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Have Fun Bending Over for the Catch 22

October 22nd, 2008

Les Visible

Tap, tap, tap….. Hmmmm… finger drumming on the table top… restless stretching and reaching… got an itch under my shoulder blade… confusion… a little I guess. Like ‘tells’ in poker, I’m getting some reads but the betting doesn’t reflect the hands I’m seeing when I call. What’s going on? I guess I can’t ask Marvin Gaye. You know what? I think I’m just going to take a little walk through my head and see what the ping pong ball has to say. I know it’s used to going back and forth and then there’s the spin thing. I’m pretty good at ping pong and the other things you learn growing up on military bases and being locked up for long periods of time. I’m not the sort of person you want to play Nine Ball with.

Having your head handed to you since before you could walk will make you scared of everything for awhile. Sooner or later you get angry and people die, maybe you die too or you learn to channel it. I guess I’m lucky that way. As erratic as I have been getting to where I am… I think it’s safe to say I learned on the way or I wouldn’t be here now.

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Laws should protect animals

October 14th, 2008

Dan Kapelovitz, Jill Ryther and Jaimie Bryant

Assembly Bill 2296’s punishment of speech may lead activists to more violence to make their voices heard

Members of the campus community recently received an e-mail from UCLA Chancellor Gene D. Block extolling the virtues of Assembly Bill 2296, a new law that restricts the speech of animal-rights activists (whom he calls “anti-animal research extremists”) in order to protect animal researchers. As this law moved toward passage, much was said about the fear animal researchers feel when confronted by protestors. By contrast, few have commented on the pain and terror experienced by animals used in experiments or have explained why there is protest against animal research at UCLA and other institutions in the first place.

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Crisis Portends Bush's Third Term and the End of America

October 14th, 2008

Len Hart

Twelve bank failures in 2008, perhaps more by the time you read this. What's Next? Cancelled elections? I hope you like your soup thin and served up by the Salvation Army.

For quite awhile, I had been waiting for the other shoe to drop, perhaps, another 911 triggering the recension of posse commitatus, habeas corpus, the outright declaration of martial law. Habeas corpus fell of a thousand cuts some time ago. Rule by decree was effected with 'signing statements'.

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