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Yahu! Answers

May 19th, 2013

By Robert Singer

is a new way to find out what the fuck is really going on in the world. Warning: Answers at Yahu! can result in Cognitive Dissonance and be hazardous to your mental health.

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Resolved Question

Who removed “They Live” from the Internet and why?

Until April 5, 2013 the 1984 American science fiction-horror film, directed by John Carpenter could be streamed or downloaded from a number of websites. They Live (Full movie) was in the playlist below created by Buddy Huggins:

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You can still find links to the full movie with a Google search, i.e.,

  1. They Live 1988 full movie - YouTube
    Yahu! Answers imageswww.youtube.com/watch?v=i5NYa4AZLhs
    Jan 16, 2013 - Uploaded by catsdonthavesouls - Fortress [1992] [Full movie] by WasteofTimeLandTwo 58,694 views - 4:20. DAVID ICKE - Talks ...

  2. They Live (FULL VERSION) - YouTube
    Yahu! Answers imageswww.youtube.com/watch?v=WiKEc5Nczec
    Mar 3, 2013 - Uploaded by aiynaiy
    The making of They Live. by FilmMasterCarpenter 32,117 views; 2:02:59. BANDITS (2001) Willis ...

  3. They Live [Full Movie] HD - YouTube
    Yahu! Answers imageswww.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfh45Os8pT4
    Mar 30, 2013 - Uploaded by RealDamiani
    Must see movie!!!! This is what the government is doing to us and you don’t even know it. Put on your glasses .

But alas, Believe, Universal Pictures, EMI Music Publishing and IODA, one or more are "Sorry" that all the links are dead. [1]

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“They Live” is a movie about a nameless, unemployed drifter referred to as “Nada” (Roddy Piper) who discovers a special pair of sunglasses that allows him to see an alternate reality of a bleak world populated by humanoid aliens with grotesque skull-like faces.

Edited 13 hours ago

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Universal Pictures owns the copyright on the film until 2054 and took down the movie to make more money. [copyright lasts for 70 years]

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Related Question

Who is watching a film made in 1984 that wasn’t written by George Orwell?

Edited 11 hours ago

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Best Answer [To the Related Question] - Chosen by Asker

61 of 63 people who gave “They Live” 5 stars on Amazon in 2004 told their friends who told their friends, who told their friends about the movie and the following review:

You look like your face fell in the cheese dip back in 1956., September 6, 2004 - By A. Gyurisin "good friend, damn fool"

This review is from: They Live (DVD) Wondering what your world would be like if it were run by aliens that were trying to control your minds through subliminal messaging? Well, look no further than John Carpenter's cult classic They Live. Wresting superstar Roddy Piper stars as Nada, a drifter that stumbles upon a pair of sunglasses that show him the truth about his society and the world he inhabits. He...
Read the full review ›

Yes there are a lot of people who will wait 9 years after reading a review to download and watch a movie. Universal Studios monitors all of their movies that are uploaded to the net [especially the ones from 1984]. Universal Studios movie monitors detected the substantial increase in activity and removed the links so they could sell more copies of the DVD.

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Other Answers [to the Related Question] (5)

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People, other than the “movie monitors” working for the studios, are known to monitor movie upload activity trends on the Internet. Right around the time of the Sandy Hook shooting, the movie monitors, again other than the “movie monitors” working for the studios, detected an unusual number of uploads of the movie “They Live.” People watched the movie to see if there was any connection with the Sandy Hook massacre and the movie. Universal Studios monitors all of their movies that are uploaded to the net [especially the ones from 1984]. Universal Studios movie monitors detected the substantial increase in activity and removed the links so they could sell more copies of the DVD.

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People, prone to believe in conspiracies, known as Conspiracy Theorists, were looking for the answer to the Sandy Hook Conspiracy Paradox. The Theorists believed they found the solution in the movie “They Live” and told their friends, who told their friends, who told their friends to watch the movie. Universal Studios monitors all of their movies that are uploaded to the net [especially the ones from 1984]. Universal Studios movie monitors detected the substantial increase in activity and removed the links so they could sell more copies of the DVD.

The Sandy Hook Conspiracy Paradox

The massacre, the worst school shooting in U.S. history was FEMA staged with crisis actors and made to look like a joint government-media operation false flag event. Furthermore Adam Lanza, a scrawny, socially awkward 20-year old, mind controlled patsy, could not have shot 20 innocent children (and six adults) at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in minutes with an assault rifle [still in the trunk of his car] and handguns that his cheerful, self-reliant mother purchased for self-defense and target shooting, because [I repeat, could not have shot anyone anywhere on December 14] according to the Social Security Death index, Lanza died the day before on December 13.

