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WW I: A Pointless Tragedy or Super Russian Doll Conspiracy

December 4th, 2011

By Katherine Smith, PhD

Russian Dolls

WW I, the war to end all wars, never made any sense. The official story of WW II: a fanatical dictator trying to take over the world with money from George H.W. Bush’s father, at least sounded plausible… until you realize that:

Adolph Hitler was, a gay prostitute and a street cleaner, who made every mistake possible in his failed attempt to take over the world. Hitler came on the scene with the Beer Hall Putsch (a march on Berlin), the first in a series of curious blunders.

“When the Munich police fire into the ground, the brave soldier from WW I throws himself to the ground dislocating his shoulder and runs away. After hiding in a friend's house for several days the future Führer is arrested and his 5-week trial turns Adolf Hitler into a national hero where he wrote, later corrected to “dictated,” the best seller Mein Kamp. His struggle was most likely ghost-written by a Jesuit priest.” Inside The Gestapo by Hansjurgen Koehler

Other problems with the official WW II story:

  • The Munich Agreement

From the World Book Encyclopedia:

“On September 29, 1938, an agreement was signed between Hitler and Great Britain’s Neville Chamberlain calling for a peaceful revision of the wrongs committed by the Treaty of Versailles that would have avoided World War II. Hitler said the Sudetland was “the last territorial claim I have to make in Europe.” But German troops invade Poland on Sept 1, 1939, starting World War II. The Munich Agreement was one of the worst of the tragic blunders that led up to the war.”

Blunder? Unlikely

World Book scholars neglected to read the November 14, 1938 front page of the Völkischer Beobachter, reporting the death of Vom Rath.

“Reichskristallnacht, Crystal night: cause and effect.”

The Munich agreement did not stop World War II because a Polish Jew, Herschel Grynszpan, walked into the German Embassy in France one week earlier and assassinated, according to most historical accounts, a “top German” diplomat as revenge for the expulsion of Herschel’s parents from Germany to Poland.

Joseph Goebbels suspected a Jewish conspiracy and planned a trial hoping to demonstrate Grynszpan’s link with the Zionists to plunge Europe into a war. The trial was scrapped when Grynszpan fabricates a story about a homosexual liaison between the junior diplomat and himself.

  • Hitler and the Zionists: a Match made in the Holocaust

WW II confirmed that the fundamental aim of the Zionist movement was to create a “Jewish state” in Palestine…not to save Jewish lives. From the diaries of Theodor Herzl, a Rothschild agent:

“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews….become worse….this will assist in realization of our plans….I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth….The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends.” [1]

“Concentration” were not the only camps set up by Hitler and the Gestapo. During the 1930’s, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. The Transfer Agreement between Hitler’s Germany and international Zionism implemented in 1933 and abandoned at the beginning WW II allowed German Jews to immigrate to Palestine. [2]

“WW I, ‘the war to end all wars,’ allegedly began in Europe over clashes for "spheres of influence". Gavrilo Princip, the 19-year-old assassin and member of the Black Hand secret society, envisioned the death of the Archduke as the key that would unlock the shackles binding his people to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.”

The Serbian government kept a close watch on Black Hand activities and knew of the plot to kill the Archduke of Ferdinand. The prime minister of Serbia, Nikola Pasic, gave instructions for the three men to be arrested and the Black Hander in charge of the plot was told to abort the mission but inexplicably neither order was carried out.

Researchers and historians questioned this unmitigated nonsense, and finally threw up their hands and concluded:

“Thanks partly to a generation of war poets who recorded the horrors of the war and a generation of historians who castigated the Allied high command for their decisions and ‘waste of life’ (Allied soldiers being the 'Lions led by Donkeys'), the war is generally viewed as a pointless tragedy.” The First World War: A Modern View

The First World War: What is the United States doing in this Picture?

“The U.S. entry in the war cost one million British, French, American, and other lives." Winston Churchill

Even more of an enigma than the war itself, is the U.S. entry into the conflict: temporarily ending a history of non-intervention and isolationism.

