« Hagel in Israel | By Any Other Name… Terrorism Sucks!! » |
by Tracy Turner
Brett Redmayne-Titley OEN-banned OathKeepers Article Ruth Hull OEN-banned Chris Dorner (Implied) 6th Amendment Right Article
Robert Singer OEN-banned Articles Nom de Plures Revealed
Tracy Turner OEN-banned PlumeGate Fukushima Article Tracy Turner Peak Everything Article (Peak Insanity, Fascism, Thirst & Hunger)
Going Green In New York Includes Rooftop Bees and 'Healthful' Potted Herb Plants From Quaratine 37 sold by "Green" Walmart, Lowes or Home Depot - Smelled their 'Green' Pesticide Aisles?
Kids, come outside to Arkansas, Mommy's going to show you how insanely cruel Tyson factory farm grows antibiotic chickens... ...then on to Florida to show you airplanes burning high-octane aviation gas (and tractors with a centrifical-spray-rig) soaking oranges with Acephate. Said tractors are diesel-gluttons, spraying Orthene on Citrus crops that roll to supermarkets near our rurban home in trains and trucks belching diesel smog. Oil companies are evil - pontificated 900 times daily in lefty rags, 4-5 billion of us will starve in 2-3 weeks if the supply stops. Think of oil as heroin or methadone for suburb people. You are evil, you keep using bigger and bigger hits and buying more dime bags... Your wife gets high on the two SUV's in the driveway and pops out another oil-eater (GMO Similac eats oil, baby eats oil) to show her gratitude. Stop oil, and Mom, Dad and baby have no more GMO's to eat.
Visiting the web page shows on a clock, how many barrels of oil used today since you first loaded to the page. Going to the worldometers.info/ page page, one of the primary statistics is births today. Each birth represents a person who requires oil-produced food, oil produced clean water, oil-produced clothing fiber and an oil-produced shelter with oil, coal and Uranium produced energy.
KISS - The Red White and Blue-leg of the X is oil availability in future time. Armchair web pundits, etc. get lost in what "day" or "year" the myth of peak oil happens - propaganda, the kind of Cointel argument FBI did to Black Panthers. From day one until day zero, (not one drop of oil left in the ground that is pumpable), the leg is always pointed down, less supply. The Gray-leg of the X is world supply of eaters, starting on the day and year the oil industry was invented, the gray is human population rising. Essentially, we used oil like someone throwing truckloads of carrots in a rabbit field. What will happen when the carrots stop? Not to say it does not exist, but prior to 9 April 2013, have never seen "peak oil" explained like this entire article... Peak Everything articles make more sense, overpopulation articles make more sense than what day was peak oil...
There are too many arguments about Peak Oil/Peak Everything peak this or that, cheap, abundant that or this. The next economic boom is desired by those neurotically blind to US Roman Empire and piles of rubble. Have you ever watched a vacuum truck vacuum up liquid exposives out of a chemical pond at a bomb factory? When the driver throws the house in, it disrupts the oxygen depriver floating on the pond and blue flames shoot out of a foul, nasty chemical. White military jeeps with two MP's per jeep lead and follow the vacuum truck to the Casmalia Toxic Waste Dump, ready to shot anyone in the head who approaches the truck. One person makes a fortune selling bombs to the military; they do not pay for the melanomas, tumors, leukemia, etc., of the four MP's, the vacuum truck driver, the downwinders near Casmalia, etc. The "Profit" or "boom" is always at someone elses expense... aka Republican Psycho Sociopathic ideology.
In 2006, twelve (12) of you split a Turkey with trimmings (said dinner represents what the planet is capable of producing in one lifetime). The shrinking meal represents less oil, less farmland that is not ruined, less clean water, higher costs. The extra persons and total number of eaters at the table represents overpopulation. The Earth and its resources do not “grow” with the population; tech “answers” do not grow a bigger Earth with more resources anymore than one Turkey feeds a table of 200 persons. “Peak” anything is a myth created by bean counters, unless you are talking “peak radioactive Cesium/Strontium poisoning” or “peak wore on terror fascism”. The analogy is clumsy, describing feast/famine very complex with a single muffin.
Imagine every 10 years your family has another dozen dinner guests for (world overpopulation) Thanksgiving; but the Turkey, pot of mashed potatoes and two pies are smaller. Worse, the water coming out of the tap for drinking is rusty (99% of US wells currently are contaminated with Simazine weed killer). More people wolf down less bird while drinking polluted tap water – your child sprayed raid all over the table before dinner. Now imagine 10.5 or 14.2 billion persons with less oil for farmed food and water wells filled with Nuclear Power Plant waste and pesticides; you have a clue that a boom is indeed coming, but it is so not oil gluts and dollars (which cannot be eaten nor drank).
The oil and dollars analysts of the future seem to never wonder, can 10.5 or 14.2 or more humans survive without literally choking to death on their own ‘fresh’ drinking pollution water? What happens to humans when all fish worldwide have cancer tumors, and all crops worldwide are GMO-monopoly-owned and triple-rinsed in pesticides four times per month? Do dollars and oil still count when the average nuclear reactor is running at 1.8 times initial capacity and is 110-years old? Words like peak, oil and dollar may not mean much when concrete casks of parked nuke crack open from being 80-plus years old…
Most people have never heard of “Peak Everything” but all are fully indoctrinated by a TV/MSM/'Pseudo-Alternative Media' Heavily Censored--Blacklisted-Take-Downed-UnGoogleable-Disappeared Internet on licking the last drop of nectar (money) out of the last dying flower (exploited resources profit). Genderally, girls and women get the Peak Everything decline concept the slowest; watching soap operas is the antithesis of grasping peak decline, peak despair and peak planet die-off.
The analogy is crude, but the one-medium turkey, one-pot of potatoes, two-medium pumpkin pies are * static *, they never get * any larger *, because the Earth does not get any larger. Yes, you can find numerous * investment Ponzi schemes * to invest in a * larger planet with less people * future… But you, me and all the others (or their children, grandchildren, etc.) are headed for a forty five (45) person meal with one table, one turkey, one pot of potatoes and two pies ( growing population and a finite-sized planet) with finite/dwindling resources. When do 200 people show up to eat one turkey, what year? It is later than you think… What do you bake a Turkey with, after the Keystone XL pipe goes dry?
Those who subscribe to the humanist movement or various religions as the salvation of all that is good in humans typically miss the most inhumane aspects of our jailors ; US Gov Big Brother is not fully human but unlike most humans, does not ever forget the past. Peak Big Brotherism should continue unabated for another century, Peak social justice came and went from 1965-1975; CointelPro and Project Chaos were simply renamed the Peak Digital Age. What year will Big Brotherism Peak, the fascist intrusive spying on ordinary persons?
The talk was advertised with the following text: Making Sense of the Financial Crisis in the Era of Peak Oil - mp3 77M
Q and A - mp3 63M
“Peak Oil and the collapse of global Ponzi finance are a “perfect storm” of converging phenomena that threaten to sink our age of prosperity through wealth destruction, social discontent, and global conflict.” Think of Bush’s two wars and a Katrina in New Orleans “economic boom”. Now multiply by Syria, North Korea, Iran and the Ports of Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles built atop volcanic earthquake faults. Now add in a Katrina and a Sandy hurricane and a drought that kills the annual US Corn crop. No problem, just Ponzi up the inherent costs, including the ongoing opium sales ‘war’ in Afghanistan. Even the books on our wars are cooked Ponzi books; the cost of Hexavalent Chromium in US Air Force metal-plating compounds and cancers near Air Force bases is not listed under liabilities. The US Government copies industry – Assets: Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Bombers. Liability: Numbers of Air Force Chrome 6 Cancers in and around Air Base equals Zero. Air Force, Civilian and local community members die from Chrome 6 but it is not a “cost”. Count dollars, beans and Peak oil; do not count cancer dead, BP spills dead or Peak Pollution costs. The kid with asthma inhaling B1 Spirit jet exhaust daily at school is not listed on the Air Force’s books. Asthma children and burning jet fuel are not “liability”; but the manufacture of the plane is a “boom”, a “national asset”.
