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What Capital Hill thug put a bullet in the throat of this beautiful free spirited young American woman? We will never know and as with all their crimes against the American people, the government thug who did this will probably never see justice for this senseless murderous act of brutality.
The hatred of these dark soles for this great man who has done more for the American people than any president in history is so psychotic that they will kill even a young innocent woman. Good bye freedom and democracy, hello repression and Communism.
This will be your government now. A gang of liars usurpers and thieves who rigged the election and used the media to accuse our president of rigging the election. You have witnessed the true criminal nature of corrupt professional politicians. And criminals cannot resist the thrill of reveling in their crimes. Pelosi said a week before the election, "Joe Biden will be president weather the American people vote for him or not" and so it was. But the American people did vote, 90,000,000 of us, but she was right it didn't matter.
There will never again be a legitimate free and fair presidential election in the United States. This is the end of the American dream that began in 1776. For a brief instant as in the time of Kennedy, a great American leader rose up from the people to lift America from the depths of economic depression to the greatest heights of economic recovery in American history.
With the help of Communist China, the globalists, an army of democrat mayors and governors, the media, the entrenched corrupt Washington swamp brought the economy, the country, and the world down with a never ending covid19 scamdemic, shutdowns, and mask torture. They crushed Trumps accomplishments while using the media to pin the blame for the collapsing economy and covid19 on President Trump.
Lying cheating and stealing is what professional politicians are good at. They have lied, cheated, stolen, and killed their way into power over the poor American people. The super rich puppet masters can now return to business as usual. Return to lying, cheating, exploiting, stealing from, enslaving, killing, and profiting on, the American people. Say goodby to our great and majestic American president Trump, who embodied the American dream, anything is possible in America. And America did surely and quickly become 'great again' under his brilliant leadership.
What a contrast you will soon whiteness as they execute their 'Long Dark Winter" psyop on the American people and the world. One can only imagine how many will die. When psychopaths, the criminally deranged and imbalanced get power people always die, sometimes many millions.
It appears that Election rigging criminal monsters are now our leaders. No longer is a moral Christian financial genius at the helm guiding our American ship to greatness. Now the American ship will be scuttled by incompetence and corruption and sunk to the bottom of an abyss from which not even our great President Trump could retrieve us.
Our new concentration camp guards will gladly lead us with a smile into the death chamber. That is why the globalists have chosen them and not someone like the pure and good Tulsi Gabbard. And our camp guards are paid very handsomely to carry out this task for which they are so well suited psychologically.
By the editor@thepeoplesvoice.org