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California Courts: Unconstitutional Trials, Satanic Rituals

May 15th, 2014

By Ruth Hull

Forget all you have been told about American courts. Justice and law have nothing to do with the courts of 2014. Today, judges act as employees of the rich and powerful, oppressing and imprisoning the weak and innocent. Justice is history.

When I went to law school, I was under the illusion that the purpose of the courts was to interpret the Constitution and laws and attempt to ensure that some form of justice or fairness took place in the cases before it. I was naive and believed in the illusion of justice. I thought that, if you had the law on your side, you would do well. When the Supreme Court stopped the counting of votes in Florida in 2000, they did so in contravention of the U.S. Constitution and the laws of the land. They stopped the vote-counting because they didn't want Al Gore to be President and not because there was any basis in law. Do you really think the decision in Citizens United had any rational relationship to the Constitution? Do you really think the lower court judges are any more likely to follow the laws of the land than the NDAA President, the PATRIOT Act Congress or the corporate personhood Supreme Court?

In 2014, the majority of judges and attorneys are openly breaking the oaths they took when first becoming judges and attorneys. They have dropped any pretended interest in fairness, justice, the truth or the law. Most honest attorneys have fled the profession, finding more honorable work elsewhere. Most attorneys who continue to practice are bottom-feeders, taking bribes from opposing parties, scamming their clients and breaking the law when paid to do so. The exceptions are rare. If you go to the bar conventions, you learn that those running the state bar are well aware that law and justice have no relationship to the practice of "law. Instead, the practice of "law" is about about money and power. If you have money and power, you own the courts. If you don't, you better hope that you get one of the three or four honest judges who hasn't been given the boot.

up for reelection Judge Derek Johnson believes women cannot be raped as their bodies would reject a...

Orange County, CA: Judge Derek Johnson:

"I'm not a gynecologist, but I can tell you something: If someone doesn't want to have sexual intercourse, the body shuts down. The body will not permit that to happen unless a lot of damage is inflicted, and we heard nothing about that in this case,"

Riverside, CA: Judge Robert Lemkau to a protective mother who tried to save her child before the father killed the child:

My supposition, ma'am, is that you're lying." Those were Judge Robert Lemkau's words to Katie Tagle of Yucca Valley as she appeared in his Victorville courtroom Jan. 21, seeking a restraining order that would prevent her ex-boyfriend, Stephen Garcia, from having unsupervised, Thursday-to-Sunday visits with their son, 9-month-old Wyatt Garcia. The judge turned down Tagle's petition for an ex parte restraining order - a kind of emergency order made without a full hearing.

Ten days later, in the early-morning hours of Jan. 31, Stephen Garcia allegedly shot his son before turning his pistol on himself on a road in the snowy mountains of Twin Peaks.

Judge Lemkau's and Judge Johnson's reasoning is consistent with that of the majority of judges. If there are child abuse or spousal abuse allegations in a family law case, the victim MUST be lying . To American courts, the allegation of rape is far worse than the rape, itself. More clearly said: It's OK to rape a child but criminal to point out that a child has been raped. Making matters worse for California residents is the fact that California is the state of choice for rapists and abusers trying to gain custody of children, sometimes succeeding in gaining custody of other people's children.

Where Tammy Rief was tried in a kangaroo trial

The granting of custody to child molesters in 85% of the cases isn't a male/female issue. It is a protective parents issue. Some of the best advocates for protective moms are men who love children enough to put aside sexism and stand up for what is right. San Diego, CA: In the Tammy Rief case, an unwed Alabama mother was rendited to California by a Colorado man who wanted her child - a child he repeatedly admitted was not his. The man has refused official DNA tests that would settle the question of paternity once and for all.

Judge Kenneth So appeared to violate numerous provisions of the U.S. Constitution in the trial of Ta...

