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Subject: Prayer Line Spiritual Request

October 23rd, 2015

By Robert Singer

Am I obligated to do something about the Children who died in Los Angeles county, or for that matter all over the United States, because The Child Protection System Is Broken and the family court system is corrupt? [Appendix B]

He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Mic. 6:8

If any of you put a stumbling block before one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone were hung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea. Mark 9:42

Do these verses require a follower of Jesus to protect the young and the innocent specifically when they are aware about the injustice and cruelty in a system that allowed over 500 children to die a cruel and horrible death in the last 24 months?

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 6.39.45 PM

When paramedics arrived, eight-year old Gabriel Fernandez was not conscious. His skull was cracked. Three ribs were broken. Bruises and burns covered his body. Two teeth were knocked out of his mouth. X-rays would later show that the third-grader had BB pellets embedded in his lung and groin. Gabriel's mother, Pearl Fernandez, 29, and her boyfriend Isauro Aguirre, 32, told the paramedics that Gabriel's injuries were self-induced. Later Aguirre said that he delivered ten or so blows to Gabriel's stomach for lying and "being dirty."

Before Gabriel's death, his mother was the target of six investigations of child abuse. One of Gabriel's teachers reported the boy coming to school battered. One of Gabriel's therapists reported that Gabriel said that he was forced to perform oral sex on a family member. Gabriel told a teacher he'd been beat with a belt buckle until he bled and his mother shot him with a BB gun. Gabriel wrote a suicide note, found by his teacher.

According to documents obtained by the LA Times and a recent wrongful death lawsuit filed by Gabriel's grandparents, Gabriel was never interviewed privately by a social worker about his abuse. Fernandez and Aguirre have been charged with first degree murder of a child. The two are now in jail, but are they "paying for their crimes?"

Two months after Gabriel's death, four DCFS employees related to his case were fired, but have they "paid for their failure to protect Gabriel?"

Deut. 10:17-18, is a verse from the Old Testament that calls for justice and equity.

For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who is not partial and takes no bribe, who executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and who loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing.

Does Deut. 10:17-18 require I speak up and do whatever I can to save these children and help the caring parent trapped in a corrupt system?

1Pet. 4:11, is a "God with us in power" verse.

Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.

Is a good Christian, especially one who goes to church in the jurisdiction, pays taxes and votes, required to act on these verses? Yes there are injustices in the world that we hear about every day but isn't this one different?

Since we live here and know about the abuse, aren't we as guilty as the perpetrators if we remain silent?

On Sunday June 29, I spoke to Linda Hoover, Pastor and Small Groups Area Leader, at Calvary Community Church in Westlake Village CA about this issue and she confirmed that once a believer in Jesus Christ knows about the injustice and cruelty in their own local government they have to speak out (not pray) or they will be as guilty as the evil doers in the family courts, the parent who abused the child, and the Department of Child and Family Services. So far no one at Calvary or the 24 churches in Appendix A have heeded Jesus clear admonition about the least of these: Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

God wants our participation not just our prayers.

In Most Situations, Prayer is not Enough! is an excellent essay by Gary Delmar, a graduate of Western Michigan University. Delmar received his M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary.

Delmar in Prayer is not Enough! points out the obvious:

"If a person prays for employment, does he have to look for work? When you pray to play the piano well, do you still have to practice? Praying that someone will be warmed and filled is not enough (James 2:16). We can apply the faith without works admonition to prayer and works. One without the other is dead."

And later Delmar writes: "Praying for all men does not absolve us of the responsibility of acting on these prayers when an opportunity presents itself."

We as believers in Jesus have to take a stand and demand righteous behavior in our courts especially where our children are concerned.

We need to show the world that Christians do more than pray; they will act when cruelty and injustice is in their backyard.

"......that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity" (1 Tim. 2:12; cf. Titus 3:1; 1 Pet. 2:1315).

If this is true concerning "all men," then it's certainly true when it comes to all in authority. This means that praying for civil officials is not all that's required of us. If there is something that we can do to stop policies that damage the life of children, then we have a duty to pray and act before God does in judgment.

