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By Tony Soldo
One of the objectives of the false flag Boston Marathon bombing terror attack, was to create fear, confusion, anger, and hatred, in the subconscious minds of the masses, the millions of people who absorb and accept the "New Normal", whenever the people in power implement a tactic or agenda (Problem).
After the media saturates the minds of the masses, the government has a greater role in their lives to rule over them and control them.
The media conditioned the masses to cheer the police and soldiers after the suspect was caught, and the whole city of Boston came out of their houses, cheering the soldiers and police, waving their flags, and singing the national anthem (Reaction).
Now, anytime their is any kind of attack or even a suspected threat, the government can just lock down a whole city, send in the troops, stop and search anyone, go door to door, invading homes, forbidding Citizens to leave their houses, and businesses to close, etc...and the majority of people will not only allow this "New Normal", they will cheer and sing while the oppressors are oppressing them.
The New Normal is a terror attack against the people, and the minds of the people.
Everything that happened after the False Flag Boston Bombing, was meant to create a new, expanded role of government and soldiers and police, on the streets of the USA.
They can violate the rule of law, the Bill of Rights, including the 4th Amendment, Posse Comitatus, Habeas Corpus, and the Miranda Act.
This False Flag attack will be used to expand the Police State, take away more of our fast evaporating freedom and liberties, but also they will use this crisis to pass laws and bills like the CISPA act, that allows the government to extract all personal information on anyone from any source, without a warrant, and pass tougher laws demanding deeper background checks, and create a grid where all of our personal information can be stored and shared by any and all law enforcement, instantly.
Look for these measures to be hidden in any new immigration reform bills (the terror suspects will be presented as an example for stronger background checks).
And also, this attack will give the politicians more "ammo" to pass more laws taking away the people's right to keep weapons to defend themselves.
All major False Flag Events serve many purposes, and this one will serve at least three, creating the new normal in our society and nation.
1) Police State, with troops and cops patrolling the streets, searching people and homes, whenever there is any standoff (threats, or even bank robberies and other domestic crimes).
2) More information gathering, storing, and sharing, on all of us.
3) More laws limiting and restricting the people's right to protect themselves with weapons.
Add to that two more aspects of the expanding Police State:
More cameras on the streets, and more public announcements incouraging people to spy on their neighbors and report suspicious behavior.
These new normal conditions would be impossible to implement all at once, but, when down incrementally, step by step, over time, they are almost impossible to stop.
The only hope is Citizen activism.
Start researching issues and topics like: state sponsered false flag terror, police state, martial law, war profiteering, corporate colonialism, and individual liberty, and human rights.
Then find alternative information and news sites that don't play the left / right game, but rise above to show the big picture of how our individual freedoms and liberties are being stolen from us and the people in power are actively gaining more power and more wealth, everyday, and they will never stop on their own, like any addict, they can't stop.
They are addicted to power and money, and they need intervention.
These power hungry people are operating in Washington DC, and on Wall Street, they are nothing more than businessmen and actors, playing a role, they are no better than you or I, and do not deserve our respect, allegiance, or obedience.
The most important thing you can do is start talking to everyone, your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and complete strangers.
Share with them some new information that you are discovering while searching alternative sites for truth hidden from us by the mainstream media and the government.
Stop getting your news from these two sources, (Mainstream Media, and Government), question everything you see and hear, use your critical thinking skills, and seperate the truth from the lies, and encourage everyone around you to do the same.
Take all that you find, that is good and true, and move forward, leaving the bad, and the lies behind.
Tony Soldo is a Christian Pacifist Anarchist