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Chain of Fools: A World on the Brink via Bush, Obama, Trump, Harris, and Netanyahu

October 4th, 2024

By Tracy Turner

U.S. administrations, Israel, global conflict, misinformation, free speech, AIPAC, ADL, public opinion, Middle East, Iran, oil revenue, civil liberties, censorship, political erosion, economic decline, cultural fragmentation, corporate interests, propaganda, war likelihood, geopolitical tensions, democracy, authoritarianism.

The policy decisions of former and active U.S. administrations, in concert with those taken by Israel, have significantly destabilized world politics and weakened America against foreign threats as it turns its guns on misinformation and battles to suppress freedom of speech.

AIPAC, the ADL, and their tightly-knit mafia of media outlets have worked increasingly to shape global narratives in ways that may get us closer to global conflict. This 'coalition' comes with a story that frequently browbeats debate and feeds an acid-division environment ripe for escalation. As geopolitical flashpoints around the world heat up, their impact on public opinion and policy is all but more pronounced.

The Danger Dance of Global Politics
Living in the shadow of influential leaders like George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, and Benjamin Netanyahu, the world is condemned to a tragic opera of folly. Each has contributed to a narrative of distrust and aggression, binding nations in a noose of hate. The U.S. and Israel, as two of the most influential players, maintain contentious policies that draw the world nearer to conflict and prolong tensions in the Middle East.

The Menace of Middle Eastern Oil Wealth
It has been documented that Iran deploys its oil revenues to fund military aggression. If Iran or its proxies escalate their capabilities, the ramifications for Israel could be disastrous. The 2023 and 2024 events in Gaza highlight the potential for vengeance, illustrating how quickly cycles of violence can spiral out of control.

Internal Vulnerabilities: A Government Distracted
The U.S. government risks overlooking these threats while it tests misinformation and regulates free speech. This obsession with censorship diverts essential resources from addressing foreign adversaries. While the U.S. searches for social media agitators, misinformation thrives through major corporate media, whose interests often align against the truth.

Real Example: Social Media Misinformation
Studies reveal that false information about COVID-19 spreads rapidly on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Instead of addressing this, the state has focused on policing free speech, culling critical voices, and fostering distrust among the populace. This diversion leaves vulnerabilities for enemies to exploit.

Misinformation and Free Speech: Where Do We Draw the Line?
Experts note that the government's approach to misinformation has silenced legitimate discourse. Rather than imposing bans, empowering citizens to sift through facts and propaganda through media literacy might be a more effective strategy.

The Role of Corporate Interests
Corporate interests often frame the public narrative. Major media firms utilize sensationalism to distort factual reporting, distracting from pressing issues like foreign intervention and geopolitical instability. Anti-misinformation efforts allow corporations to advance their agendas without scrutiny.

Example of Corporate Manipulation
Consider Cambridge Analytica, which manipulated Facebook data to sway public opinion in elections. This manipulation highlights how data can shape narratives and alter electoral processes, emphasizing the risks of prioritizing corporate interests over genuine public discourse.

Antithesis: Safety—the Illusion Leading to Collapse
While the United States government at the same time exclaims "safety" as a justification for its actions, that very perception might become the reason for the dissolution of the very sinew of American life. Following are five examples to show how this pursuit of safety can lead to the fall of the empire:

  • Increased surveillance at the expense of civil liberties in privacy is the building of national security imperatives. When citizens cannot count on privacy from the eyes and ears of the state, they may become disaffected and lose confidence in their government or any other institution.
  • Censorship and Control: In service of maintaining safety, efforts to manage information can quash freedom of expression and public debate, leading to uninformed citizens and increased fragmentation of society.
  • Polarization of Discourse: The government, while prioritizing safety, may nullify the speech of those in opposition; hence, an echo chamber would ensue whereby the divisions deepen, and the democratic process is undermined further.
  • Isolationism: Emphasis on security inward tends to retract one from foreign alliances; thus, the alliance so formed between different nations is weakened, and thereby the United States is left at higher risk for damage via various external threats and disinformation.
  • Resource Misallocation: Diverting money to security arrangements at the cost of education, health care, and infrastructure will bring long-term decline in the society with all its inequities and unrest.

Predictions for Empire Collapse

  • Civil Unrest: The growing frustration of citizens might culminate into widespread protests and acts of civil disobedience, further destabilizing the society.
  • Political Erosion: As authority becomes increasingly centralized, suppressing civil liberties can weaken popular institutions and lead a country to slip toward authoritarianism.
  • Economic Decline: Misallocation may interfere with innovation and reducing economic growth may reduce international status and influence.
  • Global Isolation: Degraded international relationships might eventually put the U.S. in increasing isolation where adversaries will pose a set of challenges that the nation might not be able or willing to handle unaided on its own without allies.
  • Cultural Fragmentation: A culture divided cannot hold onto anything in common but is instead lost in some identity and values crisis, further weakening a nation.