As a Christian, especially one who lives in Southern California, pays taxes and votes, we are required to act. I repeat Delmar's words: "We can apply the faith without works admonition to prayer and works. One without the other is dead."

Yes there are injustices in the world that we hear about every day but this one different. Since we know about this injustice and live in this jurisdiction we are as guilty as the perpetrators if we remain silent.

Matthew 25: 35-41 Its Jesus saying: Whoever does (good) to the least of my brothers, does good to me..(but) whoever does (evil) to the least of my brothers does it to me.

'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?' Jesus replies: 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."Mathew 25:35-41


Lexi Dillon, a high-profile child abuse case of a father molesting his own daughter, and a recent state audit, have made Orange County a statewide example for critics who say child welfare systems suffer from chronic mismanagement and poor oversight. In February 2013, Martin Burns, a Fox 11 investigative news reporter, was writing about Lexi Dillion when he was producing the Fox News Special: "Children Lost in the Family Court System." He finished Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. For Part 5 Burns wanted to know “why did social workers – or someone – put her back with her father, the alleged molester, each time?”

Burns was aware of the recent confidential report – leaked to the Los Angeles Times – that detailed terrible deficiencies inside the Los Angeles County Department of Social Services, the department often responsible for investigating child abuse in court cases, and he was looking for insiders, whistle-blowers and others with information – pro or con – about DCFS and the Family and Dependency courts when he has killed.

Martin Burns, it is believed, discovered the answer that is hidden from most public scrutiny. But Burns, like three former Georgia state senators, Nancy Schaefer (R), Bobby Franklin (R) and Robert Brown (D) and documentary maker, Bill Bowen never got the chance to tell the public the hidden secret. Martin like Nancy, Bobby, Robert and Bill died before they could reveal the secret.

Momentum is now building for real reform and the public needs to get involved and make sure that attempts at meaningful reforms are not sidetracked by the deceptive tactics of DCFS/CPS or their union. Let's honor Gabriel, Abigail, Joshua Vasquez, Baby Sammy and Cynthia's memory by getting DCFS/CPS back to protecting kids, rather than returning them to those who abuse them.

Please contact your local church and/or the churches in Appendix A who have acknowledged that they have a responsibility to speak up. Let them know how distraught you are about the broken child protection system and their failure to act. Ask them what would Jesus want you to do.

Sheila Kuehl is a long time activist for children, families, women. In honor of the 2015 National Coming Out Day, Supervisor Kuehl introduced a motion, which passed unanimously, to hire an expert consultant whose sole focus is the support of LGBT youth in the Los Angeles County child welfare system.

Contact Supervisor Kuehl (213-974-3333 sheila@bos.lacounty.gov, madeleinepatriciamoore@gmail.com) and ask for her support in fixing the broken Child Protection Services in Los Angeles County. Let her know that there are vulnerable children, who are not gays or lesbians, that need her to acknowledge that DCFS, given its historical and current culture of fear and rigid organizational structure, is designed and fortified with impenetrable internal political walls that resist any meaningful, permanent change.

Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle (rds2301@gmail.com)

In Jesus' name....

Meet Some Of The Children Who Died In Los Angeles Because The City's Child Protection System Is Broken
Illinois and Virginia CPS’ Conspire to Steal and Sex Traffic Children - By Dave Hodges May 17, 2014 Illinois and Virginia Child Protective Services is sex-trafficking in children that it illegally seizes and that the Illinois Child Protective Services is cooperating with Virginia in order to complete a child abduction with sex-trafficking connections.
California Family Courts Helping Pedophiles, Batterers Get Child Custody - Rex Anderson (left) and Henry "Bud" Parson were both convicted of child molestation after family courts awarded them custody of their daughters.
The Most Powerful Person in a Child Custody Case Isn't the Judge - Between 2008 and 2011, more than seventy children who passed through the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services have died due to child abuse or neglect. Many of the lives and deaths of these children have been rigorously documented by Los Angeles Times reporter Garrett Therolf and by the paper's invaluable Homicide Report blog.