Though there appears to have been no basis and no jurisdiction for the State of California to have tried Tammy Rief for kidnapping her own child, Judge Kenneth So presided over a trial that appears to have violated numerous federal and state laws and Constitutional provisions. In that kangaroo trial, Judge So and the court appointed Public Defender Kristin Scogin prevented Tammy from presenting an actual defense. In the trial phase, in defiance of settled Constitutional legal principles enumerated in Presley v Georgia, Judge So, closed the courtroom during voir dire. According to the Supreme Court in Presley, this is reversible error. Apparently, Judge So looks down on the Supremes. Superior Court judges dare the Supremes all the time. Will nine men in D.C. have the guts to reverse Judge So of the San Diego Superior Court?

Constitution of the United States

That appears to have just been the start of the Constitutional violations. The would-be father was allowed to speak to members of the jury prior to the verdict - according to witnesses. The Defendant was denied the right to have adequate counsel - independent of the prosecution team. It seems that the particular Deputy Public Defender Kristin Scogin was in line for a job in the district attorney's office and spent much of her time hanging out with her upcoming workmate - the prosecutor - instead of preparing any kind of defense. As Tammy wanted a defense attorney as opposed to a prosecutor's lackey, she filed a Marsden motion to get an attorney who would actually defend her. Her motion was denied by Judge So. There goes the Sixth Amendment's right to representation. During the trial phase, Tammy was denied the right to present professional witnesses (police, medical professionals and others) who would have testified to the extreme abuse the would-be father allegedly perpetrated on her son Jonah. She was denied the right to present evidence that the would-be father was not actually the child's father. She barely knew the would-be father through business and they did not get along in that business. Reportedly the would-be father's girlfriend was infertile and hence he wanted a child he could raise with his girlfriend. On previous occasions, he had repeatedly denied being the father and had refused to submit to an official DNA test. Though Tammy had custody in Alabama, a judge in a different state had allowed split custody and hence there was a problem. Though the would-be father was a Colorado resident. Tammy, her parents, and her son, whom she had raised without a father, lived in Alabama. Naturally, California (known as the worst state in the country for child abuse victims) was the state of choice for renditing Tammy so she could be tried for kidnapping her own child. So, if you want somebody else's child, rendite that parent to California and, as in this case, you get to raise the other person's child. The rendition took place in spite of police and other reports of alleged abuse by the would-be father and in spite of an abundance of witnesses to the injuries the would-be father had reportedly inflicted on the boy. In the interest of brevity, the would-be father will be called the WBF from here on out. Over 50 witnesses were prepared to testify but the prosecution lackey who represented Tammy apparently didn't want a defense and so the most strongest witnesses were not given an opportunity to testify and minimal evidence was presented in Tammy's defense. Evidence Tammy tried to include was denied admittance because her prosecution lacky public defender appeared not to want anything upsetting to the prosecution presented. Safe Kids international has compiled a list of the alleged illegalities that took place during the trial phase. I witnessed the sentencing hearing where a small number of witnesses were allowed to testify for the defense. Before testimony even started, the prosecutor Jill Lindberg came out of the judge's chambers laughing and went over to the WBF and his girlfriend. The three shared big smiles on their faces that appeared to be related to whatever had happened in chambers. It appeared as if the sentence had already been decided and the pretense at a sentencing hearing was nothing more than a show.

In sentencing phase of Rief trial Ed Marshall testified to witnessing evidence of physical abuse al...

Witnesses spoke of the mother's consistent love and kindness towards her son and the sacrifices she had made in raising him. The WBF never contributed to the support of the child and nether did the man who had been identified as the real father. There was also testimony about the child abuse reportedly perpetrated by the WBF. The WBF allegedly took Jonah to a club ( a club where the WBF's girlfriend worked) . At the club, the boy was reportedly subjected to Satanic rituals. According to the testimony, the WBF put on a hooded brown robe and was joined by men in hooded black robes. (Hmm - judges wear black robes. Coincidence?) The boys were taken into the back room, where they were hung by ropes tried around their ankles. Candles were lit for the ritual. Tools were shoved up their anuses and the boys were forced to drink blood according to Jonah. Jonah said he was beaten for saying he did not like being with the WBF. Reportedly, at times, the WBF's girlfriend, repeatedly hit the boy's face because he said loved his mother and wanted to be with her. There was witness testimony to the the rope burns present on the ankles, after these rituals. I have personally seen pictures of the bruises the boy claimed to have received from his WBF. Testimony and the police reports seemed to verify the credibility of Jonah's statements about the rituals and abuse. Some of the most pertinent testimony came from Cindy Dumas of Safe Kids International who presented evidence of Tammy's courage and loving care towards Jonah . She also spoke of Tammy's heroism in risking her freedom to protect her child from the WBF's abuse.

