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9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA A Coup Against World Civilization

August 19th, 2009

Webster Tarpley

[Webster Tarpley made two presentations to the International Citizens' Inquiry Into 9/11 in Toronto in May 2004, entitled The 9/11 Terror Fraud: A Coup Against World Civilization - Parts One and Two.
This transcript is abstracted from Part One. The complete versions of both presentations are available on DVD from GlobalOutlook.ca.]

So rushing ahead, let's just remember that despite the activities of this pseudo Commission, 'Cover-up Commission' as it has been termed, there's absolutely no proof of any of the main allegations. There's absolutely no documentary serious proof of al Qaeda, bin Laden, the 19 [hijackers], Atta and so forth. -There is no proven connection to Afghanistan, no proof of who the hijackers were, if there were any hijackers. There's no proof of foreign origin and nobody has ever been convicted for anything in a fair trial. One of the first skeptics was former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt who said it is wrong to invoke the NATO Article 5 calling for collective self defense because it has never been proven that the attacks came from outside of the United States. So the entire NATO Council was stampeded under the results of these events.

Competent researchers have demonstrated that the official version of 9/11 is absurd, contradictory, and untenable - yet it is still being used to justify an international anarchy of preventive war, and liberticide police state measures. This process is fraudulent and must be opposed by real intellectuals and persons of good will.

Gerhard Wisnewski and Andreas von Buelow have essentially done a lot in the history of the Baader Meinhof group, the so-called Red Army faction, that's Wisnewski and the general activities of intelligence services by von Buelow, who for a decade or more was the head of the German parliamentary committee of oversight of the BND, the Bundes Nachrichten Dienst, the CIA of Germany. And I would also modestly suggest that some of my own work is relevant in this connection as well. Now here I would like to present a very important diagram that I commend to your attention and I want to tarry and look at it for a moment. (See diagram or model)

We are dealing with state-sponsored, false flag terrorism. I don't mean state-sponsored in the sense that it has to be sponsored by the entire command structure of the country in question, but that it is carried forward by a private network ensconced and infesting decisive nodal points in the state apparatus of that country. I'll try to show you what I mean.

Patsies and Fall Guys

Here we have to distinguish a world of patsies, the people that you hear about, I'll try to show you some of this in detail, the people we can call the dupes, the useful idiots, the fanatics, the police agents, the double agents, the provocateurs, in short the Oswalds, the fall guys. Lee Harvey Oswald - 'I'm just a patsy' - direct quote. That's one group.

The Moles. This is the group of government officials, the network of government officials, whose loyalty is not to the command structure, the Constitution or their country in some diffuse sense, but rather their loyalty goes to a private intelligence network, a private clique, faction, a group of putschists if you will, people trying to have a coup d'état.

Professional Killers and Asteroids. You also have to distinguish the professional killers. These are the cold blooded technicians of murder. This is the sort of area where you see retired veterans of the Special Forces, the Delta Force, the CIA Operations Directorate, and so on down the line - the old boys. At the end of the '80s and the beginning of the '90s, the term for this group in Washington was the asteroids.

All of them operate in a brainwashed world of the controlled corporate media which establishes the terms of the debate. Now the patsies are up front, the moles are known but the fact that they are moles is not well-known. The professional killers don't ever want to become known, they'd rather be completely anonymous.

Let's just look at the patsies for a second. You can think of Oswald, you can think of this group of 19 (alleged hijackers), think of Mohammed Atta and we'll get to him in just a minute. These are false flag terrorists. I would submit that most of the time they are pieces of human wreckage. They are psychotic. They are people with criminal intent, criminal energy but not much else. They have no mental ability. It helps, because they're not supposed to realize what is going to happen to them because at some point it is going to go badly for them. They are psychopaths, sociopaths, and they are ideologues - they are obsessive about various ideological points.