Appendix A

Below is a list of Churches that have been contacted about the broken child protection system in Southern California. Each one of them have confirmed that once a believer in Jesus Christ knows about the injustice and cruelty in their own local government they have to speak out (not pray) or they will be as guilty as the evil doers in the family courts, the parent who abused the child, and the Department of Child and Family Services. Contact them and ask them why they have done nothing or even spoken out about the injustice against the least of these: Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

Calvary Community Church, calvarycc.org/
2015-Fall-Club-31-220x130 (4) · Care Ministry · CC_220x130. Sunday Services: 9am, 11am, 5pm 818.991.8040 5495 Via Rocas Westlake Village, CA 91362 craiga@calvarycc.org, scottd@calvarycc.org, lindah@calvarycc.org, maureenc@calvarycc.org, marriagematters@calvarycc.org, prayerchain@calvarycc.org, dodyt@calvarycc.org, elders@calvarycc.org,

Knott Avenue Christian Church, 714.527.5195. 315 S Knott Avenue Anaheim, California.
swomack@kacc.com, rgallaher@kacc.com, mhammontre@kacc.com, rmathis@kacc.com, lsangree@kacc.com, pyoung@kacc.com, apinedo@kacc.com, mbabcock@kacc.com, amroberts@kacc.com, aramos@kacc.com, egarcia@kacc.com, dhammontre@kacc.com

Saddleback Church: Locations: Lake Forest
Contact. info@saddleback.com · O +949 609 8000 · F +949 609 8002. M-F 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Jimw@saddleback.com

Mariners Church www.marinerschurch.org/ 949.769.8100 jkirkwood@marinerschurch.org

Rock Harbor www.rockharbor.org › 714-384-0914 x304. If you have a prayer request, please call our prayer line and leave a message. We have a team of people who pray each week over these

Calvary Chapel Of Costa Mesa 3800 S Fairview St, Santa Ana CA 92704- 7014. Call them at (714) 979-4422.

Eastside Christian Church Welcome to the Eastside Christian Church mobile website. 714.871.6844 2505 Yorba Linda Blvd, Fullerton, CA 92831 jwswaney@eastside.com

First evangelical free, (714) 529-5544 // 2801 Brea Blvd. Fullerton CA 92835 Jenney, jenni.key@evfreefullerton.com

The Crossing Church www.thecrossing.com/ 2115 Newport Blvd. • Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • 949.645.505

SeaCoast Grace Church seacoastgrace.org/ 5100 Cerritos Ave. Cypress, CA 90630 (714) 761-5100 info@seacoastgrace.org, kylesb@seacoastgrace.org

Coast Hills Community Church 5 Pursuit, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 362-0079 x 290 (949) 362-0081 (fax) contact@coasthillschurch.org

The Rock http://www.gototherock.com/ 295 E Orangethorpe Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801, 714.526.8233 therock@solidlives.com, sandy@solidlives.com/a>

Vineyard Church of Anaheim, 5340 East La Palma Avenue Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 777-4777

od Church 4505 Katella Ave. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 714-947-5300 pbullock@cottonwood.org

Friends Church www.friendschurchyl.com/about-friends/contact 5141 Lakeview Avenue Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 777-2875 kens@friendschurchyl.com

Rose Drive Friends Church www.rdf.org/ 4221 Rose Dr, Yorba Linda, CA 92886
(714) 528-6496 MandiP@rdf.org, JoettaP@rdf.org, GreggP@rdf.org, TimR@rdf.org, KristenR@rdf.org, ChrisS@rdf.org, SandeeV@rdf.org, KariW@rdf.org, SandyY@rdf.org, SandiL@rdf.org, BillL@rdf.org, HeidiM@rdf.org, TresaM@rdf.org, JasonM@rdf.org, DeanneH@rdf.org, CraigD@rdf.org, ChrisC@rdf.org, JuneC@rdf.org, JanaB@rdf.org, DaveA@rdf.org, BarbA@rdf.org, BryanA@rdf.org

CALVARY CHAPEL LA HABRA www.calvarylahabra.org/ 1370 S Euclid St, La Habra, CA 90631 (714) 446-6222 photo@calvarylahabra.org, mead@calvarylahabra.org, galen.sarno@calvarylahabra.org, stephanie@calvarylahabra.org, cafe@calvarylahabra.org, facilities@calvarylahabra.org, jay@calvarylahabra.org, womensministry@calvarylahabra.org, bookstore@calvarylahabra.org, kelley@calvarylahabra.org

Orange Hills Assembly of God www.orangehills.net/ 2910 N. Santiago Blvd.Orange, California 92867 pastored@orangehills.net, pastor.brian@orangehills.net, jason@orangehills.net, carolyn@orangehills.net

Pacific Coast Church www.pacificcoastchurch.org/ 2651 Calle Frontera, San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 940-2600 info@pccsc.org

First Christian Church www.fcchb.com 1207 Main St in Huntington Beach, CA scott.grooms@fcchb.com, stephanie.fraser@fcchb.com, mary.wright@fcchb.com, jennifer.vermillion@fcchb.com

Capo Beach Church www.capobeachchurch.com 25975 Domingo Ave. Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. (949) 493-2006 info@capochurch.com, emhoekstra@att.net

Calvary Chapel WestGrove 12832 Knott Street, Garden Grove, California 92841 (714) 897-8972 Sharon and Manny Pastor x 237 Sharon@ccwg.org, manny@ccwg.org

Calvary Church calvarylife.org/ 1010 North Tustin Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705 | (714) 973-4800 mdavis@calvarylife.org

Compass Bible Church is an expository Christian church committed to reaching, teaching and training people for Jesus Christ 150 Columbia, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 540-0699

Good Fight Ministries www.goodfight.org Simi Valley CA

Robert Singer <rds2301@yahoo.com> October 21, 2015
To Contact@goodfight.org orders@goodfight.org

I need to speak to someone at your ministry about this situation.

Save Lexi Dillon - Subject: Prayer Line Spritual Request The 'Silent Scandal' of Courts Putting Children With Their Abusers. Courts in the U.S. have sentenced thousands of children to live with a parent who abused them. T...
View on www.savelexi.com

Since you are in Simi Valley then you must know about Boy's alleged abuse described in graphic grand jury testimony Boy's alleged abuse described in graphic grand jury test...
Before 8-year-old Gabriel Fernandez was allegedly beaten to death by his mother and her boyfriend, they doused him with pepper spray, forced him to eat his own vom...
View on www.latimes.com

thank you

Robert Singer

Reply from Good Fight Ministries <contact@goodfight.org> October 21 at 10:52 AM
To Robert Singer
This is an automated reply to: robert singer <rds2301@yahoo.com>

Thank you very much for contacting Good Fight Ministries. We are humbled that you have taken the time to share your thoughts with us and/or written to ask us a question, and want you to know that your communication is very important to us. However, please keep in mind that we receive a high volume of communication each day, and it is sometimes difficult to reply with a personal response to each message, or our response may be delayed. Please be aware that we truly appreciate your feedback and questions, and we will always strive to respond to every letter we receive. We appreciate your understanding, as we will do our best, by God's grace, to gladly serve you to the very best of our ability.

If you are in need of personal counseling, we recommend that you contact a bible-believing church near you. In most instances, a local, bible-believing church will be better equipped to offer you the counsel you are seeking in a more timely and personal manner.

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For His Glory,

Website Feedback Department
Good Fight Ministries

NO Communication from Good Fight

October 23, 2015 at 9:39 AM Robert Singer wrote to Good Fight
Your church is mentioned in this article.

Good Fight finally replies Today at 12:01 PM

Hello Robert,

Your piece states the following:
"Contact them and ask them why they have done nothing or even spoken out about the injustice against the least of these;"

While we appreciate your zeal to sound an alarm and do something regarding the topic of abused children, we would ask you to carefully consider your accusations about who is or is not doing something. Unless you have firsthand knowledge that the organizations listed in your Appendix A are NOT doing anything, then it is unfair to list them.

Robert Singer replies to Good Fight at 12:23 PM

All right what have you done?

