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And Now Begins the Third World War

July 12th, 2024

Editor thepeoplesvoice.org

Biden, the senile corrupt pathological liar and the treasonous Marxist democrats lead America and the world to war.

The Marxist democrat plan to use the votes of illegal aliens to rig the election has encountered a serious setback. The House has passed the Republican-led Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act by a 221-198 vote. Now Voters will be required to prove their citizenship in order to vote in the upcoming presidential election and all future federal elections.

Although democrats have millions of falsified paper ballots, rigged voting machines, and 30% of Americans believe the globalist media lies and support Biden, that will not be enough to insure a democrat victory. They cannot win without the votes of some forty million illegal aliens.

After Biden's speech to the NATO members, it appears that he wants to start a war with Russia. If Biden can embroil the United States in a war with Russia he can invoke the War Powers Act, cancel the election and remain in power indefinitely.

Tens of millions of Americans will desperately support Trump in the hopes of avoiding nuclear war and saving their country, but Donald Trump will not be president of the United States. If the democrats are unable to invoke the War Powers Act and stop the election, they will simply assassinate Trump and blatantly rig the election.

Fearing an uprising from the American people, Biden and the Marxist Communist democrats may resort to mass murder, which is always the pattern of communist dictatorships. Americans will be labeled as dangerous terrorist MAGA and imprisoned in the new detention camps built by Biden in all fifty states. Tens of millions of Americans could be killed and starved to death in these camps.

The Marxist democrat traitors and their rhino republican cohorts will try to subjugate Russia as they have Iraq and Libya, as they have enslaved many countries. The willfully ignorant democrats have completely misjudged the Russian people. They seem to know nothing about Russian military technology, some of which is the most advanced on earth.

500 megaton Russian Tsar bomb

The psychotic Biden puppet and his Marxist handlers have forgotten or never knew, the destruction of Russia has been attempted three times before in history. The first time in 1242 when Russia's first king, Alexander Nevsky, halted the advance of the German Teutonic Order, destroying them in the 'Battle on the Ice'. The second time in 1815 when Russia crushed Napoleon's army causing approximately nine hundred thousand French troops to die on Russian soil. And the third attempt by Adolf Hitler on June 22, 1941. More than 3 million German troops entered Russia with the most powerful invasion force in history. Nineteen panzer divisions, 3,000 tanks, 2,500 aircraft, and 7,000 artillery pieces across a thousand-mile front. Only five thousand German solders lived to see their home again.

And now begins the third world war and the fourth invasion of Russia by Biden, puppet of the global elite. Russia is now fighting against a massive mercenary army funded and supplied by seventy-five countries. The globalists, and NATO think they will defeat and break Russia into multiple slave states. They will fail in this gamble as other megalomaniacal fools have failed before them and they will lose everything, their power, their wealth, and possibly their lives.


Editor thepeoplesvoice.org

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