They are also capable of being very abrasive, very obvious and very anxious to be noticed, like Atta and his people going to strip clubs or getting into fights with people about parking spaces and all sorts of incomprehensible behavior whose only purpose was to make sure people remember that they were there. Now most of these people can't get through life without a comprehensive support network, they can't make it otherwise. That is why we find so many of them in south Florida. Why south Florida? Well, there's something called CIA Miami Station. The CIA is not supposed to have big offices in the continental United States but they do, and the biggest one is in Florida with the target of course being Cuba. This goes back to the early 1960s and that is precisely where we find all of these terrorists hanging out in these motels, bars and strip clubs.

So they require a comprehensive support network. They require protection against ordinary law enforcement because these are the kinds of people who are likely to get arrested for being drunk and disorderly, for petty theft, traffic violations and so on down the line. There has to be somebody from the CIA office of security or something else there to make sure that they don't get put in the hoosegow.

The most important thing about the patsies that I would suggest to you is that when it comes down to it in the crucial instance they are physically and mentally incapable of carrying out the large-scale actions ascribed to them. A supermarket-caliber terrorist who can blow up a bus or a shop is not capable of these tremendous feats that are associated with 9/11. So we have done the patsies.

Three 9/11 Moles. Let's turn our attention next to the moles. Now the moles are government officials but they don't work for the government, they work for this private network. What is their task? Well they have two, I think, essentially. They have to preserve the patsies from arrest or elimination because you've got to have the patsies, they are indispensable: you can't pin it on them if they are in jail.

They also have to supervise the cover-up. This is absolutely decisive, because whatever you can do can be investigated and blown but not if you have moles supervising the cover-up. Now you remember Colleen Rowley and her little complaint from Minneapolis saying, I thought that the leaders of the FBI in Washington were a bunch of moles? Well bravo Ms. Rowley. Indeed David Frasca of the FBI, the head of the Islamic Fundamentalism Department who rejected the Phoenix Memo, who rejected the Minneapolis demands and so forth, is a prime candidate as a mole of 9/11.

This is the unfortunate General Myers, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the United States, the guy who was unable to scramble a single jet fighter until the Pentagon had been hit by something. Now a couple of weeks ago he goes on the television to talk about his war crimes in Iraq and he said, "Well I didn't read the Taguba report [referring to Seymour Hersh's article in Harper's] I don't read things like that, they don't get to my desk". He seems to make a business of not knowing anything. This is another case where you wonder could General Myers find his way to the men's room without the help of a CIA covert operation (audience applause, laughter)?

How about the Federal Aeronautics Administration employee who a couple of weeks ago was found to be directing the burning of the tapes? There were taped interviews done with the air traffic controllers the day of the 11th and 12th of September and all that evidence has now been destroyed. Well that looks like another mole to me.

The only thing I have to warn you of here, my caveat, is that you cannot project backwards to the moles because the problem is this. If the terrorism operation is successful you tend to shunt the entire government, like an express train going through a switch, it puts the entire state machine on a new track. At that point bureaucratic conservatism, self-preservation, all the bureaucratic instincts kick in. In retrospect it looks like all the members of the government are moles. But that does not mean that they were witting before the fact or even that they are witting after the fact. So you have to be careful about the people to whom you ascribe witting knowledge of what is actually going on because these are even fewer than it appears.

Now we have to think about the professional killers. These are not bunglers, these are not psychotics, at least not in the true sense, they may be morally insane. They are professional experts with state-of-the-art training and equipment. These are cold-blooded technocrats of death and they are eminently capable of performing terror attacks. They are detached, they are not ideological, they are often mercenaries, often in it for money. They want secrecy, they don't want attention, they don't want publicity, they want to keep a low profile, no profile. Their occupational hazard of course is that they tend to be liquidated after the fact. But their goal is never to be heard from again.

The other component is the brainwashed world, but the indispensable thing of course that I don't show on the picture is a command cell. This is almost certainly to be not in government but somewhere privatized. You have to go back to Ronald Reagan's first term and his Executive Order 12333 which essentially privatized most of the Cold War functions of the CIA. It put them into these companies we find around Washington, the so-called Beltway Bandits if you will. Those are the entire special forces, Delta Force, SEALS, Special Air Services of Great Britain are very big and very aggressive, US Air Force intelligence with their utopian ideas, Defense Intelligence Agency and so on down the line.

