indeed, suddenly and without any prior notice, Channel 10 of Israeli Television decided to devote a complete episode for the Christianity. However, it found that the most appropriate program for such a topic was… its "comical" and "sarcastic" program, called "Tonight with Liur."
Thus, and just as expected, the Israeli host decided to show his "ironical" competences, undermining the whole religion and harming Jesus Christ (Prophet Issa pbuh) and his holy mother Mary (pbuh). The whole scene was, of course, accompanied by the audience's "horselaughs" as if they were watching a circus or a comical series.
So, the Israeli spite against the whole humanity continues, uncovering more "vicious surprises" day after day.
Therefore, the international community, the Christian and Muslim references in the whole world are called upon to exert pressures on the Zionist entity to halt its aggression and assaults against dignities, at the top of which are God's prophets and messengers.
In response, Hezbollah issued Thursday a statement in which it expressed deep grief over the abuse committed by the disgraceful Zionist enemy on Channel Ten against one of the great Prophets of God, Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, peace be upon them (PBUT), and his pure holy mother, considered sacred in the Bible and the holy Qura'an, by Muslims, Christians and all believers in God's messages in the world.
Hezbollah condemned this crime and insult against the holiest people that God has sent, out of his love, compassion and blessings for humanity. "Such conduct is not surprising from an enemy whose history is filled with the murder of prophets, offenses to holy sites, who lacks recognition of others, distorts and occupies holy places for both Muslims and Christians, in addition to mosques and churches, their respective places of worship," Hezbollah's statement added.
The statement concluded:
"Hezbollah puts this heinous offense in the hands of all defenders of human rights and freedom of belief. Hezbollah also appeals to all concerned parties of international and human rights organizations, civil and religious bodies to initiate a unified action that condemns this crime and obliges the enemy to stop its mockery of religious symbols, beliefs and sanctities."
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