Wiki Best Answers: Why did the U.S. enter WW I? (The Story)

  • The first and foremost answer would be the sinking of the Lusitania, a British cruise/transport ship, bound for Britain from New York. The German U-boat ring sought to sink all supply ships headed for Britain in order to starve the island. It sank the Lusitania as part of its efforts. 1195 people died, including 128 Americans. Had it not been for the Lusitania, the US would have stayed out of the War. [RMS Lusitania, was sunk in May 1915, and the US went to war against Germany in April 1917]

  • It was starting to look like Germany was going to be defeated. [notice the words “look like”] and Britain softly manipulated the USA into joining the Allies, history can't really blame them.
  • The USA wanted to be part of the post war carve up and wanted to be there for their share of the pie. [Huh?]
  • The American military was very keen to have a go at the "Hun". [HaHa]

[And my all time Wiki favorite: The Zimmermann Telegram]

  • The U.S. entered the war because the British intercepted a message in January 1917 from Germany to Mexico asking for an alliance in case of war. The Zimmerman note: an encoded telegram sent from Germany to Mexico, which stated that if Mexico invaded the US they would get back some of their land. Fortunately, our ally Britain intercepted the message and cracked the code in time to warn us.

[End of Wiki Best Answers: Why did the U.S. enter WW I? (The Story)]

Most historians agree that it was not a single influence that provoked the U.S. to declare war; rather, it was a confluence of many factors. In other words they don’t know what really happened.

The Global Financial Elite (TGFE) didn’t expect anyone with an IQ over 100 to believe this foolishness and therefore created the “Balfour Declaration Russian Doll Conspiracy.” [3]

The Balfour Declaration (the story behind the story)

The War, according to Churchill, would have ended in 1917 if the U.S. had not entered the war. “The mood in London was bleakly pessimistic in early 1917. The blood-drenched Battle of the Somme, from July to November 1916, had proved that France and Britain could not defeat Germany without U.S. help. As Winston Churchill later wrote, Britain was so close to defeat that any straw had to be grasped.” [4]

Churchill’s Statements are Disinformation
Unlike misinformation, which is a form of wrong information, Disinformation is deliberately misleading announced publicly or leaked by a government, intelligence agency or other entity for the purpose of influencing opinions or perceptions. In this case Churchill intended to sow confusion and deceive the public.

History goes on to record the losers were about to accept a simple status quo and end to the war, with no punitive conditions, when France and Britain were approached with an offer they should have refused. [5]

“The deal entailed that if the Zionist-led international banking cartel could arrange Britain's victory, would Great Britain support a Zionist state later on when the right conditions presented themselves. Great Britain agreed to these terms, and as their part of the deal, the Zionist bankers would get the United States of America into the conflict and reverse the obvious outcome.” [6]

Great Britain agreed to these terms and the famous Balfour Declaration was their part of the deal, so that they could “reverse the obvious outcome.” [7]

Although slightly more plausible, you can still float a battleship through the official story behind the story. Therefore TGFE invented a story behind the story behind the story with all the elements of a made for TV drama: sex, power, politics and blackmail.

He Didn’t Keep us out of War

Up to and during the 1916 Presidential campaign, the U.S. had no interest in a European adventure even after the suspicious sinking of "45,000 tons of live bait”, the Lusitania.

President Wilson campaigned for re-election with the slogan, "He kept us out of war." Then ninety days after beginning his second term, he called upon Congress for a declaration of war in order to "make the world safe for democracy."

No one was fooled by Wilson’s mysterious change in position, so a massive government propaganda campaign and the Espionage Act were required to sell the war. It was now a crime for Americans to speak against their government's war effort, incite disloyalty, or encourage men to resist the draft.

J.P. Morgan, Abraham Kuhn, Solomon Loeb and Rothschild’s financial empire (TGFE) were the power behind the Federal Income tax, the Federal Reserve, millions of deaths from two world wars and Woodrow Wilson’s political career. [8]

How Does Samuel Untermeyer Fit into the story behind the story behind the story?