However a conspiracy involving the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the Newtown Bee doesn’t fly because someone from the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the Newtown Bee would have come forward and buzzed the real truth about whatreallyhappened.

“They Live” is the key to solving the paradox. All of the people involved in Sandy Hook: the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the Newtown Bee, experience an alternate reality that is not seen because we don’t have the right sunglasses. The Theorists told their friends, who then told their friends, who then told their friends that Sandy Hook was about negative energy and humanoid aliens with grotesque skull-like faces right out of Carpenter’s movie. Universal Studios monitors all of their movies that are uploaded to the net [especially the ones from 1984]. Universal Studios movie monitors detected the substantial increase in activity and removed the links so they could sell more copies of the DVD.

Note that the Sandy Hook massacre, the worst school shooting in U.S. history, could never have been a false-flag Hoax with crisis actors, so Obama could get political support for a ban on assault weapons and water down the 2nd amendment. Why?

If the plan were to disarm American citizens by carrying out massacres like Sandy Hook, then you have to ask yourself, what’s the point?

What are Americans doing during Obama’s full-scale attack on the 2nd amendment? Answer: they are arming themselves to the teeth.
- Colorado flooded with record 4,200 gun-buyer background requests.
- Gun sales surge after Connecticut Massacre.
- The Colorado Bureau of Investigation says it set a new record for single-day background check submittals this past weekend.
- In San Diego, Northwest Armory gun store owner Karl Durkheimer said Saturday "was the biggest day we've seen in 20 years. Sunday will probably eclipse that."
- In southwest Ohio, from dawn to dusk a Cincinnati gun show had a line of 400 waiting to get in, said Joe Eaton of the Buckeye Firearms Association. [2]

Note that Sandy Hook, like Aurora, Columbine and Tucson were never a conspiracy about gun control or mental health; they were however, a conspiracy to instill fear, anxiety, apprehension and foster feelings of fear, resentment and rage in order to create negative energy. The controversy and the negative energy generated by the debate over the 2nd amendment was a conspiracy to make us believe in a conspiracy to take away our guns. The humanoid population feeds off the conflict, controversy and negative energy.

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People known as Cyber-warriors are trained by the CIA [a shadow sinister CIA] to detect any unusual movie upload activity on the Internet. Right around the time of the latest episode of a lone-nut gunman shooting at Sandy Hook, the Cyber-warriors detected an unusual number of uploads of the movie “They Live.” The gangs of Cyber-warriors numbers in the 1000s are required to watch the movie to see if there was any connection with the Sandy Hook massacre to “They Live.” Universal Studios monitors all of their movies that are uploaded to the net [especially the ones from 1984]. Universal Studios monitors all of their movies that are uploaded to the net [especially the ones from 1984]. Universal Studios movie monitors detected the substantial increase in activity and removed the links so they could sell more copies of the DVD.

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People who visited the Southeast Patch on January 2, 2013 and read an article titled: Sheriff: Putnam Officials to Talk School Safety This Afternoon, and the comment by Tim Kauffman posted at 6:35 am, @chris...THEY LIVE, were downloading the movie by the 1000s. Universal Studios monitors all of their movies that are uploaded to the net [especially the ones from 1984]. Universal Studios movie monitors detected the substantial increase in activity and removed the links so they could sell more copies of the DVD.

By Patch Staff December 18, 2012 - Part of the meeting will be closed to the public and the media.
[From the article]
Four days after the Sandy Hook Elementary ...

By grim coincidence, even as the terrible events were unfolding in Newtown on Friday morning, the Putnam County Emergency Response Team ("ERT") happened to be assembled for regular training in Carmel, and team members were at that very moment engaged in a mock scenario of an active-shooter in a school. The ERT is comprised of specially trained and heavily armed officers from the Sheriff's Office and the Carmel and Kent Police Departments. When news broke of the Newtown shooting, the Putnam County ERT commander called Newtown Police and offered to have the ERT respond to the Sandy Hook school, but that response was not needed because Connecticut police had already secured the scene.

As information circulated about the Newtown violence, the Sheriff's Office notified school district officials in Putnam County. The Sheriff's Office and local police departments dispatched patrols to establish a security presence at area elementary schools and to augment the security already in place at most of the high schools and middle schools in the County, where deputy sheriffs are regularly assigned as school resource officers ("SROs"). Over the weekend, too, the Sheriff's Office coordinated with local government officials to provide deputies and plainclothes investigators for security at several civic events throughout the county.

