

  • Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic At least from the very academic viewpoint, war is a condition of armed conflict between at least two sides (but, in fact, states). Historically, there are several types of warfare: conventional warfare, civil war, lightning…
  • American woman, Rachel Morin, mother of five. Her half-sister, Erin Morin Layman, holds the Biden administration accountable for her murder Rachel Morin was strangled as well as savagely beaten, it was revealed Friday — as the illegal Salvadorian…
  • by Ellen Brown In the first seven months of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, net interest (payments minus income) on the federal debt reached $514 billion, exceeding spending on both national defense ($498 billion) and Medicare ($465 billion). The interest tab…
  • Opposing Both Israeli and Hamas Killing is a model for all Wars By David Swanson Of course, millions of people all over the world and in the United States support either Israeli or Hamas warmaking — warmaking which (one must point out the obvious…
  • https://d3drajoq5gm85y.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/14115457/James-Monroe-.jpg The Doctrine (1823) Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic The doctrine was presented by the 5-th U.S. President James Monroe (1817−1825) in 1823 as an official warning to…
  • By Arthur I, Arthur wasn't a bad man, not cruel, not malicious. I lived 60 years a quiet life worked married raised kids paid taxes went to church, a good man I thought. As I took my last breath a calmness enveloped me, I had lived well, heaven awaited.…
  • A complex web of covert activities that have shaped global politics By Tracy Turner NATO America Project Paperclip bifurcation control relations international influence dominance power global MKUltra hegemonism. Bifurcated America after the Civil War…
  • Audio and video HERE By David Swanson Whether or not Frank Zappa ever really said it, politics is indeed the entertainment division of the military industrial complex. It is the circenses of the panem et circenses, the circuses of the bread and…
  • The state of the forests, deforestation, and what we can do about it Amazon Forest: World watches wildfires lash through 'lungs of the earth' By Kersasp D. Shekhdar Deforestation at warp speed Up until about the Industrial Revolution, deforestation—if…
  • Roller Coaster From Trumpists to Communists. The forces in the U.S. impeding aid to Ukraine and how they do it By David Swanson, World BEYOND War Here’s a list produced by a Ukrainian group with limited knowledge of the United States, a group that is…
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