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  • 41,909 bodies counted, 10,000 missing, death count higher than 51,909 David Swanson, World BEYOND War We generally accept that if you do a census and only count the people who answer their doors you miss some people, and that you can calculate an…
  • Kamala Harris represents a militant, in-your-face feminism... Cathy Smith Kamala Harris is an intensely divisive figure in contemporary politics—an incandescent icon for some, an ongoing disappointment for many others. As the first-ever woman Vice…
  • A geopolitical issue of South-East Europe became of very importance for scholars, policymakers, and researchers with the question of the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire as one of the most crucial features of the beginning of the 20th century in…
  • Paul Craig Roberts Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Democrat Law School Deans Say Free Speech Threatens Their Agendas. Democrats are no longer the party of John F. Kennedy. They and their media whores are the party of Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of…
  • by Chris Spencer "In a landscape where many are silenced, the growing discontent of white men reveals an urgent cultural injury—a plea for recognition that, if ignored, could set off a destructive wave of division." The one thing that most white men in…
  • How the Democrats and Their Media Will Start a Civil War In order to explain how this situation occurred in America I will talk a little about a personal experience I have with my neighbor. I don't have to worry about him ever seeing this article…
  • Paul Craig Roberts Except for the neoconservatives whose agenda it is, I sometimes wonder if I am the only other person who understands what the Ukraine conflict is about. While we await Washington’s decision about firing missiles into Russia, I will…
  • By Chris Spencer Every Father in America Risks He and his Wealth Becoming Rabbit Food for Judges, Lawyers, Commissioners and Pscho-Babble Spokes "persons" all freeloading off of the work of others. The Family Parasite Court System, Now Overseen by Her…
  • When people are convinced of the normalcy of abominations, they will submit to any cruelty desired by the State. Editor The Biden-Harris administration's 'America Last' policies have intentionally left the country vulnerable. Biden…
  • By Tracy Turner U.S. administrations, Israel, global conflict, misinformation, free speech, AIPAC, ADL, public opinion, Middle East, Iran, oil revenue, civil liberties, censorship, political erosion, economic decline, cultural fragmentation, corporate…
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