The Corporate Controlled. Media Finally the corporate media. They are the indispensable ingredient because without them you can't have anything. You have to have mass propaganda to accredit and spread and pound the official version of the events into the minds of people, and to smooth over the inevitable absurdities, contradictions, impossibilities and so forth of the official story. Mass brainwashing in the Anglo-American tradition is what they propose.

If you want to show this to people at a comprehensible level there's an interesting movie called The Package made in the late 1980s that does show the levels of moles, dupes, and professional killers. Its premise is that Gene Hackman is a good US Army sergeant who stumbles upon a plot by a clique of US and Soviet officers - there's a private network - who are determined to assassinate Gorbachev in order to stop disarmament and détente which they don't want. We have Tommy Lee Jones as a professional killer, the hit man. The US generals and Soviet generals who work together are the moles. Then we have a dim-witted army person from the stockade that they bring from the Army brig and use him as a patsy. So I recommend this interesting movie The Package with Gene Hackman and Tommy Lee Jones. It is the only thing from Hollywood that I have ever seen that has any connection to reality in it. (Audience laughter and applause.)

Now, the Kean-Hamilton Commission. The nicest thing that we can say is that they beg the question. They have assumed as given that which they have to prove, their official story. They haven't proven the official story, they haven't come anywhere near it. It is a scandal, it is an abject failure and as I will try to show, the tragedy of the Kean-Hamilton Commission is that it leaves the door wide open to future terrorism because the real terrorist networks have remained totally untouched, totally uninvestigated, totally unknown and the 19 patsies have been essentially destroyed.

On the 26th of July, an interesting date, the report is going to be issued but it is not going to be released to you but to the White House so it can be censored. So we will have a censorship of a censorship and what comes out at the end is probably going to be something like dishwater or hogwash. I guess we'll have to read it when it comes.

Joyce Lynn, who I think you've heard already, has done a wonderful job in lining up the various contradictions and impossibilities in this group, their conflicts of interest: who represents the CIA, Lee Hamilton represents the Washington establishment, Leeman just did a hatchet job on the New York City fireman and policemen and so on down the line. A wretched performance.

However, despite the idiotic direction of the entire thing, it nevertheless, as an unavoidable and unintended by-product, produced a number of interesting revelations. Part of it is that thanks to this fellow here Richard Clarke, it is clear that Bush, Condoleeza and others lied. (Clarke's confession to the victim families) "Yes, your government failed you and I failed you." I wanted to propose this man Clarke for the Academy Award this year, the Oscar, for his performance in this hearing, because this was one of the most exceptional pieces of histrionics that I've ever seen. He was able to sell himself to the victim families but you just have to remember that everything he says goes in the direction of attempting to accredit and shore up the bankrupt official version. In other words, he is the guy who says to Bush, Don't worry about Iraq, worry about al Qaeda. He should have been saying, Let's look at the moles inside our own government which he did not do. (Audience applause.)

So rushing ahead, let's just remember that despite the activities of this pseudo Commission, 'Cover-up Commission' as it has been termed, there's absolutely no proof of any of the main allegations. There's absolutely no documentary serious proof of al Qaeda, bin Laden, the 19 [hijackers], Atta and so forth. The White Book (of proof) was promised by General Powell but never delivered.

There is no proven connection to Afghanistan, no proof of who the hijackers were, if there were any hijackers. There's no proof of foreign origin and nobody has ever been convicted for anything in a fair trial. One of the first skeptics was former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt who said it is wrong to invoke the NATO Article 5 calling for collective self defense because it has never been proven that the attacks came from outside of the United States. So the entire NATO Council was stampeded under the results of these events.

Webster Tarpley is an historian and journalist, author and lecturer based in Washington, D.C. He has studied the dark world of intrigue peopled by patsies, paid killers known as operators, and moles - government officials who flout their own country's laws. In 1992, he co-authored "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography", which still stands as the only comprehensive and critical account of the former President and his family network. Posted for free on the internet (www.tarpley.net), it has become an underground classic which has been viewed and downloaded by millions of readers.

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Source: http://www.waronfreedom.org/wgt-sf-speech.html

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