The current slow, downward spiral in economics, sales, jobs, return on investments and the like are what will “pay” for global warming crop damage, global warming deforestations, global warming land desertification, soaring food, water, energy and goods of all kinds prices; the flip side of the very same coin is buying wars over food, water, coal, uranium and oil.
How do you fund wars with bust, ocean-acidification economies? You cannot tax Atlantic fishermen to fund an oil-war without fish in the Atlantic. With a government spying on US domestic speech, text and email, how long will the current “boom” of “smart” phones and pads last? Earth 'on course for eco-crunch', how does one quantify in yen, dollars or pesos a dead ocean? One multinationals boom is another oceans 'permanent' (by lifespan standards) demise
Canada, Clean Green & Idyllic? The oil 'economic boom' has, does and will continue to make Lake Athabasca Cancer Central 'Park'. Why do Republican and Most Democrat's Fail To Subtract the Eco-Systems Damage?
Those who proselytize “new tech” and “less is more” as a our great redeemer fail to measure, contemplate or factualize that which is already irredeemably dead, polluted, McMansionized, McRanched and McDairied. Nature loss 'to hurt global poor'; global elitists could not care less.
One of the great problems with econo-peaks/econo-bust philosophies, is how much would you spend on a glass of water on a 122 degree Fahrenheit day during a 220-year long drought?
North American Drought: Reconstructions, Causes, and Consequences Edward R. Cook*, Richard Seager, Mark A. Cane
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY 10964 USA
David W. Stahle Dept. of Geosciences, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701 USA – quotes below:
“Severe drought is the greatest recurring natural disaster to strike North America. A remarkable network of centuries-long annual tree-ring chronologies has now allowed for the reconstruction of past drought over North America covering the past 1,000 or more years in most regions.
These reconstructions reveal the occurrence of past “mega droughts” of unprecedented severity and duration, ones that have never been experienced by modern societies in North America”.
The author Mike Davis in his groundbreaking Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster novel, mentions two mega droughts like those mentioned above. One mega drought in the American River area of California lasted 180 years, the other lasted 220 years. The notion that America was colonized in an era of “Peak Water” might be expressed in Mike Davis book, or not. But regardless, Mike Davis is the Godfather of Radical Urban Theory and it is a small stretch to theorize that North America possibly was colonized in an era of predominantly tame weather, tame on Earthquakes, tame on twisters, floods, Tsunami, hurricanes and droughts, etc.
Even if the stars aligned perfectly for a US boom economy, what is going to keep a super-virii, super-bacteria or super-weed from infesting the Monsanto Monocropping for “wealth” Corn scheme? Corn biofuel (speaking of 'green biofuel'*), corn syrup, corn meal and an economy based on monocrops of experimental gene splices? Mexican maize has a 20,000-year proven safety/economic record; Roundup-ready GMO corn has a proven-record of how long? Peak GMO Monocropping will, with little doubt, end with an “accidental” GMO weed, fungi, virii, rust, mildew, GMO corn borer, etc., or even all pests combined. Buy stock in the GMO pests, not the GMO corn if you wish to pick the winning side.
American ingenuity is filled with holes, and “more tech” is what got us to “peak unsustainable human population”. The idea that high tech can or will “sustain” 7,104,164,971+ people is killing us. The few people with any real power are consumed with wealth building and/or war – high tech, ultra-polluting war.
1816 England and North America – Freezing Summer with no corn crop, numerous people starved. 2013, People refuse to acknowledge the obvious: with 7 billion humans, more, not less, catastrophes exacerbated or outright caused by humans will occur. What would happen to New England in 2014 to 2026 if it had a 12 year mini-ice age freezing water pipes? Rural Urban Theory (Mike Davis' Science) claims all disasters to humans are man made. New England was settled during a gentle period, only one summer of freezing to death and starving. Randomly, events happen and the 'sacred' money to ameliorate said disasters has usually been Ponzied into AIG or Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein's own, personal home vault. The next wars and Ponzi bailouts should easily coincide with a hurricane, worst California earthquake in Caucasian history and a Hummer sized meteorite (sent by the Russians) landing in New York at 21,000 miles per hour.