Another particularly influential figure promoting Woodrow Wilson was New York attorney Samuel Untermeyer, a leader in the Zionist movement and the man who financed the Scofield Bible. [9]

Wilson, the former "man of peace," pleaded with Congress to declare war against Germany because when Wilson was president of Princeton he had an affair with a married woman, Mary Peck. Shortly after the inauguration, Samuel Untermeyer, attorney and generous contributor to Wilson’s presidential campaign, contacted Wilson about a breach of promise legal action from his client, Mary Peck. [Appendix B]

Untermeyer informed President Wilson that his client was willing to accept $40,000 in lieu of commencing a breach of promise action. Wilson did not have the money and Untermeyer volunteered to pay the money on the condition that Wilson would appoint a nominee to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court to be recommended by Untermeyer. On June 14, 1916, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, the most politically influential of all Zionists in the United States is appointed to the Supreme Court on the recommendation of Untermeyer. Supreme Court Justice Brandeis volunteered his opinion to president Wilson that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English Channel justified the declaration of war against Germany. [10]

As Samuel Landman, the former secretary of the World Zionist Organization disclosed:

“The only way . . . to induce the American president to come into the war (was) to secure the cooperation of Zionist Jews by promising them Palestine, and thus enlist and mobilize the hitherto unsuspectedly powerful forces of Zionist Jews in America and elsewhere in favor of the Allies on a quid pro quo contract basis, the Balfour Declaration.”

The House of Rothschild and the International Banking community agreed to bring America into the war in exchange for the famous Balfour Declaration. Carroll Quigley, Georgetown history professor, wrote: “the Balfour Declaration was not a declaration or public statement but actually a letter drafted by Lord Alfred Milner, a Rothschild employee, to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild.”

Sounds good until you realize the following:

First, Germany wasn’t winning World War I

The 1974 World Book Encyclopedia contradicts Churchill and acknowledges the military situation was in favor of the Allies. [5] The Allies could have defeated Germany without grasping at the straw in the United States before, during, and after the battle of the Somme.

Therefore to ensure the outcome of the Battle of the Somme and justify the Balfour Declaration conspiracy (the story behind the story behind the story), the elite of TGFE, The Rothschilds, who operate out of their headquarters in the square-mile sovereign state in the heart of greater London, only deployed the tank in limited numbers in 1916. Germany didn’t win the battle: the British went into the tank (pun intended) at the battle of the Somme and took a dive. [11]

Second, the Rothschilds, who at the beginning of the 20th century controlled ½ the wealth of the world, and were the hidden hand behind every social cataclysm in modern history… didn’t need the Battle of the Somme, let alone a World War to write a letter to themselves.

At Last -- the Reasons the U.S. entered WW 1

World War I is no longer a pointless tragedy when you realize the war to end all wars created the League of Nations (predecessor to the United Nations), the Versailles treaty (leading directly to World War II) and the Modern State of Israel.

World War I temporarily ended isolationism around the world (the nail in the isolationism coffin didn’t happen until World War II).

The US entry in the war was the first step in ending a history of non-intervention and isolationism in America. The final step was on November 29, 1947 when the United States cast the critical vote to approve UN resolution 181 to partition Palestine.

The Modern State of Israel was declared on May 14, 1948.


Two world wars, the Holocaust and 70 million deaths only make sense if the social cataclysms were a Super Russian doll Conspiracy to get the Jews to Palestine…not in 1946 or 1950, but in 1947 (“The Return”) and a Jewish State established in 1948. Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen in the World?

Katherine Smith PhD, is a regular contributor to the home of Thought Provoking Articles and can be reached at mandrell2010@gmail.com

[1] From the diaries that Theodor Herzl kept between 1895 and 1904 -- Part I, pp. 16

[2] When Lenni Brenner’s, 51 Documents: RothIsm Collaboration with the Nazis was published the Pro-RothIsm British Jewish central organization wanted Amazon to issue a warning to their customers, "We have urged Amazon to acknowledge on the site that this book is of a dangerous and controversial nature.”

Brenner’s introduction:

The Nazi era is the most discussed period in history, yet most Jews and others are unaware of the interaction between RothIsm, Hitler and Mussolini.

