"If I forget about them, may God forget about me" Inspiration from despair on the frontlines of the war against empire

July 29th, 2014
by Daniel Patrick Welch I was forwarded a video clip from a friend in Kharkov, and was compelled to write about it. It gives me goosebumps and brings me to tears. As the evil NATO project to destroy Ukraine and attack Russia begins to implode from its… more »

Justifying the Unjustifiable

May 18th, 2014
by Stephen Lendman Navi Pillay is UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. She's a reliable imperial tool. She betrays her mandate. She does so consistently. She disgraces the office she holds. She twists vital truths irresponsibly. She substitutes… more »

Fascism's Dark Side

May 9th, 2014
by Stephen Lendman An earlier article called Ukraine the epicenter of European fascist reemergence. Kiev putschists reflect it. Last Friday's Odessa massacre shows how far they'll go. No-holds-barred barbarism explains it. What happened exceeded the… more »

Ukraine at War

May 6th, 2014
by Stephen Lendman Ukraine is engulfed in conflict. It may be only a matter of time until it spreads nationwide. It's Obama's war. It's low-intensity. It threatens to escalate. Mass slaughter may follow. At risk is spreading it cross-border. It… more »

Fascist Police Attack Anti-Maidan Protesters

April 10th, 2014
by Stephen Lendman Fascist police operate the same way everywhere. They do it across America. They brutalized nonviolent Occupy Wall Street activists. streets. It's happening across Eastern Ukraine. On April 8, RT International headlined "Kiev cracks… more »

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