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You are What You are Looking For

November 8th, 2008

Les Visible

I’d like to talk about a curious thing today and something that, if properly understood and practiced, will lead to certain definite results over time and nothing can or will hinder it either. Imagine that you are in a large public library in a large city. Imagine you are in a large university library or in the Library of Congress or the library at The Vatican. Imagine that you are surrounded by all of these books of which you will never read more than a small portion in your lifetime even if all you do is read.

Imagine that there is a library in your head which is larger than any library on Earth and that these books are a part of what you are. Imagine all of the spiritual texts and scriptures of which you could never read more than a small part of even one religion. Sure, you could read the major texts and some will tell you that is all you need. I won’t debate this. Imagine that the actual and original flame alphabet of the original, unaltered scriptures are written on your heart. There is a secret chamber in the heart where this happens to be true. Is it your heart or the place where you touch the universal heart? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that it is.

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IDF in the White House!

November 8th, 2008

Auntie Ziona

Silly American shelmazels, they really thought that they could liberate themselves and get us out of their lives.

They thought that they could punish the Republicans for the Wolfowitzes and the Perles and the Adelmans and the Libbys.

They didn't realise that within 24 hours with Obambi, they would have an IDF soldier running the White House.

This is so funny! Because of the political correctness, people are so afraid to confront our ultimate power. Consequently, we are having a non-stop party at the expense of humanity.

Obambi's newly-appointed Moishe Gross, Rahm'le Emanual, is no doubt the real thing. He may even be the Messiah, yet I would expect him to ride a white donkey rather than a black president.

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Osama Bin Laden: An Inconvenient Truth

November 8th, 2008

John Chang

[Dec 7, 2001 tape very ill from Kidney Dialysis. A sick Bin Laden before he allegedly passed away in 2001.]

It was former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore who used the phrase "An Inconvenient Truth" in relation to his critically acclaimed film on Global Warming. However, it is apparent that this same phrase may also be applied to Osama Bin Laden. Elites of both the U.S. Republican and Democratic parties have pledged their determination to vanquish Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda "global terrorist network". The threat of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda has been used to fundamentally inspire the bloating of a political-military-industrial complex to pursue a "War on Terror". However, documented representation from credible sources suggest that Osama Bin Laden died at some time, long ago, and the idea that Al Qaeda exists as a terrorist-political network is a myth.

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Mr President, We Too Have A Dream

November 8th, 2008

Abdul Basit

(An open letter to President-Elect Barack Obama)

Dear Mr. President-Elect, Barack Obama,

First of all, let me convey my heartiest congratulation to you on your election as the President of the United States of America.

I consider your election as President of United States of America as a miracle in itself. Born as the son of a Kenyan man and a white woman from Kansas who weren't well-off or well-known, through hard work and perseverance today you have become the President of United States of America. Unlike most of your predecessors, your humble background and past experience including your work as community leader will surely provide a different perspective about the reality from the grassroots level. Taking into consideration the path you treaded to reach the pinnacle of power, I surely believe that it is not without a purpose, particularly as you campaigned and got elected on the platform of 'Change'. I only hope that this purpose is for the well being of humanity as a whole. In fact, your election as the President of USA has suddenly brightened the image of your country and hope you enhance this expectation with the right policies that will unite humanity.

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The Anti-Incumbency Movement is Dead

November 8th, 2008

Joel S. Hirschhorn

Voting out congressional incumbents failed this year, showing the anti-incumbency movement to be a clear letdown. For some years many groups and their websites have been advocating voting out congressional incumbents as an effective means to reform government and make it work better. Two of the better ones are Vote Out Incumbents Democracy and Tenure Corrupts.

Congress’ average seat retention rate since 1855 is 95.4 percent. There was a 3.6 percent decrease in seat retention in Congress from 99.2 percent in 2004 to 95.6 percent in 2006. But this modest improvement was aimed mostly at Republican incumbents, when what is really needed is a bipartisan approach.