Article Comments

Tim Kauffman 6:35 am on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 @chris...THEY LIVE

chris cooper 6:05 pm on Saturday, December 29, 2012 What a weird coincidence . . . As the shooting is going on the police are conducting a drill nearby based on a shooter on a rampage in the school. On 911 the military where ingaged in an exercise where planes were hijacked and flown into sky scrappers. In London, UK as the train and bus bombings of 7/7 were going on, Visor Associates were conducting a real life exercise around the EXACT stations AND bus that were attacked, involving the exact scenario !!! Freaky or what.

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People who read the Feb 5, 2013 article Remember Me by Melanie Lamport at the pottawattamie.wordpress.com site Remember Me | Pottawattamie

pottawattamie.wordpress.com/2013/02/05/remember-me/ numbered in the 1000s. Universal Studios monitors all of their movies that are uploaded to the net [especially the ones from 1984]. Universal Studios movie monitors detected the substantial increase in activity and removed the links so they could sell more copies of the DVD.

[From Remember Me –
By now unless you are living under a rock you have heard of or seen a professionally produced youtube (10.6 ...

Six minute clips removed on

Notice now there is another controversy creating even more negative energy over the decision to or not to debunk.

Sandy Hook, the Expose of Sandy Hook, the controversy over exposing Sandy Hook and the National debate over who should own an Ak-47 Hunting rifle were the goal and planned from the beginning because the objective was to create mass amounts of negative energy.

The problem with believing a Sandy Hook conspiracy as with most conspiracies is that we don't have any cognitive frame of reference or explanation as to how anyone could execute a plan that involves the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA, Homeland Security and of course the Newton Bee.

Our brains are trying to hold two thoughts that we can't resolve. Although it's statistically impossible that all of the anomalies and inconsistencies are just a bunch of chance occurrences, or that an introverted 110 lb kid who died the day before the shooting was capable of shooting 20 children with a rifle that was still in the trunk of his car: at the same time a belief in a conspiracy involving all of those people fails because we are sure someone would come forward and admit they were involved.

What no one has considered is that "THEY LIVE," a 1988 American science fiction-horror film, directed by John Carpenter, gives us the secret to how a conspiracy involving the CIA, FBI, police departments in two cities, the coroners office, crisis actors, FEMA and Homeland Security could take place without anyone knowing the real truth.

"They Live," gives us an insight as to how the world really works. In the movie a nameless unemployed drifter referred to as "Nada" (Roddy Piper) discovers a special pair of sunglasses; looking through them he sees the reality of the bleak world populated by humanoid aliens with grotesque skull-like faces. In the movie we see that the media and advertising actually contain according to Carpenter, totalitarian commands of obedience and conformity in consumerism that the movie suggests are subliminal messages that are used to control an unwitting human population. The movie is clear that the majority of the population in the world are these humanoid aliens, therefore the the text on the billboards and in the magazines are not subliminal and must "commands" or ideas targeted at THEM and not for us.

Billboards with words like "Obey, consume, reproduce" are consistent with what the humanoid population already believe and therefore there is nothing malevolent about them. For example when Christians obey the 10 commandments or follow God no one considers that be out of the ordinary or unusual. The bible is the most read book in history. What if when reading the bible with the special sunglasses the text reads something completely different to what we believe it says (remember when he looked at the magazine with the sunglasses). The bible therefore is the book they follow or refer to when they need or want to know how to act in a particular situation.

While the movie suggests that we are controlled from the antenna on the roof of the Cable 54 station. I reject that concept as well. They don't need to control or manipulate us – any control would be for THEM and there is no reason to believe that they don't hear things differently than we do as well. The news which all of the time is negative and most of the time makes no sense contains messages that they understand but when we hear it we are left feeling helpless, frustrated and angry – Negative. Yes the names and places change but when you look at the headlines and mastheads all of the stories to US are basically are the same.

Watch this clip from "THEY Live" to help you understand how Sandy Hook was planned and executed as well as understanding why Obama quoted Corinthians 4:18 in his speech about the Sandy Hook massacre.

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." ~ 2 Corinthians 4:18

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Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle (rds2301@gmail.com)


[1] They Live 1988 full movie - YouTube
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They Live (FULL VERSION) - YouTube
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[2] Gun background checks in 2012 shatter previous records in colorado - www.huffingtonpost.com/.../gun-background-checks-in-_n_248110... - Jan 15, 2013 – 2012 was a good year to be in the gun business in Colorado. ... The most recent spike in background check requests came in the immediate .... Colorado flooded with record 4200 gun-buyer background check requests after .

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