As of 7:30 P.M. EST NO OTHER Communication from Good Fight

Appendix A
There is emerging consensus on several reforms that could make all the difference:

If there are credible charges of molestation or abuse, law enforcement should investigate not CPS; if there are not, CPS should not be involved at all.

If a criminal investigation is opened, the child should be placed in protective custody until the case is resolved. Obviously, a loving relative would be preferred to a stranger's home, but the child needs to be in a neutral corner; a safe environment.

Children should only be restored to a home where abuse was alleged after allegations have been investigated and failed to be substantiated by law enforcement, and ordered by a judge, not at the whim of a social worker.

In cases where no abuse is alleged, the burden of proof for continued involvement must fall on the state. There must be an easy way to quickly appeal to a grand-jury type panel of independent individuals from the community (outsiders) who can ultimately over-rule a social worker's decision by a 2/3's vote.

Remove Malice as the standard by which a social worker can be sued for fraud or misrepresentation of the facts.

Courts should be open to the public statewide. LA courts are open; OC are closed.

Record all proceedings on video, especially social worker interviews with children, so there is an actual record to refer to, rather than merely the word of a social worker against the parent.

Appendix B
Court-Licensed Abuse, a California Problem

In California and across America, children are taken from loving parents as part of a big business, while Big Pharma drug companies and CPS and DCFS make money off the matter. Children are given to sex offenders and violent criminals. Every time a child is removed, the feds provide bonus money. http://culture.squidoo.com/fightcpsvideos http://culture.squidoo.com/fightcpsvideos In addition to the federal funds, counties are linking with Big Pharma drug companies and making big bucks off drugging the children, starting at the earliest possible age. In one county back in Georgia, a drug test company operated through CPS making $100,000 off the kids. This is a national problem.

CPS has a goal of removing children from protective parents as loving parents will fight to protect their kids and keep them out of the system. This is not sex-related but protective-parent related. Often CPS removes the kids from both parents and gives them to abusers.

In Sonoma County, Charlotte Molinari was found hung from a tree after her father received full custody and her mother was prevented from seeing the girl. Afraid the girl had been killed after she identified her father as a rapist and disappeared, Colleen Fernald (the mother) asked authorities to search for her daughter – but they failed to do so. Eventually the father led the police off the path to the tree from which the daughter had been hung. The father quickly had the girl cremated and the mother had to go to court to even be allowed to attend her daughter's funeral.

In Los Angeles, the act of reporting abuse is considered "alienation" and protective parents lose custody and are placed on monitored visitation of only a few short hours per week so they won't encourage their kids to talk about the abuse. In Los Angeles County, it has become standard procedure to give abusers full custody to punish the parent who believes the child. Nation-wide this happens 85% of the time.

In Orange County Charlene Harris and Ruby Dillon both lost custody of their children because the children accused the fathers of sexually abusing them. There was medical and other evidence but reporting abuse is judged far worse than raping a child under the interpretation courts have of the law. See www.savelexi.com

In San Bernardino County, Baby Wyatt was killed by a man whose words foreshadowed the killing. The mother tried to convince the judge of the danger but was not believed hours before the baby was killed by the father.

In Georgia, and unwed mother from Alabama was arrested and extradited to California by a man who had denied being the father, who was out of the country at the time of conception and who had abused the kid when the kid had been with him according to medical, police and eye-witness accounts. He refused to take a paternity test but had the mother arrested for kidnapping her own son and extradited to California, where she was sentenced to three years in prison and lost all rights to ever see her six year old son again. Tammy sits in prison in Santee, CA, knowing that her only child is raised by strangers who have already abused the child severely. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2014/05/15/california-courts-unconstitutional-trial

While CPS continues to be among the largest taxpayer drains, children are dying and being raped. The courts are out of control. http://www.parentalrights.org/index.asp?SEC=%7B5433EE7C-6775-4D17-A2A1-CE4686AE1697%7D http://arc.asm.ca.gov/member/AD33/?p=article&sid=427&id=255830 the kids need protection and help. The courts need to be opened up so that the false impressions will be eroded by truth – a truth that will lead to a change in the system.

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