What happened to the Jews is constantly utilized in RothIsm propaganda as justification for the creation of the Israeli state, the silver lining around the dark cloud of desolation.

Brenner’s 51 Documents included a secret memorandum written on June 21, 1933, from the German RothIsm Federation to the Nazis, “All German Jewish organizations, it was declared, should be dominated by the RothIsm spirit". In 1941, the "Stern Gang," among them Yitzhak Shamir, later Prime Minister of Israel, presented the Nazis with the Fundamental Features of the Proposal of the National Military Organization (NMO) in Palestine:

The NMO, which is well-acquainted with the goodwill of the German Reich government and its authorities towards RothIsm activity … is of the opinion that: the NMO in Palestine, … offers to actively take part in the war on Germany's side. Part 2: World War I, II: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened

[3] The Global Financial Elite (TGFE, a variation of TPTB, a non-conspiracy term coined by G. William Domhoff, a Research Professor at the University of California.

Skull and Bones, a branch of the Bavarian Illuminati, was founded by William Huntington Russell and fellow classmate Alphonso Taft at Yale University in 1832.

G. William Domhoff, a Research Professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz first coined the non-conspiracy acronym TPTB. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Miami and has been teaching at the University of California, Santa Cruz, since 1965. Four of his books are among the top 50 best sellers in sociology for the years 1950 to 1995: Who Rules America? (1967); The Higher Circles (1970); Who Rules America Now? (1983); and the non-"conspiracy" critique and theory of the U.S. power structure, The Powers That Be (TPTB) in 1979.

[4] So Zionist claims of influence in America, surely exaggerated, looked enticing enough for Britain to act upon. Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman.

[5] Ted Lang’s The Zionist Connection - An Unholy Tripartite.

1916 - July 1-November 18 - the battle in Somme causes 1 million deaths, and no strategic gain. Things look bleak for the allies at this point in the war.

“Germany won World War I. The war was over, but prior to an acceptance of Germany's offer of a simple status quo ante end to the war with no punitive, attendant conditions for the losers, namely Great Britain and France, the international banking community, through its Zionist representatives, approached the British, desperate to win the war, and offered Britain a deal.

The deal entailed that if the Zionist-led international banking cartel could arrange Britain's victory, would Great Britain support a Zionist state later on when the right conditions presented themselves? Great Britain agreed to these terms, and as their part of the deal, the Zionist bankers would get the United States of America into the conflict and reverse the obvious outcome.” http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=23656

Ted Lang’s The Zionist Connection needs the following documentation about the Battle of the Somme and the details of Wilson’s May 27, 1916 speech, where he expressed the hope that "peace was close at hand" to be complete.

At first, President Wilson used every means at the disposal of a neutral power to offer his good offices to the belligerents. However, "his efforts met with no success. In fact, it increased bitterness, and brought about an extended use of propaganda upon both sides." In 1915, American aloofness and neutrality were sorely tried both by Allied control of the sea lanes (which adversely affected foreign trade), and by the sinking, in May, of the British passenger ship, the Lusitania, by a German submarine. Many Americans were among those who lost their lives. This incident, as well as submarine warfare in general, brought the United States close to breaking with the Central Powers. The crisis subsided when the Central Powers pledged in May 1916 to restrict submarine warfare (before the battle of Somme they were trying to end the war). As American awareness of the war was growing in the Presidential election year of 1916, the President stepped up his peace efforts. On May 27, 1916, Wilson gave a speech in Washington at a rally held by the League to Enforce Peace. He expressed the hope that "peace was close at hand" and implied that the United States was ready to mediate and guarantee it. http://www.hungarian-history.hu/lib/tria/tria18.htm
The League's rally gave President Wilson the opportunity to state his views regarding the postwar settlement. One of the ideas he espoused was "the right of every people to choose its sovereign affiliation." Wilson also suggested that in order to assure the freedom of the seas and to prevent future wars, "universal association of nations" should be formed. The President hoped in vain that his initiative would be followed by a similar British move.