The Need for Change
The likelihood of foreign exploitation increases as the U.S. remains entrenched in its internal crises. The noose of fools connecting current leaders tightens, risking catastrophic outcomes. By recognizing the humanity in perceived enemies and understanding the roots of these decisions, we can alter the trajectory of humanity's future.

The warmongering, money hemorrhaging cabal has surely grown louder in recent years, but specifically regarding the Middle East, the volume has risen. They reinforce such arguments as full support versus full opposition to Israel, framing those critical discussions in this frankly binary manner-one which only furthers divisiveness, rather than fostering nuanced debate. This only serves to alienate potential allies and lock in extremist views, making diplomacy more difficult and the threat of global conflict more real.

Examples of Misinformation Governments

  1. North Korea: An informational dictatorship built on fear and propaganda.
  2. Russia: State-controlled media spreads unsubstantiated claims.
  3. China: Censorship and disinformation maintain an atmosphere of fear.
  4. Turkey: Crackdowns on press freedom under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
  5. Venezuela: Misinformation blames crises on external forces.
  6. The United States: Authoritarianism, demonizing citizenry, spying and harassment

The United States' systemic characteristics mirror a government of misinformation, where propaganda pervades agencies and institutions. During critical moments like fighting COVID-19, regulation has often overshadowed transparency, leaving the public misinformed.

The Likelihood of War
The interaction of misinformation and propaganda across governments fosters conditions ripe for conflict. In a world where controlling the truth is central to these nations, misunderstanding and miscalculation will likely escalate. The potential for misinformation to heighten tensions and provoke military responses makes the likelihood of war increasingly urgent.

With the geopolitical situation heating up, especially in regions like the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific, the risks of misunderstandings based on distorted narratives are ever-present. A chain reaction of misinformation can lead to aggressive acts snowballing into armed conflict. In real life, corporations tend to make money by selling arms to both parties involved in the conflict, creating a vicious circle of violence to maximize their bottom line. This parallel- disturbing fact represents the fact that some governments treat such entities as Internet trolls who want chaos and division.

Whereas those trolls sow discord for clicks and attention, corporations exploit geopolitical tensions, selling weapons and resources without regard for the human cost. A means to security and influence, governments oft fall into the trap of alignment with these very profiteers, trusting them for solutions to fuel ongoing conflicts.

This, in turn, starts a symbiotic relationship that raises the question: When those who are supposed to protect us team up with those who make money off of war, who is really going to benefit? The truth is a vicious circle: the government and corporations’ benefit at the cost of forfeited peace, while societies suffer as a result of such actions.

Along with building these Zio-Israel War Machines, every new crisis promises an even greater possibility of miscalculation and war. Absent open dialogue and acceptance of a variety of perspectives, we are taken in by blind spirals toward the wider conflict. A call for peace and understanding of this nature should rise above the polarizing scope set by the different influential groups, lest the whole world is propelled into the abyss of World War III.

U.S. Foreign Policy and Middle Eastern Oil

• Yergin, D. (1991). The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power. Free Press.
• Explores the relationship between oil wealth and geopolitical stability.
Surveillance and Policing
• Lyon, D. (2015). Surveillance After Snowden. Polity Press.
• Examines modern surveillance methods and their effects on civil liberties.
Misinformation and Digital Media
• Wardle, C., & Derakhshan, H. (2017). Information Disorder: Toward an Interdisciplinary Framework for Research and Policy Making. Council of Europe.
• Assesses the implications of misinformation for government and media literacy.
The Occupy Movement
• Gitlin, T. (2013). Occupy Nation: The Roots, the Spirit, and the Promise of Occupy Wall Street. HarperCollins.
• Contextualizes Obama's response to the Occupy movement within civil rights discourse.
Policing and Dissent
• Davis, A. Y. (1983). Women, Race & Class. Random House.
• Discusses the policing of dissent in various modern movements.
Corporate Media Influence
• McChesney, R. W. (2008). The Political Economy of Media: Enduring Issues, Emerging
Dilemmas. Monthly Review Press.
• Investigate how corporate interests shape public narratives and disseminate misinformation.
Emergence of Authoritarianism
• Levitsky, S., & Ziblatt, D. (2018). How Democracies Die. Crown Publishing Group.
• Discusses the implications of government overreach on democracy.


By Tracy Turner
Chain of Fools: A World on the Brink via Bush, Obama, Trump, Harris, and Netanyahu

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