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Cynthia McKinney
Hello! It's amazing what one can learn just by talking to strangers who can become acquaintances. I want to get this out there because I was stunned when my waitress made the comment as I was complementing her on her cheerful attitude, her pretty eyeshadow, and other small talk. She announced that she was really not that cheerful about the fact that her sister, in the U.S. military, had just received her orders to report to Syria and that her sister would be shipping out very soon. Imagine that. U.S. troops headed to Syria. Did our President make that announcement to the people of this country?
U.S.forces now reportedly all over the oil-producing areas of Libya and in the desert reportedly spying on the other countries of the region from a secret drone base. View the video here: http://www.algeria-isp.com/actualites/politique-libye/201112-A7555/libye-une-base-militaire-secrete-americaine-francaise-libye-katroune-video-voir-decembre-2011.html
U.S.combat troops currently roam throughout central Africa having been deployed by our President to Uganda, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, and every other country that received the message loud and clear from our President's previous Africa deployment--Libya--about what could happen if the leadership of that country refused cooperation with the Obama military and hence, says "yes" to the presence of foreign troops on their territory. Of course, this offensive deployment was made under an appropriate cover story that, for those familiar with the region, is clearly only a cover story and a not-very-credible one, at that. Watch this video at: http://www.aljazeera.com/news/africa/2011/10/20111014174712102972.html.
Drone bases are in Kenya, Djibouti, Seychelles, Ethiopia; and the Obama Africa policy has succeeded in ensuring that Kenyans now fight and kill Somalis on the ground while drones fire missiles from the sky (http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-building-secret-drone-bases-in-africa-arabian-peninsula-officials-say/2011/09/20/gIQAJ8rOjK_story.html).
This is going to continue, folks, until the people of this country say no. Please let our President know that he must act immediately to bring all of our troops home, stop the CIA drone bombings, and adopt a military policy of non-intervention in other countries. Please send that message now: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments.
The American Grass Roots Tour
Saturday March 10th, 2012 - 6:30 to 8:00pm
Sponsored by www.VeteransToday.com - Jim W. Dean, Editor
and Joining Hands for Justice in Israel and Palestine - Greater Atlanta Presbytery
Villa International Atlanta
1749 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
Join us for an evening with the infamous Gilad Atzmon, the man, his sax, and his social justice causes, on his current book tour - www.wanderingwho.com Gilad writes on political matters, social issues, Jewish Identity and culture. His papers are published by many press outlets around the world. His new book, The Wandering Who? A Study of Jewish Identity Politics, has gained praise and controversy as he stands against injustice in occupied Palestine. Limited seating is available for this event. Please RSVP jimwdean@aol.com to be added to our update list. A sample of what they don't want you to hear:
http://youtu.be/BReSuV9EyEY Gilad in Trondheim, Norway with his group: