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By Khalid Amayreh
The obscene lies, hyperbolic exaggerations, and corrupt analogies Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been indulging in lately caricature a manifestly morbid and pathologically dishonest character.
Honest people don't need to lie and don't see the need for lying. Instead, they see serenity, security and mental comfort in telling the truth.
This is not the case with people like Netanyahu. He knows that for Israel, an artificial country based on mendacity, terror, land theft and ethnic cleansing, lying (and for that matter lying big) is the ultimate refuge. But truth will continue to chase Zionists for eternity, even if the New York Times and Washington Post continue to regurgitate Zionist lies and sing Zionist hymns. On Sunday, Netanyahu renewed his attack on the new Palestinian unity agreement between Fatah and Hamas by drawing explicitly corrupt comparisons between Hamas and the Nazis.
by Stephen Lendman
The possibility is too real to dismiss. What's ongoing is how great conflicts begin. A forthcoming book discusses it in debth.
It's titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony risks WW III." It's must reading when published. It's coming soon.
Washington seeks unchallenged global dominance. Advancing its imperium continues. All independent countries are targeted.
by Stephen Lendman
In 2005, Chicago's famed City News Bureau closed. Times correspondents, contributors and editors ignore it notable principle.
"It your mother tells you she loves you, check it out with two independent sources," it said. Get it right before publishing.
Journalism requires truth-telling. Times rubbish features managed news misinformation. Readers are systematically lied to. The so-called newspaper of record is a de facto Washington house organ.
Discredited Times correspondent Judith Miller wrote daily propaganda rubbish. Front page space featured it.
War on Iraq was promoted. Lawlessly destroying the cradle of civilization followed.
Miller reflects the worst of irresponsible journalism. She was a reporter with an agenda.
She was a de facto Pentagon press agent. Her sources were a Noah's Ark of scam artists. She remains unapologetic.
by Stephen Lendman
Thousands of Palestinian political prisoners languish in Israel's gulag. Hundreds are detained administratively.
They're uncharged. They committed no crimes. Many are held longterm. Some are released and rearrested.
Prolonged arbitrary detention breaches international law. Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states:
by Stephen Lendman
In 2008, candidate Obama pledged "(s)upport (for) the principle of network neutrality to preserve the benefits of open competition on the Internet."
He'd "take a back seat to no one," he said. He lied. He didn't surprise. He's a serial liar. He broke every major promise made.
He heads a repressive homeland police state apparatus. He's waging war on free expression. He prioritizes intellectual property protection over Internet freedom.
by Stephen Lendman
Kiev putschists have total control. They usurped it illegitimately. Challengers aren't tolerated. Democracy is pure fantasy. Police state lawlessness replaced it.
Dissenters are targeted. So are Russian nationals. Sham May elections will be farcical when held. Fascism operates this way.
Thought control is official policy. Aleksandr Panteleyonov learned the hard way. He was National Television Company of Ukraine (NTU) acting CEO. A previous article discussed him.
Last month, neo-Nazi thugs stormed his office. He was accused of airing anti-Ukrainian programming. He was threatened, bullied and beaten.
by Stephen Lendman
Kiev putschists target Crimea. Dnieper River water was halted. North Crimean Canal sluices were closed. They run from the Khakhovka Reservoir to Kersh.
On April 24, The Moscow Times headlined "Water War With Ukraine to Devastate Crimean Harvest," saying:
It'll "cost Crimean farmers up to 5 billion rubles ($140 million), according to Russia's Agricultural Ministry."
Ag Minister Nikolai Fyodorov said crops "will be partially or fully lost across 120,000 hectares of farmland…" Rice production is hit hardest.
Moscow will partly compensate for losses. Southern Ukrainian Dnieper River water provides over 80% of Crimean water.
It has few readily available internal sources. Earlier in April, Kiev cut water flows from 90 cubic meters per second to seven cubic meters.
by Stephen Lendman
A previous article called Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov a world class diplomat. John Kerry is polar opposite. He represents the worst of America's dark side.
He's vying for Washington's worst ever Secretary of State top dishonor. He's what Paul Craig Roberts calls a "two-bit punk."
He's a war criminal multiple times over. Demagoguery punctuates his comments. It exceeds the worst of Cold War rhetoric. He's been caught red-handed numerous times in bald-faced lies.
He disdains rule of law principles. He supports war. He deplores peace. He's indifferent to human suffering. He's a monument to wrong over right.
by Stephen Lendman
RT International (formerly Russia Today) represents the best of responsible news, commentary and analysis.
John Kerry lied saying "the propaganda bullhorn that is the state-sponsored Russia Today program, has been deployed to promote - actually, Russia Today network - has deployed to promote President Putin's fantasy about what is playing out on the ground."
"They almost spend full time devoted to this effort to propagandize and to distort what is happening or not happening in Ukraine."
RT justifiably demands an apology. Its Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan said Kerry "refuse(s) to recognize facts that he doesn't like and makes such ungrounded accusations."
by Stephen Lendman
It could happen any time. Kiev putschists said "second stage" operations were launched. Strategy calls for "completely isolat(ing)" Slavyansk.
It's a freedom fighting stronghold. Self-defense forces prepared. Coop-appointed presidential administration head Sergey Pashinsky said:
"The aim is to…localize the problem." Operations remain ongoing. Pashinsky lied saying "terrorists have placed their key strong points in kindergartens and hospitals."
He called what doesn't exist "classic terrorism." Freedom fighters denounced him. They called his accusations "ridiculous."
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