Cindy Dumas of Safe Kids International an expert on the family law crisis

Though appearing to be energized when the prosecutor spoke, Judge So appeared bored and seemed to fall asleep at times as the witnesses for the defense spoke during the penalty phase. Child abuse and Satanic rituals performed on little boys can be pretty boring as can the idea that the man seeking the kid is apparently not related to the child in any way. This added to the perception that the decision had already been made and that Judge So had no interest in facts. Judge So appeared to have no knowledge of what had been said by the witnesses as he threw the maximum term of three years at Tammy. What the Rief case shows is that all single mothers in the other 49 states need to look over their shoulders and fear rendition to California for kidnapping her child. Every American woman needs to worry that some guy she met on a business venture will suddenly claim to be her child's father and have her arrested for kidnapping her own child without any proof of paternity.

Kamala Harris has been a disappointment to women s groups for her failure to protect them from viole...

Sonoma, California: The abuses in the family law system are Statewide. It was just a couple of years ago in the Sonoma area that a man led law enforcement off the beaten path through the woods to where his daughter Charlotte Molinari was found hanging from a tree. Shortly prior to her death, the girl had made a statement accusing her father of rape. Charlotte's mother Coleen Fernald was prevented from seeing her daughter and protecting her between the time the girl identified her father as a rapist and the time the girl's body was found. I saw messages Charlotte sent to her mother. In those messages, Charlotte spoke of her dream, her wish, that one day she and her mother would be together. Why did a family law court in Sonoma come between the child and the mother she loved and force her to live with a father she hated? The father had the body cremated immediately, thus destroying important evidence, and the mother was almost denied the right to attend the daughter's funeral. California has acquired the reputation as the human trafficking capital of America. I learned at a Democratic executive board meeting a couple of years ago that they had tried and failed to get Attorney General Kamala Harris to sign on to opposition to human trafficking. Kamala was later pressured into reluctantly opposing human trafficking.

The Lamoreaux Courthouse

Orange County, CA. in another case, rather than restoring custody to a mother of a child who had been raped and sodomized by the father, a judge cleared the courtroom of witnesses and then had the mother arrested for an eight year old traffic violation (an infraction). The judge set the mother's bail on the infraction at $15,000. Yes, folks, in Orange County, traffic infractions that are no longer on the books are worse than raping and sodomizing a child. What is happening in our courts? These cases are not the exceptions. They have become the rule. Observers who were once asleep, are suddenly waking to the fact that justice in America has been hijacked. The State Bar of California has done absolutely nothing to protect the rights of abuse victims. The State Bar has made it more difficult for abuse victims to get attorneys. The legislature of the State of California has done absolutely nothing to protect abuse victims. However, it passed a law making it tougher for abuse victims to get court-appointed attorneys. The Attorney General of the State of California has done absolutely nothing to protect abuse victims. Some of the district attorneys appear to be aligned with and actually fronting for child molesters, pedophiles and pornographers. You will find many of these people who have done nothing to help abuse victims on your ballot this month. There is no true oversight for what happens in courtrooms. And the only way to save the children is to televise the hearings and broadcast them uninterrupted on the Internet for all to watch.

It is easy to be ignorant and not care about protective parents and their kids. It is someone else's problem. In Germany in the time of Hitler, millions let the oppressed be taken off to death camps as it wasn't their problem. Whether you help the protective mothers and children says more about you than about them. How about doing something good for your self-image, like joining those of us who do not want another abused child to got through another day of court-sponsored child abuse? Here's a song for protective moms, women who will never give up on saving their children.

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