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IMAGINE: Media as a Sanctuary for Dissent

November 7th, 2008

eileen fleming

"Did you know that President Kennedy tried to stop Israel from
building atomic weapons? In 1963, he forced Prime Minister
Ben Guirion to admit the Dimona was not a textile plant"

The media should be a sanctuary for dissent. It is our job to go to where the silence is."-Amy Goodman

"As president, I will set a new direction in nuclear weapons policy and show the world that America believes in its existing commitment under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to work to ultimately eliminate all nuclear weapons. I fully support reaffirming this goal, as called for by George Shultz, Henry Kissinger, William Perry, and Sam Nunn, as well as the specific steps they propose to move us in that direction."-Senator Barack Obama's response to ACT. [1]

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Madonna, the Whore of Babylon Lite

November 7th, 2008

Les Visible

Given that Obama sold out before he is even on the shelf, I’d rather not talk about it at the moment but I do want to write something and since this is Petri Dish, I thought I’d talk about one of the biggest mucus smears to ever come down the pike and that is Madonna. There are some very interesting connections to Madonna and most of the nasty shit that we have had to endure these last however many years and I’m going to go into that a bit. First, because it is Madonna, I want to link a tune, my Love Song for Madonna (is it a tune?) at this point instead of at the end of the piece sorta to set the mood.

Okay… you’ve listened to it or you haven’t listened to it and you probably get the idea that I don’t like Madonna and you would be right. Regular readers at Visible Origami may be a little distressed to find that the virtual Saint Visible of the Internet is no kind of saint at all. Readers at Smoking Mirrors won’t think about it.

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Can We Please Impeach George W. Bush for Mass Murder and High Treason Now?

November 7th, 2008

Len Hart

Failing to impeach George W. Bush and his gang of crooks, mass murderers, torturers and, at least, 40 thieves is the moral equivalent of dismissing charges against Hermann Goring, Rudolf Hess, Alfred Jodl and other Nazis most of whom hanged following justice at Nuremberg.

The election is over. There is no political downside to impeaching Bush and bringing charges against the entire cabal of traitors and cut throats.

To Nancy Pelosi I say: Bush is worth nothing else BUT impeachment! He is certainly not worth 'not impeaching'; he is not worth keeping! He is not worth to the government, the nation, the world! Impeaching this sorry waste of human DNA is, rather, a moral imperative if the rule of law is to mean anything in a post-Bush world. The 'Judgement of Nuremberg' should have been the lasting legacy that might without right is wrong and that the rule of law applies as well to those those who make the laws! Impeachment is, therefore, essential if the US is to maintain or re-establish whatever moral authority it may have exerted in the world.

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Obama and Downsizing Pakistan's Military

November 7th, 2008

Ahmed Quraishi

So our people missed all the signs, trusted the Americans and never suspected for a second that our ally would do us in. Pakistan’s political and intelligence communities woke up late, discovering sometime late last year that our American ally had been working on bringing the war to Pakistan from the start. Knowing Pakistani strategic concerns, it installed a decidedly pro-India setup in Kabul to our west while cultivating India as a sheik from the east. Adm. Mike Mullen is even contemplating inviting the Indian army to Afghanistan to patrol our western border.

Ever wonder why the American drones attacking Pakistan are manned by CIA and not the U.S. military? That’s because there is a plan. And the plan now is to carefully eliminate pro-Pakistan Pashtun tribal leaders and leave Islamabad with a civil war and maybe a Pashtun separatism while the Americans allow themselves the right to offer peace to Mullah Omar in Afghanistan. Maybe the CIA is upset at Pakistani military’s recent successes against shadowy ‘Rebel Mullahs’ who only fight the Pakistani State and whose supplies never end. These are the same rebels that CIA drones have strangely been ignoring for the past year or so.

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The Wages of Sin

November 7th, 2008

Stephen Lendman

"Reaping the whirlwind" for money manager and market strategist Jeremy Grantham in his latest no-nonsense commentary. Worlds different from most in the mainstream. Cheerleaders in upturns. Downplaying risks. Soft-pedaling reversals and still many in denial about the severity of today's crisis. The virtual certainty of a deep and protracted recession. The likely emergence of a changed world order at its end - for better or worse. The result of what Grantham calls "the poisonous wind we all sowed," and went on to explain it with his customary thoughtful analysis. Calling it like he sees it as one of the earliest to spot the current storm. Even though it arrived sooner and with more severity than he imagined. In that respect, it fooled some of the best and brightest but no longer the ones most credible.

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