OPINION: Why Every American Should Vote for Bernie Sanders

September 7th, 2015
Eric Zuesse On August 19th, the brilliant Thad Beversdorf opened by posting a five-minute-long 2003 video of Vermont’s then-congressman Bernie Sanders, who was interrogating the deified Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, and ripping to shreds… more »

Milquetoast Bernie Sanders, Senator From Lockheed-Martin and left Gatekeeper for the Democratic Party

August 3rd, 2015
By United Front Against Austerity/Tax Wall Street http://againstausterity.org/ufaa As Bernie Sanders gains traction against Hillary in the Democratic primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire, his utility to the Democratic elite is becoming more evident. Much… more »

My Prediction: Bernie Sanders Will Win the White House

June 2nd, 2015
Eric Zuesse On May 12th, I presented my analysis of the polling as of that time, headlining, “The Early Signs of Whom The Next U.S. President Will Likely Be: Presidential Polls Look Confusing Regarding Bernie, But Downright Bad Regarding Hillary & All… more »

Bernie Sanders: Populist or Opportunist?

May 27th, 2015
by Stephen Lendman Compared to Hillary Clinton and array of Republican presidential aspirants looking more like a police lineup, Sanders seems almost saintly. Hold the cheers. On the one hand, no one challenging money-controlled US politics has a chance… more »



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