[6] The Greatest Story Never Told, Winston Churchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, pg. 20

[7] The Balfour Declaration was not a declaration or public statement but a letter drafted by Lord Alfred Milner, a Rothschild employee to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild.” Carroll Quigley, Georgetown history professor.

[8] Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman, The Greatest Story Never Told, Winston Churchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, pg. 20

[9] Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman, The New York Times, December 8, 1922

[10] Zionism - the Hidden Tyranny - Benjamin H. Freedman, The Greatest Story Never Told, Winston Churchill and the Crash of 1929 by Pat Riott, pg. 20

[11] Andrew Hitchcock, author of The History of the House of Rothschild.

"The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, and are the hidden hand behind all the social cataclysms in history”

Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton. The World Order by Eustice Mullins, Boring, OR: CPA Book Publisher, 1985. The Power Of The Rothschilds By Fritz Springmeier (Excerpt - Bloodlines of the Illuminati, The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock, 25)

The Battlefield Debut of the Tank was in 1916 and an EyeWitness to History writes:

The new weapon made its battlefield debut on September 15, 1916 when fifty of the machines joined the Battle of the Somme in a third attempt to attack and break through the German defenses. The attack failed - no breakthrough occurred. Only 35 of the tanks actually took part in the battle. Their presence shocked the enemy, but their practical impact was minimal due to a lack of effective tactics and numerous mechanical failures. But, the door to the future was opened and the first step taken in the development of a weapon that would dominate the battlefield of future wars.

Appendix A

The Rothschilds control a vast portion of the world's wealth and are the hidden hand behind all the social-cataclysms in modern history: the French, Russian and American Revolutions; Communism, Capitalism, World Wars and the Modern State of Israel. Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton. The World Order by Eustice Mullins, Boring, OR: CPA Book Publisher, 1985. The Power Of The Rothschilds By Fritz Springmeier (Excerpt - Bloodlines of the Illuminati, The History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock, 25. Andrew Hitchcock, author of The History of the House of Rothschild.

Appendix B

By the end of 1915, tolerable equilibrium had been reached in terms of America's relationship with Germany and Wilson sent one of his closest advisors to London, Colonel House, to see if a peace initiative could be thrashed out between Britain and Germany with America acting as an intermediary. On February 22nd, 1916, the House-Grey Memorandum was signed which put on paper Wilson's plan of mediation. House returned to America in good spirits and immediately set about with Wilson putting some substance into the Memorandum. The sinking by a U-boat of the paddle steamer 'Sussex' on March 24th, 1916, all but ended this venture. Two Americans on the 'Sussex' were hurt but when reports got back to America, they stated that they had been killed. The 'Sussex' incident was resolved and by mid-1916, the Americans seemed to have developed a more positive relationship with Germany.

The same was not true with regards to Britain. First, Britain turned its back on the Memorandum signed by its own Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey. Then Britain increased its maritime activities with regards to stopping ships trading with Germany and other members of the Central Powers. Finally, the treatment of those arrested after the failed Easter Rising in Dublin in 1916 had greatly angered the influential Irish-American community on America's east coast. To many, Britain had lost the moral high ground and to some it seemed as if Britain did not want peace at all.

On November 7th, 1916, Wilson won the presidential election. Though small groups within America – American-Germans, American-French etc – were all for some form of involvement for their own ‘side’, the bulk of Americans supported Wilson’s approach and as a president seeking re-election in 1916, he had to listen to what the public said.

To many Americans he was still seen as a man of peace whereas his opponent, Charles Evans Hughes, was seen as a warmonger. Wilson spent the next few months trying to set up a way in which America could lead peace negotiations that would end the war. He sent out a simple question to both sides - what would it take for them to be willing to end the war? Britain and France sent back replies that stated their terms - terms that could only be met with a decisive military victory. Germany's reply was vague and evasive.

Regardless of this, Wilson continued to fight for peace based around the idea of a League of Nations. In mid-January 1917, he set up secret negotiations with both Britain and Germany to obtain their agreement for America's mediation in a peace plan. Wilson had a very clear idea of what he wanted.

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