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By Robert Singer
According to Daisy Luther [1] and the hacktivist group Anonymous, tomorrow, Friday, July 15, 2016 will be a "Day of Rage" in the United States over the recent killings in Dallas, Texas. The shootings sparked a war on law enforcement officers and a nationwide spree of violence against cops.
Daisy Luther is the organic prepper who sells books, and "healthy great tasting food storage [Huh?] for you and your family." She lives in a small village in the mountains of Northern California, but she has no phone number or physical address anywhere in the United States. After a lot of work I did find an email address and sent the following email about her article Day of Rage Protests:
From: Robert Singer <rds2301@yahoo.com>
To: "daisy@theorganicprepper.ca"
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:37 PM
Subject: Your article on the DAY of Rage needs to be checked!
Did you see this post at Snopes?
I did some research including calling the White House and the Secret Service.
It looks like a hoax.
Daisy has not responded.
The article at Snopes by Kim LaCapria points out that "the hacktivist collective Anonymous has called for a nationwide 'Day of Rage' protests on 15 July 2016 is identical to a false rumor circulated in 2014 after the shooting of the teenager Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri."
The locations and scheduling information of 2014 are exactly the same time and locations as the 2016 warning. [Appendix A]
There was no mass chaos and rioting in 2014 and if I am correct, then tomorrow will be a non-event and the conspirators who were behind the rumor will have achieved their purpose to keep us in fear and confusion.
So, when there is a true emergency will anyone listen? How many times will you hunker down with emergency food and purified water, and go someplace safe before you ignore the warnings and stay home?
How can I be so confident that COINTELPRO is alive and well and behind the hoax?
Look at who is promoting both sides of the "Day of Rage,"controversy, keeping in mind 'The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves' (Vladimir Lenin)
From Sott.net - Members of the public, as well as participants in new forms of 'anonymous' activism might be shocked to learn that such groups are actively infiltrated and even created for purposes of division, diversion and disruption of the aims of social activism. The recent case of Aaron Barr, CEO of 'security' company HBGary Federal, who allegedly infiltrated Anonymous in order to discover their true identities only to have his own company and email account hacked in retaliation by Anonymous, is a case in point.
Sott.net has recently uncovered a similar operation, the implications of which go far deeper than simple infiltration for the purpose of 'information gathering'. As we will show, employee(s) of a private 'firearms and security consulting company', Jedburgh Corporation, are responsible for creating and maintaining a popular 'Anonymous'-themed web forum, worldrevolt.net, the group behind the recent operations 'Onslaught' and 'Tennessee'. While their forum is currently 'down for maintenance' (curiously, it went offline while we were in the course of our investigation), you can still view their Facebook page, 'Operation Tennessee' page and a video for their recent 'Operation Onslaught' in Nashville. Here's their description, taken from their own Facebook pages:
Black Lives Matter (BLM)
From State of the Nation - In the case of BLM it is now clear that the official organization is a classic COINTELPRO black operation set up to start a race war. While there are always many well-intentioned people who will climb on board such movements, the leaders have been fastidiously trained and mentored. The results of their leadership clearly indicate their true purpose. BLM has proven to be a highly dubious and divisive organization that has done a tremendous amount of damage to the real civil rights movement.
One of the quickly budding and premier leaders of BLM is a gent by the name of DeRay Mckesson.
In the photo posted above, he is shown just to the right of AG Loretta Lynch. *Since when does the leader of any radical group get serious face time with the U.S. Attorney General and then get to use it as a photo op to spread across their movement?!
GLAAD: Military arm of the Gay Mafia
The single most important factoid about DeRay Mckesson is that he is a zealous advocate of the LGBT agenda and member of GLAAD. Which begs the following question: Why is an avid LGBT activist — DeRay Mckesson — leading the Black Lives Matter movement?
This particular item on McKesson’s resumé is perhaps the most disconcerting. Not only does it serve as another opportunity for the LGBT crowd to co-opt another HUGE and growing protest movement, it permits them to unduly influence the BLM agenda by stealth. It also allows the top leadership to be filled with like-minded agents who have no interest in the stated purpose of Black Lives Matter, but a lot of interest in using the movement to advance the LGBT national agenda.
And Finally the first red flag about Snopes is that 6 to 8 million viewers visit the site monthly. You can be sure that The Powers That Be (TPTB) are in control of one of the top 10,000 sites in the world.
World Net Daily on Snopes - Way too many Americans, including national leaders, rely on the popular online hoax-buster Snopes.com as the ultimate authority in separating truth from fiction.
WND’s Joseph Farah questions whether Snopes merits its reputation as an unbiased, accurate source for debunking controversial issues as “myth.”
“Some of you are shocked to hear Snopes is not the last word on truth – that it is not the bible of rumors and urban legends,” Farah wrote in a column criticizing not just the website’s pronouncements on whether or not a story is a myth, but also how its writer (usually Barbara Mikkelson) determines what does and doesn’t qualify as a reliable source.
Do I recommend you go to a protest in your city? No. But I also don't recommend you hunker down or leave town, because you think your city will be under siege.
Should you be prepared for an emergency in the near future? Absolutely.
Stay safe but also alert ...
Robert Singer writes about Secrets, Sentient Creatures and The Federal Reserve at The Peoples Voice and The Market Oracle (rds2301@gmail.com)
[1] Daisy Luther lives in a small village in the mountains of Northern California. She is the author of The Organic Canner, The Pantry Primer: A Prepper’s Guide to Whole Food on a Half Price Budget, and the The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource
. On her website, The Organic Prepper, Daisy uses her background in alternative journalism to provide a unique perspective on health and preparedness, and offers a path of rational anarchy against a system that will leave us broke, unhealthy, and enslaved if we comply. As well, Daisy is the co-founder of the website Nutritional Anarchy, and her articles are widely republished throughout alternative media.
Appendix A