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By Ramzy Baroud
Israeli officials face a conundrum that may take more than military muscle-flexing to resolve: how to deal with Iran? The solution to this dilemma will require no less than sheer political genius.
It must be frustrating for Israeli policymakers and their friends and backers elsewhere to stand idle as Iran openly carries on with its nuclear-enrichment program, facing nothing but United States and European chest-thumping and a mere threat of more sanctions, which will unlikely bend Iranian resolve.
Allen L Roland
The best example of a single pay health system that works, despite constant Republican efforts to undermine it , is Medicare. Medicare for all Americans will put together and stabilize our broken heath care system:
Yesterday was the 44th birthday of Medicare, our popular senior Single Pay health care system ~ which President Lyndon Johnson signed into law on July 30, 1965. At the time, Johnson called the bill "the most revolutionary and most beneficial measure for older Americans since we passed Social Security itself back in 1935." "They will no longer have to suffer from misery and neglect and depend upon their relatives because they themselves cannot afford the cost of modern treatment," Johnson said ~ and he was correct !
eileen fleming
This August 6th and 9th mark the 64th anniversary of the most brutal acts of terrorism upon innocent people; America's atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
On Armistice Day, 1948 General Omar Nelson Bradley warned, "We live in a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants, in a world that has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. We have solved the mystery of the atom and forgotten the lessons of the Sermon on The Mount. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about dying than we know about living."
"The empire of the dollar is crashing." - Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan President
"The U.S. dollar is a worthless piece of paper." - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iranian President
[The U.S. dollar is] "losing its status as the world currency." - Xu Jian, vice director, People's Bank of China,
"It is the policy of the United States and it will remain the policy of the United States to remain committed to a strong dollar." - Timothy Geithner, U.S. Treasury Secretary, (July 15, 2009)
by Stephen Lendman
Israel's late 1947 -1948 "War of Independence" took six months to create a new Jewish state, excluding Arabs to the greatest extent possible. To accomplish it, widespread war crimes and atrocities were committed as about 800,000 people were brutally uprooted, ethnically cleansed, or murdered in cold blood. In addition, 531 villages and 11 urban neighborhoods in Tel-Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem and other cities were destroyed and erased except in the collective memories of their inhabitants and descendants who'll always consider them their rightful homes.
Shortly after, laws were passed to legitimize the seizure and exclusive Jewish use of Palestinian land. The June 1948 Abandoned Areas Ordinance referred to "any area or place conquered by or surrendered to armed forces or deserted by all or part of its inhabitants." It gave the Israeli government exclusive jurisdiction rights, including "expropriation and confiscation (authority over) movable and immovable property, within any abandoned area." It meant displaced Palestinians were prohibited from returning and claiming their property that by law was no longer theirs.
By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank
I think it would be safe to say that virtually all Palestinians, including Hamas, would like to see Fatah’s upcoming Congress succeed in rehabilitating the movement, mainly by extricating it from the quagmire of corruption, treachery and “security coordination” with Israel, the Nazi-like occupier of our homeland and tormentor of our people. Fatah is a large movement and its role in leading Palestinian struggle against Zionist colonialism can’t be denied. But it is also true that for many years Fatah has been metamorphosed into a “contra force” working, knowingly or unknowingly, against the national interests of the Palestinian people.
Executive Intelligence Review
Lyndon LaRouche has issued a pointed warning: The final collapse of the entire global financial system is just months away, and the window is rapidly closing on the last, best opportunity to avert a global plunge into a Dark Age that will make Europe's plunge in the 14th Century seem mild by comparison.
By LaRouche's estimate, as things stand now, the close of the fiscal year, on Sept. 30, will mark the onset of a full-scale financial crash, by no later than mid-October, once the year-end figures have been presented, and the panic sets in. LaRouche has never been wrong in any of his long-range forecasts, and the last time he gave such a precise date for a financial shock, was in the Summer of 1987, when he warned that the financial bubble was going to burst sometime in October. He was right then, and he is right today.
Allen L Roland
Like a rabid spider the Federal Reserve has trapped the economy is its secretive web of deceit and manipulation. The only way to eliminate the Fed, or what Eliot Spitzer calls 'America's biggest Ponzi scheme', is through transparency and Congressional oversight:
The Federal Reserve is the least trusted of all government-related agencies, a new Gallup poll finds. Only 30 percent of those polled said the Fed was doing a “good” or “excellent” job, leaving it at the bottom of a list of nine agencies included in the poll. This is for good reason ~ the secretive Fed exists only to serve Wall Street's banking elite while Main Street is continually bound and blinded by its policies.
By Greg Palast
He's in hot water now. For a moment, on national television, the President of the United States turned black!
Last week, when his buddy "Skip" Gates got busted for being Black in Boston, Barack Obama forgot his official role: to soothe America's conscience with the happy fairy tale that his election marked the end of racism in the USA.
Instead, Obama, the excruciatingly middle-of-the-road President, was seized by Barack the militant State Senator from the South Side of Chicago, who reminded us that cops bust Black guys for no goddamn good reason all the goddamn time.
Mickey Z. interviews Richard Oxman
What do you think of Obama's reaction to the Gates incident? Who killed Michael Jackson? Why did Palin resign? Why are 90% of the large fish in the ocean gone? Which question doesn't belong?
California-based organizer, educator, activist-writer, and playwright (and, oh yes, home schooling father and devoted spouse) Richard Oxman knows the answer. He's more than aware that our current system our very culture is designed to shove the "big" questions to the fringes. This is why Oxman has conjured up a unique form of dissent: TOSCA - Taking Over the State of California.
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