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$2 Trillion We Never Knew We Had And They Won't Tell Us Where It Went

November 11th, 2008

Mark Pittman, Bob Ivry & Alison Fitzgerald

[A security officer stands outside of the Federal Reserve building in Washington, Sept. 16, 2008. Photographer: Jay Mallin/Bloomberg News] Fed Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Disclose.

The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said in September they would comply with congressional demands for transparency in a $700 billion bailout of the banking system. Two months later, as the Fed lends far more than that in separate rescue programs that didn't require approval by Congress, Americans have no idea where their money is going or what securities the banks are pledging in return.

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Resistance to Tyranny is Terrorism

November 11th, 2008

Richard Fidler

Afghan resistance is `terrorist' under Canadian law, Khawaja trial judge rules. In the first major prosecution under Canada's Anti-Terrorism Act, Mohammad Momin Khawaja, a 29-year-old Ottawa-area software developer arrested almost five years ago, was convicted October 29 on five charges of participating in a "terrorist group" and helping to build an explosive device "likely to cause serious bodily harm or death to persons or serious damage to property."

However, the prosecution was unsuccessful on its two major charges, which alleged that Khawaja had been part of a plot to commit deadly bombings in London, England — for which five individuals, all Muslims like Khawaja, were sentenced to life imprisonment in England in April 2007.

The verdict was not surprising. A lengthy non-jury trial that began in June produced no evidence to link Khawaja directly to the alleged London bomb plot, although there was extensive police evidence that Khawaja knew at least some of the London group. On the other hand Khawaja, through his lawyer Lawrence Greenspon, admitted building an explosive device, a remote detonator that he termed a "hi-fi digimonster," at their behest.

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Obama Mania

November 11th, 2008

Stephen Lendman

On November 4, the world exhaled. The age of George Bush ended, and a new one under Barak Obama began. With high hopes he'll reverse the toxic legacy of the past eight years. Adopt socially progressive policies. End foreign wars. Govern the nation responsibly, democratically for all its people. Show his supporters that their faith in him was justified.

"Let us congratulate ourselves on being alive at such a promising moment," wrote The Nation magazine's William Greider. His victory is "a monumental rebuke to tragic history -- the ultimate defeat of 'while supremacy.' Barak Obama has already changed this nation profoundly. Like King before him, the man is a great and brave teacher. (He) redefined the country for us."

The Nation endorsed Obama early on and called his candidacy "historic (for) a new generation (with) new possibilities....a sea-change of course (for) progressive-driven reform....(the) end of the Reagan end of the occupation of Iraq....empowering labor (and) challenging our trade policies." A socially liberal new beginning.

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The New Trough

November 10th, 2008

Naomi Klein

The Wall Street bailout looks a lot like Iraq — a "free-fraud zone" where private contractors cash in on the mess they helped create.

On October 13th, when the U.S. Treasury Department announced the team of "seasoned financial veterans" that will be handling the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street, one name jumped out: Reuben Jeffery III, who was initially tapped to serve as chief investment officer for the massive new program.

On the surface, Jeffery looks like a classic Bush appointment. Like Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, he's an alum of Goldman Sachs, having worked on Wall Street for 18 years. And as chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from 2005 to 2007, he proudly advocated "flexibility" in regulation — a laissez-faire approach that failed to rein in the high-risk trading at the heart of the meltdown.

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Barack Obama: Compulsory Service REQUIRED of Middle, High School, College Students

November 10th, 2008

War on You

Obama’s Community Service: Middle School, High School and College Students: REQUIRED to “Serve”.

The honeymoon might be over. The president-elect has indicated where his priorities lie.

With problems besetting the United States on any number of fronts, we think it is disturbing that one of the first items posted at, the incoming president’s website, announces that students will be required to perform community service.

Not asked, not presented with a choice so parents can make a decision, but required.

DBKP had planned on reserving comment on the incoming Obama administration until it had actually taken power. We figured that regardless of differences, Barack Obama deserved the benefit of the doubt and a chance to propose policies before we criticized them.

The Obama president-elect’s website changed all that with the announcement–just three days after the 2008 election–that students will be “required” to “serve” and perform “community service”.

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High-profile Torture Victim Dies Surrounded by Chinese Security Agents

November 10th, 2008

Falun Dafa Information Center

The grossly disfigured face of 37-year-old Ms. Gao Rongrong – the result of torture by Chinese authorities – was publicized around the world to the alarm of many. But it wasn’t enough, sources revealed yesterday, to save Gao from being tortured to death by Chinese Communist Party officials.

Gao died in June 2005. Her death followed nearly two years of incarceration, brainwashing, and torture for her beliefs. Gao died in the emergency room of China Medical University Hospital of complications stemming from torture and abuse in custody.

Sources report that Public Security Bureau agents closely guarded the room in which Gao was held and stood watch at the hospital’s entrances. The agents intended to prevent news of her condition and maltreatment from reaching the outside world; this fits a pattern of complicity that reaches to the highest levels of China’s regime.

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Bush Could be Executed For War Crimes

November 10th, 2008

Len Hart

Members of the Bush administration and George W. Bush personally conspired to violate the Geneva Convention, in fact, violated US obligations to it as well as US criminal codes! And when it became apparent to Bush that he and high ranking members of his administration were culpable and could be put to death upon conviction tried to make Bush's crimes legal but only after he had committed them.

Unless Bush plans to make his escape to Paraguay while still 'President', his exit from the Oval Office will make him vulnerable to process for violations of the War Crimes Act of 1996 passed by both houses of Congress without dissent. The act covers every crime that may be charged to Bush as of this moment and as of the time Bush will exit the 'cover' of the Oval Office. The act deals specifically with his deliberate "killing, torture or inhumane treatment" of 'detainees' at Abu Ghraib, GITMO and the gulag archipelago of 'detention centers' throughout Eastern Europe. Violations of the War Crimes Act that result in the death of a detainee carry the death penalty and there is no statute of limitations.

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Epochal Transformation Accelerates As Global Financial Matrix Disintegrates

November 9th, 2008

T. Anthony Michael

Mass Consumerism & Perpetual Economic
Growth – the Fric & Frac of our Age
– are history.

Now that the genie is out of the bottle, worldwide economic, political and social events will proceed with the inexorable force of destiny. The forthcoming changes, shifts and breaks with the past that are delineated below do concern the unsavory business of WHAT, positively, will not be brought into the future. This is of critical importance. Why? Because those who do not know, and understand, and heed history, are always, always forced to repeat it.

I. As we all sat back and waited for this year’s October Surprise, please know that it came a little bit early this year on September 15th which will forever be known as PITCH BLACK MONDAY. Actually, the entire month of October was set up to be a series of Black Monday’s, as well as every other day of the week shaped up to be. It’s really a good time to brace your self since this year’s election cycle, and beyond, will bring with it a whole new season of surprises. Things like the beginning of the end of FIAT money – the real root cause of all our financial problems and economic ills.

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The Strange Case of Dr. Obama and Mr. Emmanuel

November 9th, 2008

Les Visible

No… I don’t want to be here this morning writing about this. It’s not just because what I see is at odds with the majority view. That’s always been the case. It’s small comfort also that following events have proven me right most of the time. Believe me; I don’t want to be right. I’d much rather be wrong and find that I had misjudged the world and the motives and intentions of the people who think they run it.

I’ve considered just writing about other things for awhile, I thought that today I might write about the gay marriage thing. My take on that isn’t going to make a lot of people happy either. So be it. I’ll write about ‘this’ and that today. What’s ‘this’? This would be the strange case of Dr. Obama and Mr. Emmanuel.

In Mr. Emmanuel’s case he wakes up each morning thinking he’s a regular on The Sopranos. He likes to think he’s a bad ass who keeps the peace down on the docks and makes sure the right people are in charge of shipping and receiving. Maybe he is a bad ass the way some people are who know who to call when they want things done. It’s said he’s the Deputy Chief of Mossad for North America. Some say he’s the chief. His daddy was an Irgun terrorist who hasn’t sweetened in his old age.

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In Gaza Strip under siege, a Conference to not go insane!

November 9th, 2008

*Luisa Morgantini

But Israel Denied Entry to International Participants

Hani Al-Hasayneh was three years old when she died on October 14th after the Israeli Authorities denied her permission to exit the Strip to receive medical care: her organism was unable to produce a protein needed for her brain’s metabolism, and the drug that would cure this condition is not available in Gaza.

Just like little Hani, another 252 Palestinians died since June 2007, unable to leave the Strip due to the closure imposed by Israel. Ahmad Al-Lahham is the most recent victim, a cancer patient who needed urgent care from abroad and whose permit to leave was denied. He died on 21st October. Amongst these deaths, 35% are children.

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