Nafeez Ahmed: Food Crisis & Peak Oil (Audio)
Introduction - mp3 7.2M
Lecture - mp3 63M
Q & A - mp3 34M
Contemplating Canadian Tar sands and dollars (or Euros, yen, pesos, etc.) and the cost of food without contemplating water is very near laughable. The US is about 500-years overdue for a mega drought…
The keystone pipeline is completed; Lake Athabasca is filled to the brim with dead fish and carcinogens… How much are an ear of corn, a chicken, a cheeseburger and a tank of gas in an America starting a 200+ year rain and water drought?
Too much emphasis is placed on if Peak Oil globally has occurred yet, is now or will soon occur. Peak-easy-to-mine-and-harvest resources came and went a long time ago. The proof is in what things cost, magnified by the duopolists magnifying the costs. Peak Earth Resources is past us; there are not “new, more plentiful” resources ahead to fuel an “economic boom”. Those who claim so are either Ponzi-ists or mired in Ponzi-delusions. What is ahead of us is “Peak Population”, peak eaters, peak users of food, fiber, medicine, etc.
Peak spirituality is a thing of the past; peak mental health of the individual, peak humans filled with some humanity, peak spiritual beings are over.
Ahead of us is peak war, peak greed, peak hoarding, peak spying, peak totalitarianism, peak invasion to steal resources and perhaps the most insidious peak of all, peak overpopulation.
Burning the Future
Download/listen to Radio Ecoshock 130109 here:
Or if you prefer the CD quality version (56 MB) here:
Peak Bottom:
Read about China Trading Current Petroleum Smog Scourge for Future desdemonadespair.net/
Chernobyls and Fukushimas.
We are all brainwashed that Americans work hard, work smarter than others with same-size and weight of brains to ours; but we are magical, undisposable people. We might have $99.2 trillion in unpaid deficit, but we can always go to the magical Jews for loan counselling. Netanyahu to Obama: We will launch two nuclear cruise missiles from our new submarine into Camp Humphreys and USAG Daegu in South Korea. Obama, you can then wait for the wind at your backs and then Nuclear bomb North Korea into an Iraqi-Afghan style stone age with your oldest, most dilapidated nukes you wish to use up. As the fallout lands on China, they will wish to negotitate immediate truce. Terms are China forgives you all previous debt and advances you $297.6 Trillion for the undisposable people to have 45 million new Walmart part time jobs... As we use up the old, stale nukes, the industry can build new, more efficient nukes to replace them - the ploy to call it clean, green nuclear was brilliant... Clean, green nuclear bomb jobs, I love it! Mazel tov!Definition of ogoogle bar | Synonyms: Digital Gatekeeper, Net Nanny, Web Gagger & Internet Portal Dam-Keeper
- 1 - an official Google Censor who examines books, films, news, etc. that are about to be published and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or as a threat to the kleptocracy: the report was unapproved by the military censors, the movie has been given a DMCA (Digital Millennium Control Act – disappeared) rating by Google film censors
- Google / Oligarchic analysis and aspects of the Stratocrats super ego which is said to prevent certain ideas and memories from emerging into public consciousness [from a translation of German Zensur censorship, coined by Freud]
- 2 - (in ancient Rome, modern Empire) potentates who held censuses and supervised public morals.
[with object]examine (a book, film, etc.) officially and suppressed unacceptable, revolutionary, reformist parts of it: the report had been censored, “in the national interest”, the letters she received were censored, the web pages were ogooglebarred, the ogooglebar blacklisted, and taken down websites no longer showed search engine results worldwide
Antonyms: Digital Freedom of Association, Free Speech Online, 1st Amendment, First Amendment & Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Religious Expression on Line, Democracy, Free Open SocietyCensorial – “ogoogle bar”, which was defined as something “which cannot be found on the internet with the search of a search engine.”
Post Peak Sanity, Oil & Freedom; Pre Peak Thirst, Hunger, War and Ponzi Fascism aka 'Organic' Back Yard Urrban Tomatoes vs. New York Beekeeping by Tracy Turner - Environmentalist, Horticulturist, Analyst ~ Pasadena, Californa